The FJR as a track Bike

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Why yes, I am a Smart ASS
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Alabaster, AL
While some of you were playing at WFO, I got to play at Barbers on a track day. I bust my cherry and did my first track day.

I ran an Avon storm up front and a Diablo Strada on the rear. 35 psi in both.

I Also had my new camera up and running. I'll post as soon as I get a fire-wire so I can upload. (guess what didn't come with the camera.)

should be tommorrow or Wed.

I had a chance to look over some of my filming.

The time stamping really helps.

At the start of the day I was averaging 2:23 per lap, by the end 2:16. High 2:26 /low 2:14

Watcha think 7 seconds a good improvement?

I also scraped pegs way less- to none at all, towards the end.

Speaking of scraping.

My new suit came with knee sliders. I knew MSC loves sliders, so I left them on. I touched a knee down once. It scared the hell out of me as I was not expecting it. I didn't think I was over that far. Same with the pegs. I got caught of guard a few time not thinking I was that far over

There are some spots you can here me "damn it". Don't you love it when you know you Fked up and knew better.

Filming also shows some areas I could pick up time

I would scrub off too much speed from the straights, enter to slow and have to pick back up. Also I was not very smooth on shifting. I would fumble for gears. And While I was learnig some of the track, and picking good lines in some places, others just Fked me up. There was this one decreasing radius turn that just kicked my ass every time. I would apex way to early. I only could have got my brain to follow what I was telling myself - Follow the black marks on the track, that MUST be the path since it is so worn.

The brakes were great. I think I hit ABS one or twice with late braking

I had a ball with the exception of the rain and the pre / and soon to be post tech.

Thanks for the heads up MSC or I would have missed it. :yahoo:


MSC is still the Grim Reaper.

Since he was there

A Harley attempting a track day. bit it on his second lap which red flaged my first session while they cleaned up the mess. I heard the organizer refunded his money and sent him on his way, telling him he had the wrong bike for out there. The rider was ok and the bike lost some chrome :rolleyes:

This is the only incident I heard of.

Looking forward to seeing your video. Maybe we can compare notes.
Any trouble with driveline lash? (How many 1st and 2nd gear corners does Barber have?)
The lash has never bothered me at all.



In the begining I hit 2nd in Charlettes Web. After my first or second session and talking with MSC and one of the track instructors showing me the lines and giving some tips I ran the rest of the day in 3 and 4th the whole track. I might hit 5th every now and then on a straight but just for about 3 seconds and then have to come back down.

The hard corners I was down to 35 to 40mph and topping around 110+/- in the straights. If it were an actual race you might drop to 2nd for the revs. But listening to some advice, to take a corner a gear up, so I could learn the track and work it smoothly.

When I get the Vid up, It will be pure engine sound so you can hear shifts, scrapes, and the occasional Damn! (if you listen hard enough).

Open to critics or DICKS :rolleyes: as we like to call them here on the board to pick apart.

For my first time and still the relative riding experience I have (15,000 miles or so in 2 years - 12 on tthe FJR), I think I did pretty good. But If I don't pat myself on the back, who will?

Of a field of 20 +/- beginers I was one of the faster ones out there. And a few of those guys shoulda been intermediate, but had never riden Barbers before so opted for the beginner class.

Before I forget to post it. The guys with the yellow shirts on are coaches. And if you see me slow down in the curves when I follow someone, they would not let us pass except on the straights. (beginners)

Howie - Stupid question Bra-

Bagless of course, You know you don't take your bags to the begginer course - in case you F -up. Bags are saved for race day, so you can hog the lane and keep folks from passing you :p


What camera did you use? mount?

I have a Sony mini DV with image stabilizer, and it still got a little fuzzy, but not as bad as yours. I mounted on the N-line shelf. But you were going a LITTLE faster than me B)

And GAWD - Don't you LOVE the Low end grunt Of The Feej?!!! Keeping up and passing some Liter bikes! (In my case the biker would prob be more appropriate)

How long was your course? Barbers is 2.3 miles IIRC

Nice run BTW

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I did mine on Saturday at Pacific Raceways with the bags on.

It'll be interesting to see Barber from the saddle of an FJR.
Nice vid. Happen to catch what the other bikes you were chasing (not the ones you passed) were? Just curious. Of course, it's not the bike, it's the rider but I'm still curious.

My brother's comments for me:

Not bad for a beginner.

But I ran 1:52s in a 90 horsepower Honda Civic. ;)

Barber is fun.

I'll give him a plug if anyone needs to learn to drive

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Very cool video Andre (get yours up too Fencer). Andre, you would love getting over to Road America - Wisconsin (RA) someday if you do another on your FJR - the track there is about 4.1 miles and you can get around most of those pesky 600 track bikes on the long straights :clapping: Looks like Pacific Raceways is somewhat more technical with a few more sharper turns. RA really only has the one chicane which is a quick flip left, then right. All the other turns are pretty high speed (if you can keep the weight of the Feej from plowing into the runoff bumps). I had a good challenge with turn three (about 4:20 into video) as it was a downhill, 100deg left after a 130 straight. The run-off bumps saw my tires more than once!

Anyways, awesome job. I really appreciate the on-board cameras and hope to have one on my next RA day. By the way, mine was a NESBA event, was yours a SBTT or NESBA also?

Ride Safe,


Duluth, MN

'05 FJR, 28k

in case you missed it, the ride report from my RA trip on Jul 4th:

or the video of some sights and sounds:

I did mine on Saturday at Pacific Raceways with the bags on.

It'll be interesting to see Barber from the saddle of an FJR.
Nice vid. Happen to catch what the other bikes you were chasing (not the ones you passed) were? Just curious. Of course, it's not the bike, it's the rider but I'm still curious.
:clapping: Way to Go! Aren't track days fun? And you didn't get a single ticket. Try running alittle less tire presures yet about 31 front, 32 rear. Generally always a good idea to run about a pound less in the front that the rear so the front will have more sticking power. Say good by to tire mileage when you hit the track. Did you notice the tires starting to gall? If so than they were working right and getting hot enough to do their job as they go away.

WIll enjoy seeing your onboard video post.

Andre- What camera did you use? mount?

I have a Sony mini DV with image stabilizer, and it still got a little fuzzy, but not as bad as yours. I mounted on the N-line shelf. But you were going a LITTLE faster than me B)

And GAWD - Don't you LOVE the Low end grunt Of The Feej?!!! Keeping up and passing some Liter bikes! (In my case the biker would prob be more appropriate)

How long was your course? Barbers is 2.3 miles IIRC

Nice run BTW
I use a Panasonic SV-AV100 DV cam. It's mounted on a TechMount stand that's located on the front brake lever mount. For that particular run, I ran the camera with the viewing screen extended, and that probably contributed to the vibration too. The speed, the bike vibes, and the long 'arm' of the handlebar/TechMount assembly and screen extension obviously played havoc over 100mph. I'm looking at ways to improve the setup.

Yes, the grunt of the Feej is pretty impressive. It's definately different from running my R1 at 14,000 rpm, but the results are similar enough that I'll be happy to adjust my style a bit.

Pacific Raceways is 2.1 miles (I think). Their site isn't too informative in this area.

Nice vid. Happen to catch what the other bikes you were chasing (not the ones you passed) were? Just curious. Of course, it's not the bike, it's the rider but I'm still curious.
Without counting the large group I passed at about 8:15, I spent lots of time in the company of late model R1s. I ate an SV1000 in the short chute between 3 and 4. I never had any trouble with those pesky little 600s. :lol:

I really took the whole day as a "fun run" day. I honestly didn't break a sweat and I never thought I was close to being in trouble.

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wow!!! that was a awesome vid. i was pulling for you to get past that bike. what was that a duc? Did any catch the guy standing by the bike on the ground in that one corner?

Andre - that video was fun! I would sure hate getting passed by a bagger . . . I would retire or trade in my bike immediately! Good job. :clapping:

Me At Barbers!!!!

The vid is ready!!!

Its 20 min long. If you make it to the end (well close) I lap A GS

I love the front stretch pass on the 1st lap.

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Cool vid, Fencer! Nicely done!

I just did 3 trackdays at Grattan Raceway in Belding Michigan in June. I took the FJR out for one session. It was a blast! It did remarkably well. I have a Russel seat, so "getting off the bike" was a little interesting, though!

Hard to believe a bike capable of touring loooong days in comfort can still aquit itself so well on a racetrack!

wow!!! that was a awesome vid. i was pulling for you to get past that bike. what was that a duc? Did any catch the guy standing by the bike on the ground in that one corner?
It was an 05 R1. The guy standing beside the grounded bike was Mr R1 who I was previously chasing. After I passed him going into T2 and he passed me back, I knew his ego was involved so I let him go. It's quite possible that being passed by a bagger caused him to over-ride his skillset. He lit-up the rear tire at the exit of T4 and low sided.

Good video. It gives me a great feel for Barbers. Congrats on keeping it in check and keeping the wheels under you. Are trackdays something you want to do more of? Do you have a coach or a pit buddy with experience?

Good video. It gives me a great feel for Barbers. Congrats on keeping it in check and keeping the wheels under you. Are trackdays something you want to do more of? Do you have a coach or a pit buddy with experience?
I'ld love to do more.

MSC is prob the closest thing I would have to a coach.

I was also on a Russel seat


My front Storm at the end of the day

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