The FJR has pushed my cruiser into oblivion

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Pressing on
May 18, 2012
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Hopkinsville, KY
If I had my friend's V-Star, I could have titled this, FJR Killed the V-Star and some people would have got the Buggles reference, but I couldn't make the stretch with the VTX.

Anyway, when I got the FJR, I got it as a second bike for long trips. We loved our VTX 1300 and I was really comfortable on it riding to work or 2-up for about 300 miles. I called it the perfect bike for me. I've got nice Ultimate seats and the wife and I both have liked everything about it a lot. The only reason I looked at another bike was that we were taking more long trips and were getting pretty tired by the last days.

We found a low mileage 07 and figured I would still ride the VTX to work and take it on afternoon rides, but use the FJR for the long trips. I had some trouble getting used to the balance when stopped at first and I couldn't figure out how to ride it slow enough to not get tickets, but the many strengths of the FJR quickly started taking over. The wife still liked the seat on the VTX better, but after getting the Russell seats in August, everything changed. It is truly a great seat and worth every penny.

I always enjoyed the loudness of the cruiser and I feel safer in traffic when I'm heard. I was the guy who enjoyed pulling up in the lane beside a friend on the bypass at low rev and hitting the gas and have them jump out of their skin. Now I feel like I'm riding a bulldozer and it gives me a headache. The wife kept telling me not to sell the VTX though. In late October we went for a ride to take pics of the leaves and I decided to take her on the VTX for the first time since the new seats. We got home and she said, "Sell it."

So the VTX gets sold in the spring and I think my cruiser years are forever in the past. Anybody think I'll regret selling it? I don't like selling things and I am very fond of the bike, but I think my riding style has been permanently altered. If it just sits in the garage, I'll just regret it more.

I guess the real point is that in my experience, if you're thinking about upgrading from a cruiser to an FJR, you won't be sorry.

You have stepped 'into the light'. There is no going back now.

Punt that POS cruiser!!!

The FJR does everything the cruiser does but much better and SAFER! IMO cruisers are inherently dangerous as one who rides them into the curves quickly finds out that you can't maintain a good rate of speed due to the limited to very limited cornering clearance... cruisers are for "cruising" and posing... not for mile munching, or spirited riding. I owned a cruiser for 364 days and I never missed it when I sold it for a sport touring bike. I knew its limitations when I bought it and I thought I could ride it in the twisties at more sedate pace, but I just couldn't.... scrape, scrape, scrape... good riddance... Once you're on the FJR, you'll wonder how you ever rode that POS cruiser for so long! Oh, and loud pipes lose rights..

2 different bikes for 2 different rides. You feel your wants are changing, and this is reflected in your FJR purchase. I'd give it a few months (after the FJR newness subsides...maybe), and see if you still feel the same.

Congratulations on the FJR!

Since I've gotten the FJR I have thought about the other bikes I've had and bikes I might like to have and for now I think if any of those were in the garage next to it, I would still choose the FJR for most rides. The more I ride it, the better I like it.

Ten years on the Goldwing and I had NO complaints, other than that I wanted a bit more 'fun'.

2 1/2 years of FJR lust and now the Hondapotamus is on the battery tender!

We'll keep the 'big girl' for two-up rides (my wife has a disability), but the FJR is... IT!

I traded in my paid off VTX1800 for my FJR. Initially, my wife said I shoulda kept it. Initially I was sad I let it go...It truly was a great bike.

However, that bike cannot compare to this one, and if u still had it, I don't think if ever ride it. Like others, I don't see myself ever going back to a cruiser.

If I had my friend's V-Star, I could have titled this, FJR Killed the V-Star and some people would have got the Buggles reference, but I couldn't make the stretch with the VTX.
Anyway, when I got the FJR, I got it as a second bike for long trips. We loved our VTX 1300 and I was really comfortable on it riding to work or 2-up for about 300 miles. I called it the perfect bike for me. I've got nice Ultimate seats and the wife and I both have liked everything about it a lot. The only reason I looked at another bike was that we were taking more long trips and were getting pretty tired by the last days.

We found a low mileage 07 and figured I would still ride the VTX to work and take it on afternoon rides, but use the FJR for the long trips. I had some trouble getting used to the balance when stopped at first and I couldn't figure out how to ride it slow enough to not get tickets, but the many strengths of the FJR quickly started taking over. The wife still liked the seat on the VTX better, but after getting the Russell seats in August, everything changed. It is truly a great seat and worth every penny.

I always enjoyed the loudness of the cruiser and I feel safer in traffic when I'm heard. I was the guy who enjoyed pulling up in the lane beside a friend on the bypass at low rev and hitting the gas and have them jump out of their skin. Now I feel like I'm riding a bulldozer and it gives me a headache. The wife kept telling me not to sell the VTX though. In late October we went for a ride to take pics of the leaves and I decided to take her on the VTX for the first time since the new seats. We got home and she said, "Sell it."

So the VTX gets sold in the spring and I think my cruiser years are forever in the past. Anybody think I'll regret selling it? I don't like selling things and I am very fond of the bike, but I think my riding style has been permanently altered. If it just sits in the garage, I'll just regret it more.

I guess the real point is that in my experience, if you're thinking about upgrading from a cruiser to an FJR, you won't be sorry.
Last summer, on a trip, a buddy and I traded bikes for about 100 miles, so I rode his touring equipped V star 1100 and he rode my FJR. Holy Smokes I was glad to get off that bike! I guess I just don't "get" the cruiser thing!

Anyway, I completely understand your decision!

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I have an '02 VTX1800. I put 27K miles on it in the first 3 years I owned it. Then the FJR came along and I've only added 3K in the 7 years since!

I just can't bring myself to sell it

Ten years on the Goldwing and I had NO complaints, other than that I wanted a bit more 'fun'.2 1/2 years of FJR lust and now the Hondapotamus is on the battery tender!

We'll keep the 'big girl' for two-up rides (my wife has a disability), but the FJR is... IT!
Bgross – good to hear about the Hondapotamus – that’s is one bike I have been eyeing – is it an 1800? I mean I liked the Valkyrie I had for cross country, but I’m planning my next trip of course to try the FJR. Still the back of my mind is wing for my “old age” ha ha. But since it is heavier too, so maybe just lighter on the right wrist as I get older

I confess I've never gotten the whole cruiser thing. The riding position cripples my spine, they don't handle very well, I can't stand loud pipes and...well, you get what I'm saying. The whole poser thing doesn't float my valves.

So welcome to the sport touring world. Real bikes for the Real World: comfortable, smooth, lots of power, nice luggage, decent weather protection. I love my FJR and have owned other sport tourers over many years. I'll never stray from the pack again!

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I can relate to the posts here as I've shared rides with various cruisers and I've not been impressed with any of them. However I have a 1998 EV Moto Guzzi that I bought new and now has 120,000 miles. It's labeled as a "Cruiser" but its more than that. The bike has the most natural cornering characteristics of any bike I've owned. Did my own seat mod and it is also the most comfortable bike I've ever owned. I've never had any other cruiser keep up with me in the turns and I'm not that great of a rider. I can definitly ride it more agressivly in the corners than my FJR. I bought my FJR because I do long solo cross country trips and wanted a newer bike that is known for reliability. Last may I did a backroad route from Florida to San Diego and back. The FJR was flawless. On the open flats it will fry my humble Guzzi. But the Guzzi still remains my favorite bike of all time. Because of its age and mileage I use it for weekend trips and the FJR for long out of state adventures. It's a great combination. Not all cruisers are dogs, however most are compared to the FJR or my Guzzi.


Ten years on the Goldwing and I had NO complaints, other than that I wanted a bit more 'fun'.2 1/2 years of FJR lust and now the Hondapotamus is on the battery tender!

We'll keep the 'big girl' for two-up rides (my wife has a disability), but the FJR is... IT!
Bgross – good to hear about the Hondapotamus – that’s is one bike I have been eyeing – is it an 1800? I mean I liked the Valkyrie I had for cross country, but I’m planning my next trip of course to try the FJR. Still the back of my mind is wing for my “old age” ha ha. But since it is heavier too, so maybe just lighter on the right wrist as I get older :)
Yes, it's an 1800. 300+ pounds heavier than the FJR and about 20% less horsepower. But it's a torque monster.

We were at the Motorcycle show in Long Beach a couple weeks ago. Rode up on the Wingabago.

As a guy was getting off the FJR after a test ride, I threw my leg over it and stood it up. I giggled about the weight difference and he asked what I meant. I told him about the Wing and that the FJR seems so much lighter. It was his turn to laugh - he rides a Ducati and thought that the FJR was HEAVY.

Which is an occasional topic on the Goldwing board: guys getting too old and weak to handle Her Immensness, and looking at tricycles as a next step. = (

Great comments! But I think I still "get" the cruiser thing, even though I'm firmly in the sport touring camp now. I don't think it's about posing. It's about the power at low speed for me. And for that reason, even though the FJR handles immensely better than the VTX, I was probably safer on the VTX. Except for stopping, though. I wouldn't ride the VTX in the rain and I feel pretty comfortable on the FJR on wet roads.

Unless something significantly changes, I'll have a Sport Tourer until I can't handle the weight balance and move to a Goldwing. My riding buddy with a Concours is eyeing the tricyles. I don't get that yet and I am not wanting to.

You have officially been assimilated!

Kick the cruiser to the curb and don't look back...


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I sold my 05 FJR and bought a new Yamaha royal star tour deluxe it was nice but not sporty so i bought a FZ1 for second bike I rode it most of the time.I got laid off so sold the FZ1.Then decided I wanted a Wing again so I sold the Tour Deluxe and bought a wing.The FJR i sold came up for sale so I bought it back and sold the wing.Last year found out I had cancer so sold the FJR because I didn't know how it was going to turn out.They said I'm cancer free so i bought a Honda Super hawk it was fun but not what I wanted so i bought a Yamaha Warrior still not happy so I sold them and bought a used FJR I'm happy again.

You have officially been assimilated!Kick the cruiser to the curb and don't look back... :coolsmiley02:


So since I'm still owning me a crotch rocket, a cruiser and a FeeJay seems to me, that I'm not done with that assimilation thingy... Yet I see that a tad different. I'm keeping them bikes, because I want to remain flexible on the different sorts of bikes, so I don't "routine" myself in to one bike and eventually make the transition to another difficult.....

From my personal experience, the VTX was a nice bike (Well, I killed her, after installing a 240 rear end, won't ever happen to me again), compared to my Suzuki C90T which is of the same making year, I found the VTX1300 old and a far cry from representing a bike of 2006... I like the low point of gravity on a cruiser, much like a lazy boy in my living room feels. The FeeJay is for me the sports bike with style, compared to my Gixxer, my arse hurts after an hour into a ride, the ump coming from her is brutal. Riding me FeeJay it feels, as that I'm sitting in car driven by a V12, power distribution is silky and smooth,but you know she's got the ump to be nasty, but doesnt need to show it off 24/7 like the Gixxer, which is nasty by default, very unforgiving when making a mistake, the FeeJay is tolerant and forgiving...

So in summary Goodmann4, I would keep the Cruiser and enjoy both worlds.



I think there are a LOT of people that fit into the transitional category from cruisers to sportier bikes.

When I got back into riding I started off with a VS800 (s50) Suzuki and quickly learned that it just didn't meet my long range needs and desire to rail the twisties like my friend who was on an old RF900. So, I bought a used Suzuki Bandit 1200 and fell in love with that inline 4 engine! It was a cheap, solid platform and plenty fast enough for me. I later traded the VS800 for a C90T Suzuki for longer touring and big twin grunt. I liked it for what it was but it ultimately wasn't "me". It was way too pogo stick sloppy and I can't count how many times I ground the floorboards - it didn't take much. So, I got the itch one day to trade it in on what I thought was the total opposite and bought an '07 R1 and holy shit, I fell in love with that bike! I kept it for 5 years and recently sold it so I could buy my FJR. Although I still have the Bandit, I ride the FJR as much as possible - even in cold weather. The Bandit taught me that long range sporty touring is in my DNA and although capable, it doesn't have the refinement and smoothness the FJR has.

Moral of the story, it sometimes takes several bikes to learn what is in our blood and what turns us on when we turn it on. I am sure I would love a BMW R1200RT, ST1300, and maybe Concourse but everything about the FJR screams smooth, turbine rheostat, snickety snick gear box, adequate suspension, and quality fit and finish to me. I can't wait to mount this bike in a few short hours for a morning ride in freezing weather.

YOU have arrived! Welcome....

I sold my 05 FJR and bought a new Yamaha royal star tour deluxe it was nice but not sporty so i bought a FZ1 for second bike I rode it most of the time.I got laid off so sold the FZ1.Then decided I wanted a Wing again so I sold the Tour Deluxe and bought a wing.The FJR i sold came up for sale so I bought it back and sold the wing.Last year found out I had cancer so sold the FJR because I didn't know how it was going to turn out.They said I'm cancer free so i bought a Honda Super hawk it was fun but not what I wanted so i bought a Yamaha Warrior still not happy so I sold them and bought a used FJR I'm happy again.
Man I am glad you beat cancer and lived to ride again. :)
