The Color of Your Jacket

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Yep, that's pretty stupid. Unfortunately a large portion of the population is too.
Yo Phil, more stupid than RadioHowie?
Oh no, I'm not going there. That guy scares me.
Don't blame you one bit, he scares me shitless too.!


Sounds like you met one of the local nut jobs. Might have been a sports thing, might have been a political thing, but it doesn't really matter since it's stupid either way. But you know, if that's the only whack head you've met on the road, you're kinda running behind. So don't dwell on it. :lol:

I have a thing for black jackets, which is probably the dumbest color to ride in, but I don't care. You shouldn't either.
Excellent post!

On a recent ride I had been riding from Key West and refueled at a truck stop near St. Louis.

I was in the mens room taking a bladder break when I was approached by a man who started

muttering some nonsense about me wearing "Blue". I overheard him say "We can change that

to red" He kept stammering some bull about "Blue" and "Who was I" and "Changing Red". I passed

him off as a crazy punk who posed no threat. But I kept noticing He kept using the word "We". So

I finished up and walked out to my BLUE '05. I rode away without any further problems.

Now down the road I reached my "Pull over and rest stage" and so I kept looking for a rest stop.

I ended up settling on a weigh station. As I laid there resting, the truck stop sceene played through

my mind.

On my rides I often sleep "Iron Butt Motels". Picnic tables at rest stops are my preferred method.

Sometimes however, I make due with parking lots, churches... In Toronto last year on another ride

it was a parking lot and I was involved in a little more serious threat. The problem... My BLUE riding

coat. Sounds stupid right? Well stupid or not, St. Louis (My second incident) has made me aware of


My next riding jacket will be Gray or silver or high vis... but not RED or BLUE. :angry:
St. Louis especially, Blue or Red could be construed at the bloods or crips.

Really childish shit as we know but not to these assholes.

My guess is that you showed up at a time when there was some heated rivalry of a sporting event going on and the guy was either high or mentally unstable. Regarding the 'we', he must have had a mouse in his pocket. :rolleyes:

My riding jacket is Hi-Viz yellow, my FJR is blue, and my helmet is red. I believe in making myself visible rather than fashionable. Of course when I'm off the bike I wear nothing but the latest fashionable attire. :lol:
People who go mental over sporting events are either high or unbalanced! Ha! LOL>

My guess is that you showed up at a time when there was some heated rivalry of a sporting event going on and the guy was either high or mentally unstable. Regarding the 'we', he must have had a mouse in his pocket. :rolleyes:

My riding jacket is Hi-Viz yellow, my FJR is blue, and my helmet is red. I believe in making myself visible rather than fashionable. Of course when I'm off the bike I wear nothing but the latest fashionable attire. :lol:
People who go mental over sporting events are either high or unbalanced! Ha! LOL>
Gerry, that is the most perfect description of a Vancouver Canucks Hockey fan that I have ever seen!

My guess is that you showed up at a time when there was some heated rivalry of a sporting event going on and the guy was either high or mentally unstable. Regarding the 'we', he must have had a mouse in his pocket. :rolleyes:

My riding jacket is Hi-Viz yellow, my FJR is blue, and my helmet is red. I believe in making myself visible rather than fashionable. Of course when I'm off the bike I wear nothing but the latest fashionable attire. :lol:
People who go mental over sporting events are either high or unbalanced! Ha! LOL>
Gerry, that is the most perfect description of a Vancouver Canucks Hockey fan that I have ever seen!
Isn't that apt for most Canucks and their beloved Hockey? :)

My guess is that you showed up at a time when there was some heated rivalry of a sporting event going on and the guy was either high or mentally unstable. Regarding the 'we', he must have had a mouse in his pocket. :rolleyes:

My riding jacket is Hi-Viz yellow, my FJR is blue, and my helmet is red. I believe in making myself visible rather than fashionable. Of course when I'm off the bike I wear nothing but the latest fashionable attire. :lol:
People who go mental over sporting events are either high or unbalanced! Ha! LOL>
Gerry, that is the most perfect description of a Vancouver Canucks Hockey fan that I have ever seen!
Isn't that apt for most Canucks and their beloved Hockey? :)
Gee Gerry, what would make you ever say such a thing?


... St. Louis (My second incident) has made me aware of


My next riding jacket will be Gray or silver or high vis... but not RED or BLUE. :angry:
Here is the recent stats on Crime in St. Louis...#3 in the Nation:

"3. St. Louis, Mo.

Violent crimes per 1,000: 18.6

Population: 320,454

2011 murders: 113

Median income: $32,688

Unemployment rate: 11.7%


Although the total number of murders in the city has decreased by 31 since 2010, crime in St. Louis did not improve overall last year. Violent crime rates in St. Louis have risen dramatically, from 17.5 to 18.6 cases per 1,000 people. And the citys murder rate is still the fourth highest in the nation, its robbery rate is the fifth highest in the nation and its aggravated assault rate is third highest in the nation. Despite these troubling facts, the St. Louis Police Department recently faced potentially drastic budget cuts that may require the elimination of 100 street-patrolling officer positions through attrition."

Since I have a JoeRocket Silver/Black jacket... I've noticed most people are spooked by it and give me plenty of space.

Glad you made your trip OK.

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