This guy can paint

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I used to paint cars/bikes (and custom striping) when I was younger. I did not free hand like that. I've used those brushes before, in fact I may have one left. It is all about a steady controled hand. To go back and pick up in the middle of a stripe, and continue without varying the size or making it look like a brush stroke there, is real tough. To do what he's doing is very difficlut. He is real bloody good. ;)

Nice post.

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I liked the way he took a final look, tranced out, then continued on -

This guy has the 'stuff'..

I love watching any craftsman perform his trade... that guy is good with that single brush.

Years ago I worked for a local car dealership who had a pin striper they sent the cars to for accent stripes. He used a "sword" brush, and I always tried to take a car over for his work when I had a bit of time to just sit there and watch... He was able to freehand swoopy designs of varying widths on each side of the car without even going back to check his design on the first side. Perfect every time!

Fun times... ;)

WOW...That's amazing to me. I have no idea how he has that much hand-eye coordination. The first line, I can almost understand. It is marked by the tank. The second, thin, spaced interior line blows my mind.

The fact that he does both lines with the same brush, and does it without making sections of varying width and obvious connections is freaking cool. I wish I could do somethign like that.

so how much would it cost to fly him out to the US for a couple weeks to pinstripe all of our bikes?
