They should make this part of getting a cager lic.

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Well, If we are going to get ride of people on cell phones in cars, lets get rid of those damn bikers with comm systems too!!!

I'm with Orangevale

Leave me and my freedoms ALONE!!

Well, If we are going to get ride of people on cell phones in cars, lets get rid of those damn bikers with comm systems too!!!
I'm with Orangevale

Leave me and my freedoms ALONE!!
Not to put too fine a point on it, but driving is a privelige, not a right. There are several laws that drivers are expected to abide by, but they don't.

Not one day goes by that I don't see some yutz driving while they're looking at their cell phone. Happened again yesterday. The light goes green and this idiot woman doesn't move. Me and everyone behind me are honking and she finally goes. I pass her and she's holding the wheel, moving slower than everyone else NOT looking at the road but at her cell. This is 90% of what I see from cell phone users.

I have no facts to back it up, but I'm betting a good lot of riders who are rear ended at stop lights are hit by cell users.

Personally, I hate to think what I'd do to someone that involves me in a crash because they were on a phone. For their sake I better not be able to reach them because they'll need a team of specialists to remove that phone from where I'll put it, and that's after I kick the hell out of them.

When I drive I use a hands free set and 'voice dial' I don't have to take my eyes off the road.

Come on, how many lives are worth trading for a cell phone? Yes, you and many others can drive safely using a cell phone. That group isn't the ones that will kill the next rider. It's the drivers who can't safely drive and yak.

Come up with a law that lets the safe drivers have cells and weeds out the bad drivers and I'll support it. Until then, I'm all for banning them.

Hey wait! I have a great idea. I'll buy one of those cell phone jammers and carry it in my jacket. Nobody talks when I'm riding.

I wear protective gear to keep from being hurt in a crash, but that's after the fact. Now I can control one more thing that helps me from getting into a crash to begin with.

Jamm'n on the ride

Clearly, it's a well known fact that cell phone users are the primary problem when it comes to driving.

You can blame the other guy until you are blue in the face and you will be just as dead. Just start with the notion that all of the cagers and truckers are out to get you, and do whatever you can to reduce your risks.

As to distractions read "Fate is the Hunter" about instrument flying. The captain instructor lights matches in his students face to test his concentraition. Way cool.

It is too bad that it is so easy to get a drivers liscense. Insurance companies could change this by offering hefty discounts for advanced drivers training, but they have yet to do it. Anyway all the advanced training is called racing - and they cannot endorce this.

Pass the plate.


Well, If we are going to get ride of people on cell phones in cars, lets get rid of those damn bikers with comm systems too!!!
I'm with Orangevale

Leave me and my freedoms ALONE!!
Not to put too fine a point on it, but driving is a privelige, not a right. There are several laws that drivers are expected to abide by, but they don't.

Come up with a law that lets the safe drivers have cells and weeds out the bad drivers and I'll support it. Until then, I'm all for banning them.
O.K. Driving is a privilege. So is smoking, drinking, and having sex with me (at least thats what I've been telling my wife) :bleh:

Carring a gun is a Right, Protection from Illegal search and seizure is a Right. But there's always someone who cannot handle the responsibility handed to them. Then there's ten people who want to protect that person from themself.

I own my own business, I can multitask and run twenty things at once. There are folks who can do way more than I can imagine and folks who can't dream of touching me.

The point is people need to know there limits and live in them. The problem is they don't, but we don' need laws to regulate every little thing.

Admin - Sorry for writting on the fring here...But he started it :assasin:

BTW livingadventure, the guy in the vid that started this thread was NOT on the phone. It was an accident caused by not being aware of your surroundings and a public service announcement to look Twice for bikers. Yes, I agree, I should be part of a training driving video (This was talked about in a thread already a few weeks ago). I, however, fail to see how it is used to ban cell phones.

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FJRFencer, you're looking at another example of how things take on a life of their own. My original post was that the video should be included in drivers training. As a side thought I added in the comment about the cell phone thing. That must have hit a nerve with many people and it went off from there.

Cell phone laws or not, we riders need more protection from cagers and that's a fact. It's also a fact that drivers who also ride motorcycle are safer drivers, so to compare ourselves to other drivers is like apples to oranges... big, dumb, clueless, oranges... hehehe :lol:
