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yellow wolf

Well-known member
Dec 24, 2005
Reaction score
maggie valley n.c.
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:40 pm Post subject:



ok its the facts time!!!

tires are still good,they were new--metz rear"60" and avon front

brakes were new,oil and rear changed

1001.7 miles"real"

55.69 gal of fuel

high mpg 22.8

low mpg 19.28

6 witnesses

slowest riding lap time 15.00 min.

fastest lap time and personal best 11:30 at 8pm after 2 hrs of riding

had 1/4 steel plates on my foot pegs,yes i need to make another set,lol

iba---i knew the would not do this why and agree with why!

the speed limit was 55 a few short yrs ago but was lowered for reasons that anyone knows,the n.c. side is still 55mph so?

i have no problem with mike kneebone,thanks for the kind words

now to safety

i picked tues-wed due to the low traffic

no tickets,in fact never saw an leo

not one complaint lodged at the store for my riding"people know where to complain"

not one crash there for that 24hrs,this surprized me

the ride was uneventful really,just clicked off lap after lap,got cold at 6 am or so,one trailer truck but thats it really!

thanks again for the folks that helped me they made the ride easy!!

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Just so everybody's clear. It was done by a Goldwing rider.....not on an FJR.

Not an IBA sanctioned thing of course, but very impressive and very true. :dribble:

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Hey Yellow Wolf,

Too bad you didn't have the guy on the Big Yellow Wing follow you with his camera/dvd setup! :D

Kudos to you for doing 24 hours of the Dragon with no mishaps!

I met you this June when you did a video of a canadian FJR rider. I bailed and didn't want my pokey ass on the video...

Yellow wolf, I can't tell by your post if you actually did this ride or not? But if you did, congratulations. That's quite a ride you have in the bag!! :clapping:

Never ridden Deals Gap myself, but I do enjoy the occasional twisty road.

I do not mean to be rude, but has any one picked up a calculator

1001 / 24 = 41.7mph I rode the Gap I do not think you can average 41.7mph on the Gap.

1001 / 106 = 9.44 miles isn't the Gap 11 miles long?

If I am wrong, my sincere apology.

I do not mean to be rude, but has any one picked up a calculator
1001 / 24 = 41.7mph I rode the Gap I do not think you can average 41.7mph on the Gap.

1001 / 106 = 9.44 miles isn't the Gap 11 miles long?

If I am wrong, my sincere apology.
can be done because i did it!!! my fast lap was a personal best 11:30,the fastest locals run 10's so this is very possible!!

the gap is 11 miles long but most people that ride it turn around at the overlook which is 9.44 miles"longer if you figure my u-turns and gas stops"!!!!

i had 6 witnesses and can give names ,2 of them were iron butt finishers or riders!!!

Nice job, YW. I get dizzy and my shoulders get tired thinking about it. :stunned:

If anyone is interested I took a few close pictures of his wing in July this year when a couple friends and I rode to Tellico Plains for BBQ. They are at the top of this page:

Yellow Wolf

I was impressed with his video set up.


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I do not mean to be rude, but has any one picked up a calculator
1001 / 24 = 41.7mph I rode the Gap I do not think you can average 41.7mph on the Gap.

1001 / 106 = 9.44 miles isn't the Gap 11 miles long?

If I am wrong, my sincere apology.
Sorry cougar. You should apologize...I've seen YW ride.

Hey YW, when you gonna get an FJR?

Are we in kinder garden and little Timmy is sitting in the corner crying because I took his toy away? :D did you read my last line?

It still does not compute in my head. If he did it, great personal achievement. :clapping: I wonder what kind of physical and mental training one needs to undergo in order to be able to run the Gap for so long and at that speed?

Are we in kinder garden and little Timmy is sitting in the corner crying because I took his toy away? :D did you read my last line?
It still does not compute in my head. If he did it, great personal achievement. :clapping: I wonder what kind of physical and mental training one needs to undergo in order to be able to run the Gap for so long and at that speed?

ok first im not in great shape,even though round is a shape!!!

i do work at the gap and have done 1,000 passes"one way" since june first so that and alot of candy bars was my training!!

i did 4 passes in a row at most before this!!!

the hard part was staying sharp and in the game after 14 hrs!!!

I am most impressed...

Bummed for you that the IB won't cert this, but also understand.

ok first im not in great shape,even though round is a shape!!!
i do work at the gap and have done 1,000 passes"one way" since june first so that and alot of candy bars was my training!!

i did 4 passes in a row at most before this!!!

the hard part was staying sharp and in the game after 14 hrs!!!
I really hope that you are not taking my questioning too personally. If you are? let me know and I will stop. ;)

I only ran gap a dozen times and can't imagine running it for 24 hours.

I have done some 600-800 miles day trips and you do loose composure. Running a semi straight line would create a challenge, but Gap is in its own category. Good for you that you survived and achieved this goal.

But you will have to forgive me for still been skeptical about it.

Hey Yellow Wolf,... I bailed and didn't want my pokey ass on the video...
Now you know were to send the bill! :lol:

A lot of folks have said they have done IBA stuff and never sent it in "just to have a license plate". They still knew they had done it and that is where it counts.

Good job

I guess you can do the gap in your sleep by now!

I am most impressed...
Bummed for you that the IB won't cert this, but also understand.
I believe YW will be giving the cert for the SS1K, as the ride was fully documented and witnessed. But they will not sanction it for the masses, due to the fact that the ride was/has to be completed above the local posted speed limit to complete 1K in 24hrs. Also, if Mike Kneebone says he did it, then it's in the bag for sure.

But you will have to forgive me for still been skeptical about it.
Maybe that's the best way legends are made?

I for one have no doubt because I heard the report of this ride by another extremely reputable source.

I am most impressed...

Bummed for you that the IB won't cert this, but also understand.
I believe YW will be giving the cert for the SS1K, as the ride was fully documented and witnessed. But they will not sanction it for the masses, due to the fact that the ride was/has to be completed above the local posted speed limit to complete 1K in 24hrs. Also, if Mike Kneebone says he did it, then it's in the bag for sure.

I don't know... I'm not Mike Kneebone.

But "i had to avg 42 mph and the speed limit is 30 mph" is the issue, kind of goes against a lot of the 'safety aspects' that the IBA stands for, and the GAP has enough of it's own issues.

My understanding is that other certs have been punted in the past as well because it was clear that excess speeding was involved, and that's not what the IBA is about right?

I would venture to guess that if you turned in a SS1000 on the interstate with a known speed limit of 55 as an example; but showed an average of 90+ and did it in 11-12 hours or so, you'd get punted too.

I'm not advocating that he get it or not get it, just saying I can see both sides of the argument.



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