The oh so famous PC-III

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Thanks Jeff. I did use the search engine looking for "power commander" and 2006, which lead me to this thread. I also saw the link earlier in this thread to the G2 Ergo throttle tube, but I was confused by the tube--there was no description on the website as to what the exact purpose of it was, and it looked like it had a cam on the end (to go on the throttle body??).
Yami changed the throttle (cable) cams on the Gen-II bikes, and in most everyone's opinion they went the wrong way! Yami made the throttle response issue worse, not better. G2 Ergo makes throttle tubes with exchangeable cable cams that create different patterns of cable movement. Their products are geared mostly toward dirt racers but they have a nice FJR Fix combo offered.


I installed the PCIII

started the bike, warmed her up

rev rev rev REV! pop pop pop pop idle

turned off the bike

open map (stock w/o O2)

send map

turned on the bike

rev rev rev REV! smooooooth idle

- Like night and day! :yahoo:

Tomorrow is test ride and play with the pump utility.

I expect to be way pleased with the $250 purchase ( free shipping too)

Thanks for all the advice so far

Rich, see observations below this is from farther up in this thread.
Just updated the PCIII to include the AP option.
It is a very suttle difference. It is only noticed when you are at Zero throttle and then crank it on. I think Jeff said it well.

The AP program is tough to "feel" in the bike, but you can definitely hear the difference in the drive train lash when nailing the throttle in the 3,000-4,000 rpm range. There is a noticeable decrease in the back-and-forth lash. You only hear one "nail" of the drive train.
The pdf manual suggests two options for Sensativity/Cycles/Fuel - 75/15/20 (Sport) or 90/20/15 (Street). I think the first question when trying different settings is to get the fuel amount right first. I tried the 75/15/20 first and thought it felt a little rich, tried the 90/20/15 and it felt better. So I just tweeked it down to 85/20/10. It doesn't mean that this is the "right" number. I only ran 4 tests. I think the goal of the AP option should be to smooth the transition from 0 throttle to throttle on, without making it more rich than necessary. With this respect the AP option, while a small difference, is a step in the right direction.

I briefly tried the PCIII with no AP, and was impressed with how good the base level map is w/o the AP option. I love the PCIII. :D Four adjustments and test drives around the block in only 40 minutes. I couldn't do that with a carb. Nor would I have the level of adjustability that you have with this product.
Good Luck and let us know what you decide. I might cut the 85/20/10 down to 85/15/10 (although this is so subtle as to be irrelevant). The base map produces such good results, while the AP option only produces a VERY subtle difference. Unless you were looking for it, you might not even notice a difference. Changing from the stock bike to the PCIII is 98% of the change, the AP option is only 1% more refinement.
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I just recieved my PCIII & plan on installing it in the next day or two. My question is: The O2 sensor that needs to be disconnected is it in the same location on an 06 as on the first generation FJR? As per War Childs web page it is located under the gas tank to the rear on the rightside.

Can anyone who has already installed their PCIII on an 06/07 answer please.

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Yes, it's in the same location but it is black and not gray in color.

Thanks 818, I am going to try & install the PCIII in a different area than the toolbox, because I don't want to lose that area. I'll post some pics when I'm done.

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Thanks 818, I am going to try & install the PCIII in a different area than the toolbox, because I don't want to lose that area. I'll post some pics when I'm done.
I put mine laying flat just in front of the tool box. I had to cut about 1" x the width of the PCIII to gain clearance, but it is out of the way. The wire loom coming out of the PCIII is pointing forward.

Thanks 818, I am going to try & install the PCIII in a different area than the toolbox, because I don't want to lose that area. I'll post some pics when I'm done.
I put mine laying flat just in front of the tool box. I had to cut about 1" x the width of the PCIII to gain clearance, but it is out of the way. The wire loom coming out of the PCIII is pointing forward.
Just finished my installation & everything went well. Didn't have time for a test ride, will do that tomorrow. Here are some pics:


The only Modification I made was to cut a vertical piece of plastic that was under the aluminum subframe that only divided this area from the rear fender area.

I chose this spot because I wanted to keep the current setup of tools in my toolbox (there are 3 levels of tools in this area, but you only see the 1st level in this pic).


In this pic you can see I routed the wiring harness between the frame & the toolbox & then down the left side & upwards under the fuel tank. I then connected the ground wire to a centralized 12v Terminal Block(see next pic) that I previously installed under the left sidecover when I installed the alarm.


Can't wait till I try it out tomorrow & find out if it is as good or better than when I previously was running with just the Barbarian Jumper Mod with +7 enrichment across all 4 cylinders. :rolleyes:
