The 'Most Ridiculously Priced Part' Thread

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R.I.P. Our Motorcycling Friend
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Carpinteria, CA
Pulling the forks for shipment to GPS revealed some rather icky looking front brake calipers. Upon closer inspection, it looks as though the inboard pistons where operating less than optimally desired, so I decided I should break them down and service them. I guessed that the piston seals would prolly need replacement, so I had my local shop order some up. They come four to a set and a set is required for each caliper.


I give you 'Exhibit A' as proof of the 'Most Ridiculously Priced Part' - $29.18 per set! :blink:


Well hell, at least you get some lube with the fucking things! :lol:

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University Motors is your friend. ;)
Some things just ain't worth shopping for. I figger with with my time, the time & cost to make a phone call, shipping and wait time, I'm at scratch anyway, so... I was at the dealer anyway, ogling a certain orange and black adventure tourer that has even more outrageously priced parts. ;)

Look, haven't you guy's learned by now to stay out of dem dar stores by now?......PM. <>< :dntknw:

Maybe not as bad, but price the little chromed pieces of plastic that plug the holes for the bolts on 1st gen handlebars or the clear plastic washers on some of the fairing screws. The cost is stupid.

They should come with lube too....

Warchild said:
I won'er how that would handle the Haul Road... :hehe:

Likely, not very well.

But it is Orange and Black, and it would be an Adventure to Tour on it, so..... :D
Yes....but we know this guy who lives in Washington...for fun we'll call him "Farklemeister from Hell", who keeps coming up with soooo many great ideas for spending money. It's bad enough the things he came up with to "improve" and modify the FJR and the "XX" now he's starting on a 'Bus. Sound familiar? Anyone that you know resemble that description?

Maybe not as bad, but price the little chromed pieces of plastic that plug the holes for the bolts on 1st gen handlebars or the clear plastic washers on some of the fairing screws.
Yessir, but the chrome plugs can be purchases at CSK and the washers at a "box-type" home store or any decent hardware store.

Pulling the forks for shipment to GPS revealed some rather icky looking front brake calipers. Upon closer inspection, it looks as though the inboard pistons where operating less than optimally desired, so I decided I should break them down and service them. I guessed that the piston seals would prolly need replacement, so I had my local shop order some up. They come four to a set and a set is required for each caliper.

I give you 'Exhibit A' as proof of the 'Most Ridiculously Priced Part' - $29.18 per set! :blink:


Well hell, at least you get some lube with the fucking things! :lol:
Try living in anywhere else other than the US when buying parts, I am chasing a cam chain noise... tensioner from Yamaha Sports Plaza US$59.60, here in NZ its NZ$250!! A cam chain leaf guide from YSP is US$31.44 in NZ its NZ$160.35 Cam chain from YSP 11.61US in NZ its NZ$99.95

Its enough to make yah spew! I can buy the chain, three guides, a new tensioner, cam cover gasket and two spare oil filters with air freight to NZ for less than I would pay just for the tensioner here! :blink:

BAH! Little did I know that there are two different size o-rings required for the front caliphers. Dammit! Calipers in pieces and I'm stuck. Farkuckt! Lesson learned: Never, ever trust your farblondzhet parts guy. <_< My bad for not checking the parts fiche ahead if time.

As an aside, the inboard pistons were a total kappora! They moved, but not very well. No wonder the inboard pads are shot. :eek:mg: Feh!

(Yes, at times like this, it helps to break out the Yiddish.)

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BAH! Little did I know that there are two different size o-rings required for the front caliphers. Dammit! Calipers in pieces and I'm stuck. Farkuckt! Lesson learned: Never, ever trust your farblondzhet parts guy. <_< My bad for not checking the parts fiche ahead if time.
As an aside, the inboard pistons were a total kappora! They moved, but not very well. No wonder the inboard pads are shot. :eek:mg: Feh!
You didn't check the parts diagram yourself? Ya big dork. Stupid is as stupid does..............

As for your front know it might help if you use the damn things once in a while. Things can get a little sticky from non-use. Get off that rear brake, you wooer of gerbils!

BTW, when I serviced my calipers it was the ridiculous price of those little rubberbands that made me decide they did not need replacing.

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BTW, when I serviced my calipers it was the ridiculous price of those little rubberbands that made me decide they did not need replacing.
Yeah, but the originals in mine look like shit compared to the new ones. I'm glad I'm replacing them given that I now use the front brakes a wee bit more than before. ;)

Oh yeah, :****:

Well, at least his clutch works fine. :D
