The PNW Crew (Niehart, Panman, et al) in Yosemite - You're Famous!

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Carl, I would trade you for one of those Singer Porsche 911's 😊 but otherwise, yeah, great peeps here. I do miss seeing you guys and hope life slows down a bit so we can ride more like we did 8 years back.

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Carl, I would trade you for one of those Singer Porsche 911's but otherwise, yeah, great peeps here. I do miss seeing you guys and hope life slows down a bit so we can ride more like we did 8 years back.
Dave, my dog would trade me for Singer Porsche 911! I agree on getting together more in the future. I am hoping that next year will be the chance to schedule more trips so we can get together. Tech Days and Reuben Runs just are not enough!

Carl, I would trade you for one of those Singer Porsche 911's but otherwise, yeah, great peeps here. I do miss seeing you guys and hope life slows down a bit so we can ride more like we did 8 years back.
You gotta live life while you can Dave. You never know when they are going to throw dirt in your face and nobody is going to thank you for working yourself to death.
