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The only thing better Don,is having your son buy you an FJR like mine did for me!

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Fur-git the American actors in Nazi uni's, this is more on tarr-ghit!

Precisely tuned German engineering


And I hear they built this little rocket...


Don't be jealous, Yamaha makes a really good drumkit...


Is it Friday Yet?

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The aerodynamics on this Yamaha bobsled are all wrong but you can play a fairly good Mozart on the way down the course.....


Kinda brave bashing a Yamaha on a Yamaha related forum ain't we?
Who said this is bashing? A little fun maybe
and it goes both ways as w earlier posts; Col. Klunker n Sgt. Schlitz

Hey, I wear both hats and I'm proud of both!

'fitters got the right humor work'n especially for another sub-freezing day.

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Kinda brave bashing a Yamaha on a Yamaha related forum ain't we?
Who said this is bashing? A little fun maybe
and it goes both ways as w earlier posts; Col. Klunker n Sgt. Schlitz

Hey, I wear both hats and I'm proud of both!

'fitters got the right humor work'n especially for another sub-freezing day.
Damn it to Hell KJ, I've told you 100 times to never argue with Bustanut joker. Same goes with HotRodZilla, maybe even more so! jes' sayin' and nuff said!


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Don, u are sounding more and more like the Forum Judge of late!

I guess having this thread in "Jokes and Fun Stuff" was confusing to some. I'm all good w any of it....

It's FRIDAY!!! Yahooie! Let the madness and alcohol begin!

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Don, u are sounding more and more like the Forum Judge of late!
I guess having this thread in "Jokes and Fun Stuff" was confusing to some. I'm all good w any of it....

It's FRIDAY!!! Yahooie! Let the madness and alcohol and loose women begin!
Don, careful what you ask for, look what happened to this poor fawker!... Dumb ass went and married her!****.jpg

Don, u are sounding more and more like the Forum Judge of late!
I guess having this thread in "Jokes and Fun Stuff" was confusing to some. I'm all good w any of it....

It's FRIDAY!!! Yahooie! Let the madness and alcohol and loose women begin!
Don, careful what you ask for, look what happened to this poor fawker!... Dumb ass went and married her!****.jpg
Trust me KJ, Papa Chuy Viejo could give her a bigger string of pearls than that! jes' sayin' and nuff said!

Don, u are sounding more and more like the Forum Judge of late!
I guess having this thread in "Jokes and Fun Stuff" was confusing to some. I'm all good w any of it....

It's FRIDAY!!! Yahooie! Let the madness and alcohol and loose women begin!
Don, careful what you ask for, look what happened to this poor fawker!... Dumb ass went and married her!****.jpg
Don't be so cynical. There are at least two good reasons to marry her ...

I learned a long time ago ... In life, all things can be looked at as rentals, leases, or purchases ... That my friends is a rental. And sometimes, you just need a rental ....

He was fine until he purchased the rental ... This is the same reason you should never buy a car from Avis ...

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