Things that make me go hmmm....

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What would DoG do?
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I'm sure you all heard the one about the tiger that jumped out of its enclosure at the SF Zoo and savagely attacked three young hoodlums innocent victims.

I was watching a, um, OK, it was Nancy Grace, and they reported that on Christmas Day, the same day of the attack in SF, a dead tiger was discovered wrapped in a moving blanket near Dallas, or Houston, can't remember for sure. It had a collar on, so it was probably a correction of someone's bad idea for a pet.

So, somebody decides to kill a tiger in Texas, then a tiger in California decides to kill somebody. Jack Hanna said it was the first time in over fifty years that a visitor was killed at a US zoo by an animal.


If I may put forth a bike-pertinent slice of personal philosophy, I feel that man has ruled this world as a stumbling demented child king, long enough! And as his empire crumbles, Uh, never mind, kinda got distracted there....flashbacks and such....

I prefer to call deer deer. YMMV

Respect the rabbit!

So, my pet tiger got loose and somebody whacked him. It was getting kinda spendy feeding the ******.

you know the world is changing when

the best rapper is white, the best golfer is black, germany won't fight anybody and the french think that we are rude.


Let me guess, Eve isn't home, right? :lol:
Home, yes, but OOS due to periodic maintenance.
Also why we won't be making it to Santa Maria today. :cry:

Jack Hanna said it was the first time in over fifty years that a visitor was killed at a US zoo by an animal.
In Portland in 1970, a man was killed by a lion at the Metro Zoo. Granted, he was dangling his feet into the cage, but still, it happened. Then, either the next night, or a couple nights later, the dead guy's friend came to the zoo and killed the lion.

But, I guess technically, the idiots in this case weren't visitors as they broke in late at night.

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