The One Uncomfortable Thing About My Bike

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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The problem for me is getting "pulled" into the tank. Like my weight is pushing me forward as if the seat were on a downward slope.
Yamaha must have thought the FJR should have a fairly agressive forward lean to emphasize the SPORT of this sport-touring machine. "Learn to put more weight on your legs, use your thighs," yada yada. This might be fine for 100 miles of canyon carving. But if you are an all-day sport-TOURER doing 500-miles +, you will get worn out. The annoyance of the forward pitch of the stock seat can turn into excrutiating pain over a long multi-day trip.

Many owners have added bar risers to the FJR, and I think this really puts you at odds with the pitch of the seat. I tried and failed to adapt to the stock settings. So I added bar risers (Lenkadapters) and got more upright. Then I chopped the hell out of the evil forward pitching stock seat and replaced the foam with a 3-layer temperfoam laminate. (Please, if you have small children, have them step away from the screen. This modification is not for everyone and try it at your own risk!) DeathToEvilStockSeat

I like JREW's idea posted earlier of just going in and sanding down the pitch. Nothing much to lose, although reattaching the vinyl is tough to make it look good again. Ask me how I know... You may wish to have an *expert* standing by to assist you in final re-assembly of the seat cover.

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E'rybody likes the Russell but OH MY, HOW UGLY!! (IMO, natch!)
Well, you can have comfort or looks, when it comes to seats. Russell for me! Besides, how much worse can it look than your ass? (neither of which are visible when riding, in most cases...)


I have been having the same problems. Then my dealer offered a test ride of teh Yamaha (corbin) seat. Man was it hard as a rock, but after the trip to EOM, it's great. I'm not giving it back. I was even doing some of the custom work on the stocker, but just couldn't get it right.
