Those Fascist Admins!!!!!!!!

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
Joshua Tree, CA
Good people.

Just today an Admin Hijacked a thread with good info that really should have been placed someplace else. The Admin then had the unmitigated audacity to REMOVE his own post and apologize for the disruption once he realized his error.

Then another Admin responds to some asshats post whining about the Admins being 'God Like" and above it all. That Admin then used the Birdie emoticon ( which I don't know how to use but I bet I could search it ) and some swift words to dispel that clown.

Basically, the Admins are god like, and well they should.

Justice and Peace Keeping sometimes pop a cap in an innocent victim, but 99% of the time they are dutifully keeping the peace and allowing the board smooth operation. Thats a pretty good rate of return I think for the effort and job.

This is only one of two boards I frequent, having abandoned all others to endless rambling, hijacks, name calling, and baseless dog piling. On this board, most of the "action" against a poster has been warranted, and the responses appropriate to the crime.

Stop yer whining about Admin control. They do a great job here and I for one appreciate how smooth things run here compared to some other popular forums.

If they come across fascist to you, I suggest you grow a set ( stones or ovaries as god allowed you ) and STFU. This is NOT a democracy, this is a private forum where THEIR rules are THE rules.

Ya dig? Sho nuff.

GZ brown noz'n to get your warn-o-meter back to 0 or sup'n :huh:

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It's a joke, beeroux! dogpile intended! ;) But those chocolate noses are pretty, those are chocolate, right?

Do I detect some 'sucking up'?...... :rolleyes:
No comment - I've learned my lesson... Please - let's keep discussion centered on the Yamaha FJR 1300 motorcycle... :yahoo:

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Good people.
If they come across fascist to you, I suggest you grow a set ( stones or ovaries as god allowed you ) and STFU. This is NOT a democracy, this is a private forum where THEIR rules are THE rules.

Ya dig? Sho nuff.

Pure Lindburgher!

Haaa, I must be perverted, me likes the stench!

Two things have me concerned.

1. I didn't notice the dog pile that caused this thread (but I do agree that the velvet gloved fist of iron is sometimes needed to keep forums from degrading into uselessness).

2. How often is BobG close enough to the "issue at hand" to know what smegma smells like?
