The Severance Project...a Farkle Odyssey

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Noticed the neat gas tank cover stitched with the fjr logo on the run thru the 85 pic's of the yamaha meltdown. Where did you get it. Would like to get one for my bike.
I've been away for a job has been keeping me busy...

The tank cover is made by Bagster. The only place to order one that I'm aware of is from Ride Addict. Also, when you order it be prepared to wait about 5 months for it to arrive. No shit. The factory is France is in no hurry whatsoever to fill orders.

Awesome write up including details and links. Thank you for taking the time to post this. Very nice set up you have there!

I am trying to figure out where you ran the wires for the Clearwater lights into the fairing? Did you drill a hole just under where the bracket for the lights contacts the fairing?
I'm sorry...I simply do not know. I'm deathly afraid of tools and had someone install it for me. If I;m around the next time they yank the panels off of the bike, I'll ask and snap some photographs.

Nicely setup machine! How about your thought's on your new Krista's Vs The Trailtechs?
The Krista's are ALMOST as bright at full tilt as the TrailTech's. However, they use less juice and ramp up to max output instantly. Plus being dimmable, etc. There's simply no comparison to the usability between the two. The TrailTech's were quality kit and they now reside on a Honda dirtbike when I sold them on the ADVrider forum. The new owner is thrilled with them. Think dirt only? Trailtechs. On the road? Clearwater, hands down.

Damn Meltdown just happened opon this Severance thread,very nice farkling job indeed and great pictures. Have a fat severance check and no wife so added the mirrors to my farkles. My list is short compared to yours but thanks for all the info,and hope to end the blind spots from the stock mirrors. :rolleyes: :clapping: :yahoo:

I don't mean to rain on your farkle parade, but you those are not speed sensors, they're your ABS sensors. The McCruise speed sensor (there's only one) hangs off a bracket on the back of the right-side swingarm. In the photo below it's marked with a red arrow. It reads the magnets that are placed in the rotor bolt heads, indicated with the yellow arrow. The gap between the two should be 1/8". You'll want to know this because most techs don't know this, and after a tire-service will put it back with the wrong gap and your cruise won't work. The other thing they'll do is leave one or both of the sensor wires (next photo) off and again your cruise won't work.



ABS speed sensor:

Another ABS speed sensor:

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Thanks for the topicstarter.

I've used messages here as a tutorial:)

Not started yet 'cause I didn't get my bike yet.

But there's a long winter so I'm spending money in a lot of online shops for now... wonder I've bought all I need... and much more I'm afraid:)

I'll report about my odyssey in few months I hope
