The low down on replacement screens

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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2010
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I have just had my Givi screen stoned by a passing vehicle and need a replacement. After reading page after page of info with pro's and con's on all,it appears that it basically comes down to the Cee Bailey or the CalSci. Would this be a fair comment???. By the looks,one is U.S made and the other in the UK. I'm 6'2" and need a un biased opinion on what would best siut my needs. Have any of you 6'2" guys tried both.


I'd throw the Vstream in that mix as well. I haven't had experience with any of the others or even a stock screen (bought mine with Vstream screen), but I will say that I'm pleased with the performance of the Vstream. Very smooth airflow with it lowered and it does a good job of diverting when raised up.

And I'd throw in the Rifle.

In fact, I don't think there is any consensus. Everyone has their own individual preferences. Two guys the same size and shape can try the same windshield and one will love it, the other will hate it.

Ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances...

I'm 6'1" and would second the V-Stream.

I had a CalSci on my Gen1 and it was never "just right," despite trying it stock, with holes, spacers, etc. Other people love the thing.

I am 6'2" with a fairly average distibution of torso and legs and the V-Stream gives me some buffeting. I have an HJC helmet that is pretty cheapie, so i wonder if that contributes.

I have always wanted to try a cee bailey flip next. Just go buy something.

I think that I should send an email to all the manufacturers and buy a couple screens from each one and we can ship them around to all the local meetups and have a "shield day" at each one. Could be fun and would sell a lot of shields for the manufacturers.

Or we could get them to all send a couple of free copies for each generation and ship them around to different people for 1 week trial periods, 1000 dollar paypal deposit required or something. It would save us from buying selling and shipping all of these shields. :)

I had a CalSci on my Gen1 and it was never "just right," despite trying it stock, with holes, spacers, etc. Other people love the thing.
+1. I have a CalSci and it is not quite right.

I have always wanted to try a cee bailey flip next. Just go buy something.
+1. I will try the Cee Bailey flip next.

it basically comes down to the Cee Bailey or the CalSci... By the looks,one is U.S made and the other in the UK....
Actually, I think both are U.S. made, CalifornIA. I could be wrong in this crazy, mixed up global market.

need a un biased opinion on what would best siut my needs.
Sorry, only biased opinions available here. :dinamo: For me that would be Rifle over the VStream by a burble.

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Well just to piss in your Wheaties, I am 6'3" and have tried most of the popular shields and my favorite is the stock 03 shiels with a Laminar Lip. Least amount of buffeting and plenty of smooth air in the heat.

For my Gen I, I used a CeeBailey +4,+4 for 5 winters - good shield, EXCELLENT lack of distortion. Then tried a CalSci touring (too short, but smoother air flow than the CB), then a Rifle touring (with and w/o tuning block) - less wind protection, more buffeting, and more distortion than the CB, and finally a Rifle Jumbo with 1/8" - 3/16" spacers - looks like a barn door on the bike, but I'm now sitting in a perfectly still pocket of air with just a little bit of back pressure. Ah, search over.

In the summer, I run the stock shield with a Rifle tuning block for almost perfectly smooth air flow (at heights from between mid-belly to chin).

For comparison, I'm 6'0", but long-waisted (31" inseam), also have HELI bars that make me sit more upright.

Since people in the market for shields will be reading this thread: Anybody interested in a GenI CB +4,+4 and a (spare) Rifle tuning block? CB shield and the tuning block do NOT work together.

Well guy's

First of all thanks for the great response. Now i'm totally lost. I think the best option here is to take what i can from this info and just go for it. Moon Man you have a great idea there getting 1 off each manufacturer and trial the lot. Good luck if you can pull it off. I to have a cheapish HJC helmet and i guess that may contribute to my problems as well. Will keep you posted on my final decision.


One more vote for the VStream - nice and quiet. I'm also 6 ' 1".

I swap it out in the summer months for the stock screen, just to get the added airflow.

6' 2" CeeBailey 2" wide 4" high I like it well enough that I haven't went looking for anything else.

If I head out of state where it gets hot I run the stocker about half way up.


Gives you plenty of flexibility. Remember, the lower you can keep the screen adjustment, the less heat will be transfered to the rider. at my height, the vstream allows me to look over the top of the screen in its lowest position and minimize the amout of adjustment i need to do when i want additional coverage . At your height, you'll look way over the top of this screen in the fully down position. You'll then be able to ajdust to your environment with minimal adjustments.

I wanted the whole gammut (ability to look over the top of the screen + the ability to adjust the screen to look through it (which will give you a virtually road noise free ride during those really boring long highway cruises that do nothing but beat the hell out of you) and allow for the screen to always be low enough to keep the heat from getting me)...


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Well just to piss in your Wheaties, I am 6'3" and have tried most of the popular shields and my favorite is the stock 03 shiels with a Laminar Lip. Least amount of buffeting and plenty of smooth air in the heat.
My wife threatened to give me a laminar lip once.

No kidding... where can I buy one for the stock Gen 2 screen?


Google "Laminar Lip" and order direct. You can probably get one through a dealer but I doubt anybody actually stocks one so, unless you can get a discount locally, order direct. I've got one on my Gen2 screen and it's a big improvement, in my opinion (which my SO will tell you isn't worth much). Best windshield mod for the buck.

pete :cold:


After all the comments i'm ginda thinking i'll give a V-stream a go.Anyone got distributor information.Google doesn't come up with much.

