Those of us in this job appreciate those of you not making our lives harder. Since day one, I was told about this mystical pendulum that swings from left to right. It seems one or the other is usually hustling things along. About 8 or 9 years ago, right about the invention of YouTube, and another important event, the pendulum took a very sharp and hard swing to the left. It is hanging hard there, and I know you guys see it as well as we do.
I appreciate that people think we protect them, but really, that's too much credit. I liken us to the teacher and the judges are the principal. Basically, if we catch someone doing something, we take them to see the principal. IF, the kids know the principal is a push-over, they're no longer scared to see him, and the teacher isn't nearly as effective. A lot of our principals are making things way to easy.
It is up to people to help us help them. Your first line of defense should be yourselves. It takes us way to long to get there when time really matters. What keeps people in check is knowing we will catch them and there will be consequences. Remove the consequences and we are useless. There is so much to say, and not nearly enough time to type it all, and it would be impossible to keep politics out of it, because that is the driving force behind so many of our current issues.
I'll say this: In the last few years, I have had more people shake my hand and say than you than in the previous 14 or 15 years combined. I have had lunches covered, coffee paid for, and acts of kindness that surprise me. Sometimes, I'm taken aback, and just don't know how to respond. For those moments, THANK YOU. Most of us aren't in this job for thank yous and free food, but we really appreciate the support.
I train hard and we try to be smart. I hope someone never gets it over on me and kills my dumb ass. I'll end up spending my last few seconds being pissed off thinking I've lost. I will say this: My goal, every day, is to make it home to my wife and kids. It is also my responsibility to make sure my guys do the same. I will do WHATEVER it takes to ensure those things happen. I really am a nice guy, and I love helping people, but deep down inside, when my life, your life, or my peoples' lives are on the line, there is a violent, determined, cheating, well trained ************, lurking below, who will win, no matter what. I'm a sore loser, period. I am a type A *******, all good cops are.
If you haven't heard of him, look up Lt.Col. David Grossman. He is the author of books titled, 'On Killing,' 'On Combat,' and 'The Warrior Mindset.' He talks about wolves, sheep, and sheepdogs. If you want to know what makes a lot of us tick, read those books. I was amazed at how close to home they hit. Cops, soldiers, and even firefighters are the sheepdogs. Ask Ambercrombi if he doesn't have a mad respect for fire. Then ask him if he'll ever let it win. People who LET themselves be victims are the sheep, and the ******** are the wolves. Never be a sheep, and know the sheepdogs are doing what they can. We CANNOT let the wolves take control. We will pay a price that most cannot afford. However, it's hard to organize a protest against dipshits when we have jobs to work and families to raise. It's easy to go raise Hell when food and board are free and you're bored anyway from sitting home all day playing XBox.
We have been underestimating our enemies' resolve, and now it's coming back to haunt us. If we don't take control quickly, we will losee more cops and more innocent people. That seriously pisses most of us off.
Thank you for the kind wishes, and take care of your families. I'll continue to watch my back and as many of our peoples' as possible.