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Meanwhile, we'll let common sense, good-natured ribbing of newbs, and the occasional dogpile straiten 'em out. Remember how it worked wonders with you and me? ;)
Well maybe for you.. I dunno aboot our boy odot :blink: An how do you explain Scooter?

Welp, the times they are a changing......................

Yuppers, iggy, we was peas and carrots. There was nuthin' that could separate us. We was like a diamond in a goldmine....or a canary? OH, where the **** is my gerbil thread? Been looking for that for years....literally.......

Hay Scooter, did ya ever get an answer as to why the brake shoes wore like they did?
I have a similar problem!
Stuck caliper, no doubt. Time to clean the bajeebers out of those pistons.

and put in new seals and fluids
Uhh... it's happening tomorrow. It's ALL gotta STOP, when it's time to stop!

Thanks for the headz up!
If you are doing the work yourself, make sure you get teh seals in the right direction. There is a taper to the inside and it is important thaat they go in the right direction. Found out the hard way on an old race bike...

Outta curiosity, what mileage are you at George? I noticed one pad wearing faster on one side of my front when I replaced the tire last time. I just flipped the pads for now, but will need to do the full "hoss and scrub" before I replace the pads (soon). I've got ~28k on mine.

Hay Scooter, did ya ever get an answer as to why the brake shoes wore like they did?
I have a similar problem!
Ya know George, at the time I got lots of answers, but nothing concrete. But lots of other folks have reported the problem. Personally, I think it's more of a design issue than maintenance (dirty pistons) issue.

The uneven wear has happened on every set of pads I have run, though not as bad as my first set in this thread. Those were replaced at 30k, while my other sets have lasted 60k+ and though they wore unevenly, it was not nearly as pronounced as seen in this thread. I took out my pistons and cleaned them at 90k or so. Didn't replace the seals. Pads still wear uneven. Then recently, at 185k I cleaned the pistons again by pressing in three of them, allowing one to extend out and cleaning it, and repeating for all of them. Got them 90% clean that way. Replacement seals are expensive. If it ain't broke................

What I think helps is that ever since I noticed way back when the uneven wear - every time I have the wheels off I manually (with my hands) push the pistons in and out. Then, if necessary, like Fred I will swap the pads. Seems like the uneven wear can be 'managed' using those two methods.
