The return of Michael Vick

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Saw him walkin' through O'Hare Airport here in Chicago earlier this week. I guess he was catching a connecting flight to Philly!

Interesting. Now that he has a team, I guess I'll just watch and see if he has what it takes to make a positive contribution to the community. As to his football skills, he certainly has the legs and running ability to be a real change up whenever he comes in for a series when McNabb is temporarily shaken up.

On the interesting side is that Coach Reid is just about the only coach to have had the stones to deal with the poster boy for NFL attitude: T.O. I suspect that there is a fairly strict code of conduct line that Vick will be required to toe. And while I haven't heard about pay, I also suspect that it is to be structured to conform to whether he conforms to expectations, both on and off the field.

I'm just gonna wait and see if he can be a positive force for the remainder of his public life. He'll certainly be significantly less wealthy than what he once had going -- let's see if he's learned anything.

On my soap box here...

I'm tired of convicted felons getting jobs and become heroes. In many sports Motorcycle racing both road and motocross, they are strict. One motocrosser, Ron Lechien, was an up and coming motocrosser back in the 80's, that kicked butt, and in his early twenties got a DUI, his career was over. Regulated to Crusty Demon's flicks and not main stream motocross.

The Pro sports like baseball, basketball and football are in it for the money, at any cost. Convicted felons, drug addicts, or what ever, they take them back over and over. Daryl Strawberry, Steve Howe (dead), John Daily, Mike Tyson, Tonya Harding (I know that's stretching it), I could go on about steroid abuse and lack of discipline, etc.

Many rappers were hardcore criminals. Now they are stars.

Vick was merely sidelined for a while, crime seems to pay for some...

Needless to say I don't watch any of the above sports. Hockey is the only non-motorsport I watch. BTW- -When a hockey player gets in legal trouble their career is usually over (Marty McSorely).

OK I'm done.

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I would have thought that if *any* team would pick up Michael Vick, it would be those thugs in Oakland.... :lol:
We tried, Philly 'dogged' us.
But he will be in our crib on Oct18 -when we will show him that our bite is worse his bark.

....and who will be watching Dec6 when Mr. Vic rolls into Atlanta for a little football? That ought to be interesting and a dog-gone good fun.

Hey, he's served his time, met the conditions of the state ;) 1.6 mil for this year ought to get him over the financial hump and if he's good 5 mil next year. :(

Question is, what about McNabb?

Sends a great message to the kids.

Waste of fukin skin. I don't see it any different than if it had been kids that he tortured. just as helpless and innocent.

:angry: rant over.

On my soap box here...
I'm tired of convicted felons getting jobs and become heroes. In many sports Motorcycle racing both road and motocross, they are strict. One motocrosser, Ron Lechien, was an up and coming motocrosser back in the 80's, that kicked butt, and in his early twenties got a DUI, his career was over. Regulated to Crusty Demon's flicks and not main stream motocross.

The Pro sports like baseball, basketball and football are in it for the money, at any cost. Convicted felons, drug addicts, or what ever, they take them back over and over. Daryl Strawberry, Steve Howe (dead), John Daily, Mike Tyson, Tonya Harding (I know that's stretching it), I could go on about steroid abuse and lack of discipline, etc.

Many rappers were hardcore criminals. Now they are stars.

Vick was merely sidelined for a while, crime seems to pay for some...

Needless to say I don't watch any of the above sports. Hockey is the only non-motorsport I watch. BTW- -When a hockey player gets in legal trouble their career is usually over (Marty McSorely).

OK I'm done.
that's because the motocyle sports don't have enough money at stake yet. Otherwise, they would be just like any other pro sports entertainment.

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Michael who?

Oh - him. Wow I still don't give a shit.

But they say Philly is the city of brotherly love.

FJRBluesman - to me, the unfortunate thing is that all those people you described have a God-given talent for what they do. Take T.O. - personally I think he's a 24-karat twit in the body of a talented athlete.

Just had a thought....

I wonder how many stadiums will play "Who Let The Dogs Out" when Vick takes the field...

[interesting societial observation]

Kill a person and apologize - you're off the hook.

Kill a dog, though, and you're vilified for life.

[/interesting societial observation]

Vick has been punished more that probably anyone else that has ever been convicted of this same crime. He has spent his time in prison and likely lost more than 100 million. I think he deserves a chance to prove that he has changed. Only time will tell.

[interesting societial observation]Kill a person and apologize - you're off the hook.

Kill a dog, though, and you're vilified for life.

[/interesting societial observation]
Were it so simple brother Geek.

Holding a defenseless dog underwater in your swimming pool while it struggles for its life - until it stops struggling?

Electrocuting a dog with jumper cables for your own entertainment?

Putting your family pet in the ring to be torn to shreds by fighting dogs?

Hanging a dog in a tree in your yard?

Not hearsay.

He didn't just watch or condone.

He DID it!

Quite a man he is.

I think he should be rotting in prison.....until HE stops struggling.

I'm guessing this'll get closed shortly.

Edit - And I can't see how it matters HOW much fucking money he's lost. What's that got to do with it?

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[interesting societial observation]Kill a person and apologize - you're off the hook.

Kill a dog, though, and you're vilified for life.

[/interesting societial observation]
Were it so simple brother Geek.

Holding a defenseless dog underwater in your swimming pool while it struggles for its life - until it stops struggling?

Electrocuting a dog with jumper cables for your own entertainment?

Putting your family pet in the ring to be torn to shreds by fighting dogs?

Hanging a dog in a tree in your yard?

Not hearsay.

He didn't just watch or condone.

He DID it!

Quite a man he is.

I think he should be rotting in prison.....until HE stops struggling.

Geek/OM - correct observation.

He has already done more time for cruelty to animals then most who run over and kill a motorcyclist while talking on their phone, drinking, etc... Many, many examples to choose from...

The guy's crimes were heinous and wildly inhumane. He deserved to be fairly punished.

But I'm a forgiving person, and recognize that I'm not perfect, either.

He's paid the debt required of him in time and money - in fact vastly more than many others committing his crime would have (the loss of virtually all his material wealth and an intensely public opinion flogging.) Does he deserve more? I don't think so. I can think of many drug dealers, murderers, drunk drivers, cigarette manufacturers, stock market swindlers, and cell phone talkers who hit motorcyclists and other drivers who deserve vastly worse and don't get worse. Those people ruin peoples' lives. He doesn't deserve to be singled out because he's got a unique skill that happens to earn him a great deal of money.

And it's not as if he hasn't thus far shown remorse - he has. His public statements have sounded credible and genuine. The proof of his change remains to be judged over time.

I hope he's truly sorry, I hope he gives back to society, and I hope he gets a fair shake, though I know that animal rights groups and others will continue to vilify him. You don't have to like the guy, but it is fair to give him another chance and show forgiveness.

His public statements have sounded credible and genuine.

What public statements? That he made a mistake? Sorry, no cigar. A mistake is leading the wrong card playing pinochle or producing the wrong answer doing long division.

He committed numerous deliberate, malicious and criminal acts with forethought. This is not a mistake.

He may have paid his debt to the legal system but I'll never watch a game in which he participates.
