The shortest, most adventurous ride of the year

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Pat L

Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
North Bend (east of Seattle), WA
I commute year round from my home in the foothills east of Seattle to my day-job just south of downtown at a small coffee megalopolis. My home's only about 800 feet above sea level, but we have just enough elevation that winter can be entertaining from time to time. This year, while there were several days where I left home in high-20s temps, all was well.

Until two Fridays ago. I left late due to my wife having a business meeting and needing to get my kids on the bus. When the bus came, we had heavy flurries... and since I was riding down to Portland after work for a weekend retreat, I decided I'd risk the weather a bit and try to get over the hill before things got serious.

Except that as soon as I got on the freeway, the snow started to stick, and by the time I got to the hard part of the trip (Hwy 18 exit from I-90; or Snoqualmie Ridge), it was definitely sticking. So I took the exit with the goal of heading up the hill to hang out at a coffee shop for a few hours. I had a small pucker moment in the freeway exit lane, when I couldn't get stopped (on packed snow, behind a semi), and really, ABS sucks in the snow :)

Got turned up the hill which by now was packed, with cars spun out. Nowhere to park though, so keep going - which I did, at less than walking speed, until the rear came out and dumped me on the left side. No big deal, except that it's hard to get enough traction on packed snow to lift an FJR back up. They're heavy pigs, you know? Especially when it's hard enough to just stand up.

Two drivers came over to help me and make sure all was OK. We picked it up, backed it to the edge of the road and parked it. No other choice. One driver offered to let me wait in her car, which I did, and then we pushed her car back into the traction part of the road and she gave me a lift to the coffeeshop I was heading for.

A few hours later the weather was warmer and rain had washed our snow away. But I made sure before leaving the bike to take one single photo.


You'll note at least four stalled four-wheeled vehicles behind me, and it's not like I made it farther than them on some KLR with studded knobbies or something. FJR for the victory.

Damage to the FJR? My left Wild Bill peg mount got bent. The left side frame slider and bag were already scratched, so if anything new happened to them in the adventure, I don't know.

Damage to me? Tweaked my back a bit trying to pick the bike up by myself, but that stiffness was gone by the next day.

All in all, not a bad outcome, and I am thrilled to have earned this photo. Also I was able to post that on Facebook without comment and freak out a few friends, plus my sister and mom, and email it to my co-workers to tell them why I'd be late to work that day. Bonus.

Could've been worse Pat, glad your back is no worse for the wear!

I live near under the north end convergence zone at a little over 600'...I feel your pain.


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Pat, is that Tiger Summit? I remember that day, as I was exiting Hwy 18 and the traffic was backed up on I90 due to the road closure. Always a pucker moment when 80 mph freeway riders suddenly encounter a half a mile of backed up cars.

Amazing how much the weather can change on Tiger Summit so quickly. Glad the outcome was ok for you!

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Pat, is that Tiger Summit? I remember that day, as I was exiting Hwy 18 and the traffic was backed up on I90 due to the road closure. Always a pucker moment when 80 mph freeway riders suddenly encounter a half a mile of backed up cars.
Amazing how much the weather can change on Tiger Summit so quickly. Glad the outcome was ok for you!
Naw, that's Sno Ridge Parkway

Tiger definitely scares me. I used to commute to work in Covington so I did Tiger twice daily, but had a Jeep Wrangler to commute in most days then. And a Harley, but the Jeep got a lot of commute time.

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Had to of been quite a scene. Imagine those cagers... "wtf, did I just see some dumbass on a motorcycle?!"

Glad ur Okay! :)

You were officially outside the scope of the FJR's intended use. Too bad the bike fell. I'm sure you were wondering if someone was going to slide out in a car and collect it off the side of the road. That wait in the coffee shop probably wasn't too fun....

You were officially outside the scope of the FJR's intended use. Too bad the bike fell. I'm sure you were wondering if someone was going to slide out in a car and collect it off the side of the road. That wait in the coffee shop probably wasn't too fun....
Yes, I read a book and surfed the web and crossed my fingers.

I'm sure this is the unasked question on everybody's mind:

PR3's. They suck in the snow
Probably if the FJR was wearing Anakees or K60s or something, I'd have been able to get up the rest of the hill

Had to of been quite a scene. Imagine those cagers... "wtf, did I just see some dumbass on a motorcycle?!"
Glad ur Okay!
Actually, a couple years back I had that exact thought. I had gone home to visit my parents in western Mass and was driving back along I-90 through the Berkshires when a Nor'Easter hit earlier than expected. As I'm going uphill on the eastern side of the Berkshires, having a hell of a drive in my Subaru even with all-wheel drive, cars spun out and off the road all over the place, I see a motorcycle going downhill in the other direction.

Brave, unlucky or suicidal.

I'm sure this is the unasked question on everybody's mind:
PR3's. They suck in the snow
Probably if the FJR was wearing Anakees or K60s or something, I'd have been able to get up the rest of the hill
Add some studs to those and you're on the right track!


Had to of been quite a scene. Imagine those cagers... "wtf, did I just see some dumbass on a motorcycle?!"
Glad ur Okay!
Actually, a couple years back I had that exact thought. I had gone home to vi

sit my parents in western Mass and was driving back along I-90 through the Berkshires when a Nor'Easter hit earlier than expected. As I'm going uphill on the eastern side of the Berkshires, having a hell of a drive in my Subaru even with all-wheel drive, cars spun out and off the road all over the place, I see a motorcycle going downhill in the other direction.

Brave, unlucky or suicidal.
You forgot misguided and just plain dumb :)
