The FJR is my dream bike.

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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2007
Reaction score
Chicago area
Just killing time here.

I’m going on 3 months obsessing about this bike. I go out in the middle of the night sometimes to stare into shop windows at it. I’ve sat on it and it fits. One dealer let me hear an 07A. I swear it hummed like a light saber. I bet I’ve deleted more pictures of this bike than a lot of you possess. I must be nuts.

I have tried, honestly tried to consider something else. (It was an ST1300 before this) I have also tried to justify NOT coming up with the $$$ for an FJR and going for something used at half the price, more flickable, faster, etc.. and researched quite a few bikes and narrowed the list, asking you folks and many others questions about them. "What do I need a $13,000 bike for?"

Well the answer is simple. I've had to compromise too much in my life. Without going into my history, this machine you all love is not just the next bike for me. It will stand as a personal achievement. It stands for absolutely NO COMPROMISES. This will NOT be a "settled" purchase. ie: "I really want that bike over there but just can't have it."

No more. I cannot afford it right now, but I will. In the coming year I expect to be able to purchase whatever bike I want. I will be Choosing this machine. You know why and I read why you love it. I am more than ready to experience this too. Your knowledge leads me only back here from an engineering standpoint. From a purely esthetic standpoint, I cannot find anything more appealing. I try to imagine myself on something else and just cannot. I look at my reflection in store windows on the GL1200 I borrow and it just looks wrong. I sat on a friend's NIghthawk (just like the one I loved for 12 years). It did not look right.

I have had a subconscious image and platform of a bike for two thirds of my life. This is it. It's almost as if the FJR was built just for me.

I bet some of you feel the same way.



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127,000 miles on my 04, and the love affair is still strong.

I Heart my FJR.

You're gonna love yours.

I am going through some serious bike withdrawls. Forced to write about it.

Just ignore me.

Ride well.

I too picked this bike out of the vast herd with alot of research going in. I too felt after seeing and reading about it that is was EXACTLY THE BIKE I ALWAYS NEEDED..and the bike I always wanted...

Being older one starts to see that you should not go without fulfilling the desires you have , as time is ticking off .. if not now...when?

I barely had the cash for this bike, but luckily (LOL) I had a few months to work on getting it. I also just recently gave in and got the car I always wanted.. a nice two seat roadster. (The 2007 Miata MX5 PRHT..which oddly is the SAME color as my beloved 06 FJR)

Life is short, find and fill your desires before it is too late.

The FJR turned out to be everything I hoped for and then some. I see no divorce in my future with this one............


I too picked this bike out of the vast herd with alot of research going in. I too felt after seeing and reading about it that is was EXACTLY THE BIKE I ALWAYS NEEDED..and the bike I always wanted...
Being older one starts to see that you should not go without fulfilling the desires you have , as time is ticking off .. if not now...when?

I barely had the cash for this bike, but luckily (LOL) I had a few months to work on getting it. I also just recently gave in and got the car I always wanted.. a nice two seat roadster. (The 2007 Miata MX5 PRHT..which oddly is the SAME color as my beloved 06 FJR)

Life is short, find and fill your desires before it is too late.

The FJR turned out to be everything I hoped for and then some. I see no divorce in my future with this one............


I come from a rather frugal family. We almost never buy something new. I told my father I did not want to "turn 80 wishing I had gotten that bike I wanted when I was 36".

Another dream is to ride the dirt trails across the Rockys before I die. I don't care if I'm 80 when I get around to it, It's happening.

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When I finally get the FJR home, I know I'm just going to stare at it and cry like I'm holding a new child.

Not usually this Emo about stuff. More of a hard ass.

I too picked this bike out of the vast herd with alot of research going in. I too felt after seeing and reading about it that is was EXACTLY THE BIKE I ALWAYS NEEDED..and the bike I always wanted...
Being older one starts to see that you should not go without fulfilling the desires you have , as time is ticking off .. if not now...when?

I barely had the cash for this bike, but luckily (LOL) I had a few months to work on getting it. I also just recently gave in and got the car I always wanted.. a nice two seat roadster. (The 2007 Miata MX5 PRHT..which oddly is the SAME color as my beloved 06 FJR)

Life is short, find and fill your desires before it is too late.

The FJR turned out to be everything I hoped for and then some. I see no divorce in my future with this one............


I come from a rather frugal family. We almost never buy something new. I told my father I did not want to "turn 80 wishing I had gotten that bike I wanted when I was 36".

Another dream is to ride the dirt trails across the Rockys before I die. I don't care if I'm 80 when I get around to it, It's happening.

i know the feeling all too well.....always settleing for something less than what i really wanted......but no more, last week i took the plunge and got my FJR and have absolutely no regrets

A good buddy of mine called me up a month or so ago and said he knew I had bought a new bike about a year ago and wanted to know what it was and what he should buy.

I told him to find a dealer who had a FJR and tale a look and that if he bought this bike he would not be sorry.

He got the bike about two weeks ago and he has called me several times and thanked me for the advice.

You can feel safe recommending this bike to a friend -- this is the second time I have done this and both owners are very happy. (He bought a used '05 -- was going for a BMW)

It surprises me at the many NEGATIVE comments I have read. Maybe there are a few FJR lemons produced by Yamaha but I have not run across any.

As you can tell by my name, I am a police officer. A Sgt, to be exact. Getting to the point of getting what you want. My motto is to "live for today, but plan for tomorrow" If you want something go get it. Don't put it off till tomorrow, because tomorrow never comes. A true story here that drives that point home and gave me my motto.

About 18 months ago, A friend of mine. A colleague. A well known and respected New York State Trooper, was minding his own business on a nice early spring sunny day. As he passed an old rusty car on an out of the way road. The car had no license plates on it. He was talking to his girlfriend on the cell phone (Hands free device in use) and told her he would call her right back as he wanted to stop the car for no plates. He hung up, and turned his cruiser around. Stopped the car and you all probably can figure it out that he has never been able to call his girlfriend back. The operators of the rusty car had just robbed a local bank. Only seconds had passed, and no one was even aware the robbery had taken place. As Trooper Speer approached the vehicle, the passenger told the driver to lean forward, and as the driver leaned forward, the passenger shot him and killed Trooper Speer.

SO needless to say, you never know what tomorrow will bring. If you want that bike go get it. You don't have to be a cop to get killed. Someone might T-bone you today on your way to work. You might get hit by a car. You might become ill. One just never knows. Go get your bike and enjoy it till you can't do it anymore.

I agree with all of you. First I want to say my fjr runs great, knock on wood, my dealer is good, and I am so happy with the bike. Yes I got another seat and tweeked this and that but the bike is me and I would ride across country in a heartbeat on it without a second thought (am planning this as I type actually). I don't think there is another bike that combines all the attributes of the gen II fjr. Perfomance, reliability, warranty flexibility, dealer network, great websites for all the assistance you might want and then some, enough farkel availability to make a harley guy happy and so on. Buy that bike as soon as you can because as sarge said, tomorrow is not guaranteed. Good luck and ride safe. Everett

I bet I’ve deleted more pictures of this bike than a lot of you possess.
Here's another picture for you to delete


I was in the same boat two years ago. I had been waiting about three years to get to a situation where we could afford to purchase my FJR. However, I had to wait during the PDP period to get my hands on it. Grueling! But since then I haven't had any urge to buy any other bike. The new Concours has peaked my interest but then I look in the garage and can't get over how good the FJR looks. You won't regret it. It will make you smile every time you twist the throttle.

Good post and great stories. Honzo, good luck on your purchase. You will truly love this bike. A friend of mine in the motorcycle industry has an 04. I trust his opinion and asked him alot of questions about the FJR. Well, as an early b-day present in march, I got a new 07. 10,800 miles later when asked "how I'am liking the bike" or "do you wish you would have bought a cruiser" my reply is always the same. Wouldn't change a thing. Last month, some friends and I had a reunion. Old Navy buddies getting together for some good times. Mark came from Rolling Meadows, Il with his Hayabusa. Marco came from Alexandria, Va and hasn't rode since he borrowed a friends bike back in the Navy. Another friend owns a Hardley and turned Marco loose on it for a few days. ( Good friend huh? ) We really had a blast riding and hanging out. One particular day we rode quite a few miles here in N.W. Arkansas. The last 60 or 70 miles of the trip I asked Marco to ride the Harley the rest of the way. My wife and I jumped on it and off we went. When we arrived at our destination Marco's reply was " dang, this thing really is smooth" Our reunion ended and everybody went home. Marco flew home on Sunday and was at the dealership tuesday looking at bikes. He purchased a black cherry 07 just like mine. I told him that was alright since we live 1200 miles apart.

Thanks guys. And even though I just lost $$$ tonight, I will prevail.

See, my new flying job is held up AGAIN tonight because of the bastard suits and their legal crap holding it in limbo, so I get a call to do a side job for a different company (I detail aircraft too) worth $1100 +. Well, I barely got started on it and the they had a trip pop up, so I'm out that for now. Oh yeah, and my wife calls me this afternoon and tells me that one of her credit cards just inexplicably drew $700 bucks out of our checking account though we had scheduled no payments and weren't late. Now we are in the red by $74.

A few words of advice to those young and stupid enough to want a career in aviation and have a kind of "Charlie Brown syndrome" going on with your Karma... Shoot yourself now.

Ride well,


Back in November of '03 I wanted an FJR but settled for my FZ1. Well, this past June I finally got the bike I've wanted for 4 years. I couldn't be happier and when you get your bike I'm sure you will be too.

If cash continues to be an issue, buy a used one like I did.
Best $7500 dollars I ever spent!!!
Gunny that. These bikes are even a greater value used. Find one you like with a YES extended warranty and it's as good as new. Having the bike sooner, while you can enjoy it, is the thing. It would only be new for one day anyway...
