They Almost Got Me This Time

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Way to be looking out. All the time going through an intersection, it's best to give a little last look.

ABS, did good to keep you from sliding out you think?

Way to be looking out. All the time going through an intersection, it's best to give a little last look.ABS, did good to keep you from sliding out you think?

I've seen this happen before, right in front of my eyes though thankfully I was driving a rental truck rather than riding a bike. Preparing to make a left, on a green arrow. The cars in front of me went through. Being a rider, I did my scan of the intersection and saw a stake bed truck barreling up to the red light. I chose to pause and see what he was going to do. He T-boned the car in front of me, with no effort to brake at all.

Nerve-wracking. I was driving the rental because the previous day, a dipshit had pulled out in front of my own truck. He got to the median and realized that there was a big truck coming, so he stopped - 2/3 of the way into my lane. No room to swerve so I hammered the brakes and came to a stop about a foot from him. The kid driving the Ranger behind me was out to lunch. He didn't even brake, at 50mph or so before hitting my truck.

Be careful people. They're out there. We have to do their thinking for them, if we want to survive on two wheels.

Good for you Mike, we always have to be alert for some dope head to do something like that. Wonder if he was on the phone.

Glad you are ok and hope your heart rate is down by now.


... I look left and see the guy in the curb lane coming to a stop, and suddenly, here he comes, they guy in the fast lane, that is ...
They say you were lucky. I say you made your own luck. Well done, congrats for keeping yourself alive.

In recent years my wife and I have made a rule for ourselves. This was started in California, but applies here in Oregon also. "When the light turns green wait before starting to make sure the red light runners have completed their run." This is especially true of those making left turns, but also applies to other intersection movements.

Good for you Mike, your bike training and grey hairs served you well. These red light runners is the main reason I stopped filtering my way to the front and being the first off the line.

Feel blessed, you have someone looking out over you!


This is why I gave up on turning left years ago. makes the ride planning a bit more challenging, but it's well worth the inconvenience! :) Glad you are ok!!

Wow, Mike! Scared the shit outta me just reading your post! So glad you have a keen eye and way to go for paying attention!

reminders like this just bring the point home for sure.

shoot Mike...Mike says he's glad Mike is OK and that Mike did the right thing, is unscathed physically...Mike has had similar circumstances and Mike rode away...Mike was too shaken to chase the SOB on the cell phone who almost took this Mike out like what almost got Mike killed.

Hope ya mental state will heel up quickly cause I know mine would be troubled.

Oh, hummmm, would have been quite a test for the Clearwater Lights who were not damaged in a race track low side with the light bouncing down the track.

But so glad an impact test didn't happen for lights or Mike

Seriously, I said a prayer of thanksgiving...way too many of these storys with or without tragedy me the willies

let's ride safe, have a swivel head, ride like we're invisible and they are all out to kill us, and be careful out there,


in you know where

I think another good future design goal for us is to mount Machine Guns on our machines - for douche bags like that ----- pepper the hell out of his car as he goes by if you can, and if not chase the bastard down and hit 'em from behind...
my other bike:


Wow, incredible story. Sounds like the man upstairs has some unfinished business for you to tend to down here. Maybe you're the guy whose gonna cure cancer!

Glad you were alert.

Scary stuff mate! Glad you are alright and glad to see you did not chase him down for a talk.
