The Man Who Would Stop at Nothing

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Neat lady. She was at the start of the '09 IBR. She had ridden there with John Ryan completing her first ever SaddleSore 1000. I got to speak with her a bit. Looking forward to reading the book.

I just read this at Amazon: Product Description

"Here are the pleasures and perils of compulsive long-distance motorcycling—and one man's mission to outride everyone else.

For the 50,000 members of the Iron Butt Association—also known as the "World's Toughest Motorcyclists"—long-distance motorcycling is not a pastime but an obsession. These men and women push the limits of human endurance, often in rides of more than one thousand miles a day. Perhaps the most determined of them is John Ryan, a diabetic and a man who even in late middle age loves nothing better than riding impossible distances at no small risk to himself. But why?"

I really hope that this is just the way that Amazon chose to hype the book and that the actual book doesn't make it appear that those of us who do these types of rides are somehow compelled to live our lives "on the edge" and intentionally place ourselves at risk to do so.

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The book won't be available until October and so far it doesn't appear to be available in Nook e-book form, but that could change between now and then. I read her "The Perfect Vehicle" and enjoyed it.

Neat lady. She was at the start of the '09 IBR. She had ridden there with John Ryan completing her first ever SaddleSore 1000. I got to speak with her a bit. Looking forward to reading the book.
Huh, I remember John being there. I even have pictures of him and me. I never knew Melisaa was there... Such is the mind of a starter. :lol:

I actually met John at the IBR start in 2009, and he introduced me to Melissa. How cool is that? B)

The book won't be available until October and so far it doesn't appear to be available in Nook e-book form, but that could change between now and then. I read her "The Perfect Vehicle" and enjoyed it.
Yuck, yuck... already 10 pages in on Kindle!

Got it on kindle Wed. Read it in one sitting. Excellent writing, very thoughtful. She gets it, and she gets it right too. If you're an LD riding fanatic or want ot understand it a little better, it's a must.

Got my copy, so is shipping.

She's a very talented writer, and has the rare ability to put fairly obtuse thoughts to words. She is just far enough away from the riders to look at them objectively. Dissect may be a better word for it.

A well written book is always a quick read.

Peter Delean

John Ryan and Melissa Pierson at the book signing in Irvine, CA:


Cool pic. Wish I could have been there.
Well then, come on out to the Woodstock, NY signing, Skoot! I'm heading up to watch my little cousin's football game on Saturday and then over to the book signing on Sunday. That would be October 23rd. The New England LD Riders have a breakfast that Saturday morning too in NW CT that I might try and hit - hafta see what time Kyle's game is first.

If the weather is shitty, I'm going in the car and bringing Lou, the wonder mutt. Recently made famous at Gerlach when Andy Kirby wore his Halloween costume :lol:

I've been corrected. He's not a mutt, he's a pure American Panty Hound.
