The best type control F/ heated gear

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My Indian name is "Pants On Fire"
Jun 21, 2005
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I just bought a Gerbings jacket liner... & yes, I know it draws more current that the Widder. The thing is this is the only electric device I'll be running on my bike besides my GPS which barely sucks 0.4697812575781 watts. The difference in price between the Widder & Gerbings was fairly large once I'd get the arm chaps if I had decided on the Widder... so, Gerbings it is! It already has arms!

My question... what kind of heating control should I be looking for? I've heard talk of Heat-Troller. Is this "THE SHIT" when it comes to controlling your liner's heat?

Please give me some thoughts & which would be best for my applications. I plan to mount it on the dash... probably near the glove box... as a lot of people do. Is this mounting spot good, bad or indifferent? Please share some thoughts.

Thanks in advance. I did a search but wasn't coming up with anything that applied.


I just bought a Gerbings jacket liner... & yes, I know it draws more current that the Widder. The thing is this is the only electric device I'll be running on my bike besides my GPS which barely sucks 0.4697812575781 watts. The difference in price between the Widder & Gerbings was fairly large once I'd get the arm chaps if I had decided on the Widder... so, Gerbings it is! It already has arms!
My question... what kind of heating control should I be looking for? I've heard talk of Heat-Troller. Is this "THE SHIT" when it comes to controlling your liner's heat?

Please give me some thoughts & which would be best for my applications. I plan to mount it on the dash... probably near the glove box... as a lot of people do. Is this mounting spot good, bad or indifferent? Please share some thoughts.

Thanks in advance. I did a search but wasn't coming up with anything that applied.

i have the heat troller that gerbings sells with their gear, and it is definitely better than the one that used to hang out in my jacket pocket. i leave it under the seat with just the pigtail sticking out and tucked between the bottom edge of the seat and the silver panel on the left. i don't want my bike to look like a gold wing with doo-dads all over it, and besides, i have found that i don't need to adjust the temp. i just run it about 3/4 and it is fine. sometimes i wish i could run my jacket a little warmer without cooking my hands, but i guess i'm grateful for good peripheral circulation. i rarely put on the pant liners, and i have totally misplaced my socks. my feet just don't get cold in my boots...

have a great winter riding. don't forget that the bloody roads still get slick even if you are warm! :lol:


Lovtoride, I will take some pic's of my setup in the morning. I also have a Gerbing jacket and there gloves. I got my heattroller from It may be the same one Bike effect sells. I put it in the dash near the 4 way switch. I also put my socket near my knee in the side panel on the left side. On my other FJR I had a socket mounted on the sub frame by the seat lock. I would always forget to unplug when I got off the bike. It was hard on the cord, and is why now it is in a better place. Pic's to come in the morning... Smitty :)

Thank you guys... bike effects... definitely gonna' check your site out.

Smitty, please do post the pics. I'm really curious about your plug in. Also, it sounds as if you mounted your control knob where I plan to put mine.

Shu thanks very much... that almost sounds like what I might do until I get some sort of plug in. Will take your advice to heart about slick roads.

Also, can you tell me which connection I'll need? I have seen two connections... coaxial & something else. Can someone tell me the difference? This is my first heated "anything" that I've owned & not very knowledgeable on the subject yet.


I hard wired my heattrollers to my fuse block and put the control knobs in the left dash,03 model. The connection for the vest is under the seat. When not inuse it sits in the tray. When needed just pull it out between the tank and the seat and plug in. Very easy and clean. The other knob in the dash is for the troller for the heated grips. I believe there is info on the micapeak site.

Thank you guys... bike effects... definitely gonna' check your site out.
Smitty, please do post the pics. I'm really curious about your plug in. Also, it sounds as if you mounted your control knob where I plan to put mine.

Shu thanks very much... that almost sounds like what I might do until I get some sort of plug in. Will take your advice to heart about slick roads.

Also, can you tell me which connection I'll need? I have seen two connections... coaxial & something else. Can someone tell me the difference? This is my first heated "anything" that I've owned & not very knowledgeable on the subject yet.

my gerbings gloves and pants plug into the jacket by a coax type plug, but the jacket plugs to the controller by a twin-plug - one male, one female. just match up what comes off your gear, and you'll be good to go. on the other side of the controller, you're just going to hook to the battery or a power strip, if you have one installed. the wiring is heavy enough and has an inline fuse...

hey, check this out! i just went to, and they have a new unit that will solve my hot-hands problem (leave it, boys!). check this thing out.

Dual Port Controller...

thought i was helping you, and ended up helping me. thanks!!


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Here's the pic's of the heattroller mounted, and the BMW style plug. The other switch is for my Phid's... Hope this helps, Smitty :)



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Great minds think alike!

The top Heat-Troller is for the heated grips. I also have a coiled cord on my vest which allow me to dismount the bike and stay plugged in. The Heat-Troller is definately the best you can buy. I got mine from Warm and Safe



I'd be shootin' for something similar to where your control f/ the heat-troller is mounted. I seriously doubt that I'd drill the fairing to put a bmw style adapter in, though. I'll probably skip that connection for now, anyway & run it out fr/under my seat & to the power block under there.

Thanks so much for the pictures.


I have the Warm n Safe Heat Troller and their heated liner also. Both high quality products and all their stuff is compatible with Gerbing. I've heard the Heat Troller is a better product than what Gerbing sells. Warm n Safe used to make the Heat Tollers for Gerbing. Gerbings sent WnS's Heat Troller to China and had it reversed engineered.

I've heard that the Heat Troller is actually a better product. Can't confirm that myself though.

I'd be shootin' for something similar to where your control f/ the heat-troller is mounted. I seriously doubt that I'd drill the fairing to put a bmw style adapter in, though. I'll probably skip that connection for now, anyway & run it out fr/under my seat & to the power block under there.
Thanks so much for the pictures.

Your intended description sounds like exactly what I have done to get a temperature controller in-line with my Gerbing jacket. The Gerbing does suck a little more juice when turned to max, but I never need to be at this setting to stay more than comfortable in freezing temperatures.

Since Gerbing can supply everything you need for their heated products, in the interest of any warranty claim you may have, I would buy everything direct from them.

Here's the piece I use and clip it on the belt of my jacket. Then I just use one of the supplied cables coming out of the left side panel next to the gas tank.

I'd be shootin' for something similar to where your control f/ the heat-troller is mounted. I seriously doubt that I'd drill the fairing to put a bmw style adapter in, though. I'll probably skip that connection for now, anyway & run it out fr/under my seat & to the power block under there.
Thanks so much for the pictures.


Don't let the plastic scary you.. It is just plastic. The nice thing about a socket it is easy to hook up when you get on or off the bike. If done right it looks nice and tasteful.. Just take your time, and it will turn our nice. Good luck, you can always ride to central Missouri and I would help you.. Smitty :)

Here's the piece I use and clip it on the belt of my jacket. Then I just use one of the supplied cables coming out of the left side panel next to the gas tank.
I've got the same controller. How exactly have you attached it to your jacket? I was surprised that Gerbings didn't supply it with a clip of some sort. I was going to use a piece of velcro but that just didn't seem right so I figured I would check my cell phone archives and see if I had an old belt clip that would work.

I'd be shootin' for something similar to where your control f/ the heat-troller is mounted. I seriously doubt that I'd drill the fairing to put a bmw style adapter in, though. I'll probably skip that connection for now, anyway & run it out fr/under my seat & to the power block under there.

Thanks so much for the pictures.


Don't let the plastic scary you.. It is just plastic. The nice thing about a socket it is easy to hook up when you get on or off the bike. If done right it looks nice and tasteful.. Just take your time, and it will turn our nice. Good luck, you can always ride to central Missouri and I would help you.. Smitty :)
The plastic doesn't scare me. I've had panels off and back on this bike. I'm thinking more along the lines of one day selling my bike... because I know that I will at some point. I'll probably take what I can off & sell it separately. That's an expensive panel to replace because it has a hole in it. I do have a powerlet already on the bike... but it's on the right in the dash panel. Not a perfect spot for a powerlet used w/ electric clothing, eh? Anyway, I'll probably try running fr/ under the seat for awhile & see how that works out. I thank everyone for their very wise advice... & Smitty, thank you for the offer to help.


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I got my heat troller from Warm-n-safe recently in the group buy that Catfish had going on... and want to mount it similarly to the way Smitty/stryg8r did theirs, but have a couple questions...

1) Does making an electrical connection on the fairing make it a pain when you need to remove the fairing? Same question goes for locating the controller knob there... I'm wondering how much of a pain it is to take off the fairing to (for instance) get to the radiator cap area...

2) Did you seperate the controller knob portion of the circuit board from the LED indicator portion? If so, how did you mount the LED indicator on the fairing?

3) Did you go straight to the battery terminals for power (as they tell you to do a few times in the install instructions) using the spade lugs, or did you chop them off and go through a power distribution block?

Thanks in advance, and any more pictures on other install locations from folks would be appreciated...

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I got my heat troller from Warm-n-safe recently in the group buy that Catfish had going on... and want to mount it similarly to the way Smitty/stryg8r did theirs, but have a couple questions...
1) Does making an electrical connection on the fairing make it a pain when you need to remove the fairing? Same question goes for locating the controller knob there... I'm wondering how much of a pain it is to take off the fairing to (for instance) get to the radiator cap area...

2) Did you seperate the controller knob portion of the circuit board from the LED indicator portion? If so, how did you mount the LED indicator on the fairing?

3) Did you go straight to the battery terminals for power (as they tell you to do a few times in the install instructions) using the spade lugs, or did you chop them off and go through a power distribution block?

Thanks in advance, and any more pictures on other install locations from folks would be appreciated...
1) Not really, if you want to remove the Heat Troller from the fairing all you have to do is remove the knob and pull it out. You can also leave enough slack in the wiring to prevent any problems.

2) I mounted the knob and LED together in one piece. I just measured the distance from the center of the knob to the center of the LED and then drilled two holes that distance apart. The knob will hold the LED in place if you don't seperate the pc board like the instuctions tell you.

3) I went straight to the battery allthough next time I'll go to a fuse block. Wiring any other way voids the manufacturers warranty as does cutting any wires or changing connectors.

I also bought the DC Power Coax Jack Panel Mount and the Cable with Coax Plug. I then mounted a jack on the side of the bike so I could just plug my liner in down by my left side. I did this all on my FZ6. I'm waiting for my Heat Trollers to arrive so I can mount them in a similar fashion on the FJR.




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