The first AE recall???

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Yep, sure enough, I recieved my letter last night when I got home from work. The dealer here in Jacksonville FL never heard of it so I'm waiting for a callback from them...

Is there a recall number or anything? I haven't received a letter yet but I am taking her in for the 600 mile check-up next week and I would like to call the dealer and have them be prepared to handle this recall at the same time.


Yep, sure enough, I recieved my letter last night when I got home from work. The dealer here in Jacksonville FL never heard of it so I'm waiting for a callback from them...

Is there a recall number or anything? I haven't received a letter yet but I am taking her in for the 600 mile check-up next week and I would like to call the dealer and have them be prepared to handle this recall at the same time.


No number on the letter I received, just the info I posted to beginthe thread. I haven't called my dealer yet. Will try that tomorrow. Bet they don't have the parts yet.

Just got back from checking the mail. In today's junk was an envelope from Mama Yammie. What's this? A thank you goody for buying a new bike? An extended warranty offer? No to all the above. A new Owners Manual???? Seems they want me to know what to do if the electronic shift mechanism malfunctions. Oh, and a letter informing me that, while they thank me for buying the AE model and the FJR riders are a demanding bunch, they want me to bring the bike back. :angry2:
"We have determined that the electronic shift actuator mechanism on your motorcycle should be mounted more securely to deliver the kind of durability you and Yamaha expect over the long haul". HMMMMM!!!!! Does this sound like a recall to you? It does to me. B)

The repair will add 3 new brackets for sturdier mounting and should take about an hour, "although your dealer may need to keep your motorcycle longer depending upon his Service Department schedule or if he needs to order a brand new actuator assembly." :dribble:

I guess I should have expected as much. I know I bought a braand new technology and this type of thing happens when you do that. Am I really that upset. No, just did not want the A model owners with the 17MPG problem to feel lonely. :)

All that - just to avoid the clutch. :huh:

Um....just ride in first gear, kids. Should solve most of your problems...especially the "over achievment awards"...being handed out.

Not to worry. First year intro and things aren't quite right...happens all the time with bikes and cars. The bike still is barry barry goooood. PM. <>< :)

Got my gift from Yamaha today. A nice new updated/upgraded owners manual and a sweet invitation to visit my dealer to have two new brackets installed. Wee. Yoohoo.

Wish they would just send me the parts. Takes me longer to fart around with this stuff phoning, getting ready, waiting for parts, waiting to schedule, waiting at the dealership, etc. than it would to just do it myself.

I took my AE to my local Yamaha dealer and they didn't even know what it was. No thanks. :angry2:

Finally got around to calling the dealer about this today. What a trip!! :yahoo: I spent 5-10 minutes on the phone while they got on the computer to find out what I was talking about. They cam back to get the VIN, just in case they needed it. Final was they would have to order the parts, then call me when they come in.

They said the procedure is for them to install the 2 new brackets then perform a test on the shift actuator. If it passes the test then everything is OK. If not then they need to order a new shift actuaator mechanism. Which would require more time and probably leaving the bike until it comes in. :angry:

Damn, got my shiny "newer" manual yesterday too! I made the call to the local dealer, same run around, "What recall?" :angry2:

They're working on ordering the brackets...........let the games begin. Does Mama Yama in Cypress have parts there? If so, I'll take a ride and get'em myself, I can turn a wrench!

I'm just gonna wait and jump through the hoops after you guys all get yours "fixed", and report back. After it happens, maybe I'll call my local dealer to get it fixed.

Take some pics of the changes if you get a chance, please.

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Here is the assembly. Looks dam strong to me. Still don't know which brackets they wanrt to replace


Got my letter and new manual yesterday. My serial # is 13. I've been expecting this letter since I picked up the bike.

At least Yamaha admitted there might be a problem.

Unlike the infamous "Ticker" debacle.

FYI, Talked with YOC owner and he said not all AEs are involved in the upgrade or change. I have #000060. So far I have had no problems with the shifting system, love it actually, especially the paddles

My serial # is higher that TDave (142), but I did get my mail package from yammi today.

Same story -- says to call dealer to get 2 brackets put on, and the system tested to see if you need more parts.

I've had zero probs.

Also - came with a new owners manual, but I can't find what changed -- says in the letter there's info on what to do if the system fails -- but I can't find it.

Oops. Just bought mine and the dealer didn't say anything. I'll have to keep an eye on it until a letter comes I guess or ask them when I go in for the 600 mile service.


"We have determined that the electronic shift actuator mechanism on your motorcycle should be mounted more securely to deliver the kind of durability you and Yamaha expect over the long haul".

The repair will add 3 new brackets for sturdier mounting and should take about an hour, "although your dealer may need to keep your motorcycle longer depending upon his Service Department schedule or if he needs to order a brand new actuator assembly."

I took these "quotes" to my dealer yesterday. My Canadian AE is #25. After spending quite some time at Yamaha Canada's website, all the while scratching his head, the Service Manager says he could find no reference to any such "modification" to AE's. Gonna be an interesting exercise methinks

My serial # is higher that TDave (142), but I did get my mail package from yammi today.Same story -- says to call dealer to get 2 brackets put on, and the system tested to see if you need more parts.

I've had zero probs.

Also - came with a new owners manual, but I can't find what changed -- says in the letter there's info on what to do if the system fails -- but I can't find it.
Rickster and other AE possibly involved.

In the text of the NEW OPERATORS MANUAL on page 3-3 right hand column you will find text about what to do if the shifting mechanism fails. text continues on page 3-4.

Hope this helps.

Just got back from the dealer. There is a Technical Service Bulletin -- and my dealer ordered the parts.

What they explained to me -- the change/upgrade involves:

Drilling out a mount to a larger diameter (6 stepping drill bits come in the kit)

Using a larger mounting bolt and one new bracket

Installing a rear re-inforcement bracket

Testing the torque on a press-fit part (splined adapter for a torque indicating wrench supplied in the kit) -- if it fails -- yammimomma will replace the servo mechanism -- if it passes -- you're done with the new brackets/bolts.

Will post later -- dealer expects parts in early next week.

Specifics from my dealer (Ward's Yamaha -- on the ball with FJR info)

Technical Bulletin 8/15/06 # M2006-012

(See details in the "Recall" section of 06 Bin-O-Facts)

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Just got back from the dealer. There is a Technical Service Bulletin -- and my dealer ordered the parts.
What they explained to me -- the change/upgrade involves:

Drilling out a mount to a larger diameter (6 stepping drill bits come in the kit)

Using a larger mounting bolt and one new bracket

Installing a rear re-inforcement bracket

Testing the torque on a press-fit part (splined adapter for a torque indicating wrench supplied in the kit) -- if it fails -- yammimomma will replace the servo mechanism -- if it passes -- you're done with the new brackets/bolts.

Will post later -- dealer expects parts in early next week.

Thx for the details. My dealer did not go into detail about what was involved. :bike:

On page 5-67 in the '06 service manual you can see how the actuator is mounted. It is part #5 on the drawing. You can see it's mounted with two bolts onto a formed metal bracket. The bolt torque is 14 ft. lbs. The bracket looks to be connected only to the frame square tube rising up to the rear of the bike.

Probably this mounting system is not stout enough to take the back-and-forth hammering of the shift rod linkage. For instance if you pull to a stop light in 5th gear and start downshifting to 1st while sitting still the shift rod and actuator might take a bit of a beating.
