The One Uncomfortable Thing About My Bike

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Well-known member
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
I am extremely happy on my bike and really have not much to complain about. Except not having enough money to buy all the things I would like to (wife, 2 kids, etc).

The heat is noticeable but doesn't really bother me, the handlebar location is OK, the vibes don't mess me up, I'm happy with the screen down unless it rains, the grips are OK and the throttle tension is, while sensitive, OK too.

But the ONE thing that does chap my ass is exactly the one thing that can: the seat.

I have only gotten a little monkey-butt on longer rides, but some repositioning and stretching works wonders. Besides, the Hardley riders I usually go with have to stop for gas or a beer long before I need to take a break...

The problem for me is getting "pulled" into the tank. Like my weight is pushing me forward as if the seat were on a downward slope. This has the effect of putting tension on the underside of my pants, squeezing them on my junk, more and more and more. Repositioning doesn't help. The only way is to stand up while riding and pull the crotch of my pants down. This happens with both my riding pants and regular jeans, both of which are loose enough.

I put a level on the seat and it is level. The only thing I can think of is with my legs hanging forward and my foot pegs in line with my hips that creates enough forward moment to torque me forward.

Has anyone else experienced this? Has anyone put extra foam up front inside the stock seat (I have seen the foam-ectomy) to prevent the slide? Do the Corbin or Sargent seats do a better job at preventing this??

TIA. I am fairly certain that if I resolve this issue, my bike will be 100% comfortable.


Yep. same thing here. Especially when hot outside(ie sweaty!) I get monkeybutt at about the 200 mi mark. I'm expecting an Airhawk pad in the mail any day and will see if this helps. Maybe I'll try to mod the seat mount so it slightly tilts back if possible.

That was my biggest complaint and I believe that I will be getting a Rick Meyer or Russel seat eventually. However, I have noticed that the seat has stopped pulling me forward lately. I've only had the feejer since July 13 and have about 4500 miles (gawd, I love this bike) but I've noticed that since I started really forcing my butt back in the seat it is beginning to want to stay there. Don't know if the seat is breaking in or if I'm just sittin differently but the slide forward is definatly reduced lately. Of course, since the triple digit temps here in North Texas broke today, I don't mind gettin up on the tank a little. Now is a choice. YMMV

On my first weekend with the FJR, I knew I was going to have problems with the seat. Not from some omnipotent sense or cosmic knowledge. It was gonna be a 900 mile ride 4 days after acquiring the bike. It simply made sense my ass was gonna suffer.

My first line of defense was a good, sturdy pair of Nike bicycle shorts, with the thickly padded crotch area to "lift and separate" :lol:

I also discovered something at my local Wal-Green pharmacy...Gold Bond Medicated Powder, which many use to fight monkey butt, is duplicated by Wal-Green Medicated Body Powder, which retails for half the price for twice the amount. In other words, a 10 ounce can of Wal-Green powder was less than half the price of a 5 ounce can of Gold Bond.

I filled up the bike shorts with the powder and rode hours in comfort.

Just a heads-up on the Wal-Green powder.

Russel is on my list for all the reasons stated above. I too become a tank hugger as the miles go by, I could fit the wife and a paying passenger behind me on the stocker. Just gotta save the coin and find a reasonably priced stock donor seat.

The Russel will cure those problems for good. And my wife and I have tried every

seat available with the exception of a Rick Mayer, there simply is not a more

comfortable seat for long distance riding. We dont even think about it anymore.

I use a stock seat for commuting to work and riding around town, then switch to

the russel for anything over 120 or so miles.


I cured all these evils you guys are talking about when I switched to the Sargent seat. I've never had an uncomfortable moment on it, even after 400-500 mile days.

Adding a simple sheepskin cover (with non-slip backing) was all it took for me. Just did 860 mile/15.5 hour ride on a stock seat with sheepskin. I learned this trick from Madmike who was very gracious and split a sheepskin with me. :)

I just did a little seat mod and it seems to work well. Haven't had it out on a 300+ mile day yet but if the short ride is any indication it will be much better. I pulled the staples from the rear of the seat, pull the vinyl material back, shaved some foam with a kitchen knife, and then sanded it smooth with 80 grit paper over a curved block. I concentrated on the rear saddle area, with the aim of scooping out the material and leveling the seat. This has stopped the slide forward and has my weight being supported less on my tail bone. Go slow with the knife and sanding and it is free.

I am extremely happy on my bike and really have not much to complain about. Except not having enough money to buy all the things I would like to (wife, 2 kids, etc).
The heat is noticeable but doesn't really bother me, the handlebar location is OK, the vibes don't mess me up, I'm happy with the screen down unless it rains, the grips are OK and the throttle tension is, while sensitive, OK too.

But the ONE thing that does chap my ass is exactly the one thing that can: the seat.

I have only gotten a little monkey-butt on longer rides, but some repositioning and stretching works wonders. Besides, the Hardley riders I usually go with have to stop for gas or a beer long before I need to take a break...

The problem for me is getting "pulled" into the tank. Like my weight is pushing me forward as if the seat were on a downward slope. This has the effect of putting tension on the underside of my pants, squeezing them on my junk, more and more and more. Repositioning doesn't help. The only way is to stand up while riding and pull the crotch of my pants down. This happens with both my riding pants and regular jeans, both of which are loose enough.

I put a level on the seat and it is level. The only thing I can think of is with my legs hanging forward and my foot pegs in line with my hips that creates enough forward moment to torque me forward.

Has anyone else experienced this? Has anyone put extra foam up front inside the stock seat (I have seen the foam-ectomy) to prevent the slide? Do the Corbin or Sargent seats do a better job at preventing this??

TIA. I am fairly certain that if I resolve this issue, my bike will be 100% comfortable.

Yes. I experienced that with the stock my balls got SORE on the long rides (400+ or around there). I strongly think heat has something to do with the ball soreness. I also know the Corbin helps a LOT.

I am extremely happy on my bike and really have not much to complain about. Except not having enough money to buy all the things I would like to (wife, 2 kids, etc).
Well, for only $500.00 a month I can set you up with my Ex, but don't have any kids to unload at the time. :D

I just did a little seat mod and it seems to work well. Haven't had it out on a 300+ mile day yet but if the short ride is any indication it will be much better. I pulled the staples from the rear of the seat, pull the vinyl material back, shaved some foam with a kitchen knife, and then sanded it smooth with 80 grit paper over a curved block. I concentrated on the rear saddle area, with the aim of scooping out the material and leveling the seat. This has stopped the slide forward and has my weight being supported less on my tail bone. Go slow with the knife and sanding and it is free.
Did you forget to read the rules?

You cannot post a message like this WITHOUT pictures.

Now, put 'em up, digital boy. And don't give us some crap like "I didn't take any".


I am extremely happy on my bike...
The heat is noticeable but doesn't really bother me, the handlebar location is OK, the vibes don't mess me up, I'm happy with the screen down unless it rains, the grips are OK and the throttle tension is, while sensitive, OK too.

But the ONE thing that does chap my ass is exactly the one thing that can: the seat...

The problem for me is getting "pulled" into the tank. Like my weight is pushing me forward as if the seat were on a downward slope. This has the effect of putting tension on the underside of my pants, squeezing them on my junk, more and more and more...

TIA. I am fairly certain that if I resolve this issue, my bike will be 100% comfortable.


Good golly Miss Molly! Great balls... think alike! :clap: :(

I had the same problem. Spent way too much of the riding part of a 2 week, 7000 mile trip thinking about surgery on either me , the seat or both. :eek: :assasin:

4 days after getting back the Sargent seat I ordered 2 months earlier arrived and solved the problem. Really glad I held off on the knifing now. :bleh:

I agree with Radio Howie. I have a corbin seat on mine and found that it is much better than the stocker. Just got back from a five day twisties ride in northern california going about 220 miles per day. I had purchased a pair of 50.00$ bicycle shorts before the ride and they are really the greatest. Don't wear anything underneath, just the shorts and your leathers over them . A great improvement over jockey's.
