Thought I had the bike I could ride forever...

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2007
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Westlake, OH
but alas I went for a nice ride yesterday after getting my tps recall taken care of and after 30 minutes or so the burning between my shoulderblades starts and only controlled by streching and moving around quite a bit, thought this riding position had it solved but alas no,by the time I was nearing home I couldn't wait to get off the bike. Now this has gone on for years and only once did my friends wife (FULLY CLOTHED) had my lay down and popped my back and bang, pain gone everything great, allowed me to cruise long distace on my Wing again, that was 25 years ago and I have since seen a chiropractor and instead of popping sounds it was more of a grinding hurty twisting and I have been apprehensive in going back as it only made things worse. Do any others get this pain and is it fixed by a good back crack? or am I just getting old (49) and have to deal with it and just stick with my 10 mile runs to bike nite :dribble:

I get all kinds of pains when I ride, and when I don't ride. For the most part this is payback for all of the fun (and stupid) things I have done over the years. As far as my back is concerned, I try to keep my back straight and bend at my hips as I lean forward. Now that I have made this my normal riding position I can ride for many hours without serious back pain.

Try some arthritic pain reliever (over the counter). Arthristis can hit you at any age and regular tyenol or apsirin don't seem to work. I have had the same problem since I was in my early 30's and tried just about everything else. You can get stronger prescription stuff, but the generic seems to work just as well.

I get pains as well, doesn't matter what I ride. I always try to remember to take 4 ibuprofen before I head out on a ride of any length or time. This usually helps a lot and I'll take more as needed through the day. Moving around and changing my riding position, and unassing the bike every couple of hours, helps me as well. Getting old sucks.........

And, when riding, always be in motion. I can't sit in the best easy chair in the house and not move without getting sore and stiff. My moving around, stretching, and flexing (do a web search on isometrics) i feel better after a day of riding than i do after a day of watching football.

but alas I went for a nice ride yesterday after getting my tps recall taken care of and after 30 minutes or so the burning between my shoulderblades starts and only controlled by streching and moving around quite a bit, thought this riding position had it solved but alas no,by the time I was nearing home I couldn't wait to get off the bike. Now this has gone on for years and only once did my friends wife (FULLY CLOTHED) had my lay down and popped my back and bang, pain gone everything great, allowed me to cruise long distace on my Wing again, that was 25 years ago and I have since seen a chiropractor and instead of popping sounds it was more of a grinding hurty twisting and I have been apprehensive in going back as it only made things worse. Do any others get this pain and is it fixed by a good back crack? or am I just getting old (49) and have to deal with it and just stick with my 10 mile runs to bike nite :dribble:
I have used chiro's for years now; they make my life and body parts tolearable. The key is to find ONE chiro that's good, then stick with him. My chiro has been treating me off and on for 25 years now.. he knows exactly what to do, how much force, etc..

Thanks guys great to know you all suffer with me :clapping: I will go with the pain killers, hey they work when golfing but they scare me when they talk about liver damage when you take these and drink beer, which I do, not when riding mind you, might try another chiro, will let you know results

Don't forget exercise. Strong back and abs (not the braking abs, the other one) make all the difference in the world. A few minutes every morning may solve your problem.

I ran into this about 3 years ago when I had a ST1100

I ended up with muscle pain between my sholderbladed

I started going to a massage therepist and found it helped a bit

One time when she was working over the mucles in my upperback she said she wanted to try something :yahoo:

It did not turn out to be what I thought :(

What she figured out by talking to me was it was the way I was holding my head against the wind.

She started working my neck and did a bit of traction work to get it and I guess put it back in place

She explained that the muscles between my sholderblades help in the suport of my neck and when we put on a helmet and push it aginst the wind it puts those muscle into spasam becouse they get tiered

For my lower back I do 25 bent knee leg raised when I get up

Most of the time I do them right when I am in bed just after I wake up

My Doctor got me doing this 6 yrs ago and my lower back has been great ever since - it used to be crap

Before I ride now I try to do some good neck streches with my helmet on and it seems to help and the biggest thing I have figured out is to stay loose on the bike. Don't tense up and keep fluid



Just turned 65 today and thought I'd add my 2 cents. A few years back my 87 year old mother called me to wish me a happy birthday and asked how I was feeling. I told her things were fine except that I woke up a bit stiff and sore. Much to my chagrin she told me to "Toughen up! Old age isn't for sissies." I was speechless. Here was my mother telling me to get used to it. :unsure: So much for "stiff and sore".

Anyhow a year later I was diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes and was freaking depressed. Shit, what was next I thought? My sister is a endocrinologist (diabetes doctor for those of you in Rio Linda) and she pretty much gave me the bottom line as to how I was going to have to get to work on my body. Now I've never been a couch potato, I cycled, ran and raced sailboats in SF bay for 25 years so I was a little put off by her comment. However to be honest I hadn't done any of those for a few years.

She suggested that I get my cheeks to a gym and also might not hurt to spend a few bucks and get some advice from a trainer. I did as she suggested and the results, although not amazing, were pretty good. I found that if I got to the gym at least 3 times a week and put in a good 2 hour workout with a steam bath or jacuzzi bath that not only did the stiff and sore mornings go away, but I was able to develop some body strength which made my motorcyle riding a lot more enjoyable. Just doing some light sit-ups for my abs made my riding less painful.

Now I know there's a lot to "how" we ride, what position we have when we ride. I read the post on the Yoga position on this site and found that it really helped, pelvis tilted forward like folks in Asia squat and hands flat on the grips with the wrists slightly bent. I know that I have to "correct" this position every now and then as I have a tendency to "slump" when riding. The thing that I find which helps is to remember not to put too much weight on my hands. I should be able to sit on the bike, grip the tank with my legs and not have much weight on the bars. Putting weight on my arms and hands definitely will transfer that to my shoulders and back and will of course cause pain in my upper back after a while.

I have seen comments here on numb hands as well. I had the same problem and asked a riding instructor how to avoid this. he had me ride around with just the flat palms of my hand resting lightly on the grips. The numbness of course never appeared when I was conscious of how tense I was gripping the bars. I can actually feel the numbness coming on and have to consciously relax my grip and then of course the numbness disappears.

I have also used a chiropractor and with the caveat ("warning" for those of you in Houston) that there are good and bad ones, I found that it helped to have my back adjusted every now and then. But there's a better method if you have some more dedication and that's some yoga classes. I went to those for about a year to learn the "positions" and found that I could almost self-adjust my back and also add a lot of flexibility to my body which in turn also helped my riding comfort.

Advil, Tylenol etc can also help and what would riding be without caffiene?

Sorry about the length of this post, but there's a more to fun riding than just adding farkles and twisting the throttle.\ :blink:


Don't forget to exercise your neck also - you can do exercises at a desk by putting your hand against your head on each of the four sides and "pushing" against it for ten seconds to strengthen your neck.

Don't forget exercise. Strong back and abs (not the braking abs, the other one) make all the difference in the world. A few minutes every morning may solve your problem.
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Work out? I just want to ride man ha ha, got appt for chiro in morning see if that helps as my pain was gone the last time it was cracked properly as well as at that time and any time before the last 5 years I worked out all the time so I can't blame that, the thing is if I am using my computor mouse to much I get the same pain and numbness so hope something is out of alignment otherwise its the Yoda position and painkillers

but alas I went for a nice ride yesterday after getting my tps recall taken care of and after 30 minutes or so the burning between my shoulderblades starts and only controlled by streching and moving around quite a bit, thought this riding position had it solved but alas no,by the time I was nearing home I couldn't wait to get off the bike. Now this has gone on for years and only once did my friends wife (FULLY CLOTHED) had my lay down and popped my back and bang, pain gone everything great, allowed me to cruise long distace on my Wing again, that was 25 years ago and I have since seen a chiropractor and instead of popping sounds it was more of a grinding hurty twisting and I have been apprehensive in going back as it only made things worse. Do any others get this pain and is it fixed by a good back crack? or am I just getting old (49) and have to deal with it and just stick with my 10 mile runs to bike nite :dribble:
Conditioning. And there are ways to adjust the bars to mitigate the shoulder issue. But largely, it's a matter of conditioning the body to what *seems* un-natural compared to our cars, desk chairs, sofas, etc.

but alas I went for a nice ride yesterday after getting my tps recall taken care of and after 30 minutes or so the burning between my shoulderblades starts and only controlled by streching and moving around quite a bit, thought this riding position had it solved but alas no,by the time I was nearing home I couldn't wait to get off the bike. Now this has gone on for years and only once did my friends wife (FULLY CLOTHED) had my lay down and popped my back and bang, pain gone everything great, allowed me to cruise long distace on my Wing again, that was 25 years ago and I have since seen a chiropractor and instead of popping sounds it was more of a grinding hurty twisting and I have been apprehensive in going back as it only made things worse. Do any others get this pain and is it fixed by a good back crack? or am I just getting old (49) and have to deal with it and just stick with my 10 mile runs to bike nite :dribble:

Celebrex(still prescribed and works great, but....) and Skelaxin 800mg.

When the Chiro couldn't help any more I started Ibuprofen 800mg. My stomach couldn't handle it after a while. Switched to Vioxx. I became pain free in about four days. Great stuff, but.... Switched to Celebrex but quit taking it because of the scares. My L-4 and 5 vertebrae suffer from disc disintegration (injury and old age) but I'm not letting them cut me. The chemicals help a lot. Five years ago I could barely walk much less ride.Talk to your Doctor, get an MRI and see what's going on.

Better living through chemistry.

Good Luck.

Capt. Bob

Understand your pain (49 next month). Aspercreme is a huge help. Always apply some (not much) before a long ride. Doesn't help I banged up my left shoulder last July in an accident.

Have also started taking yoga classes. Go to Chiro and massage therapist regular and both bitch at me about stretching. Since starting yoga lower back pain is gone. Also stretch every time we stop for a break or sitting at a stoplight. As said earlier you can pop a lot of things back in place while stretching. Big difference in pain relief, give it a try. Plus can't beat good looking women in tights at class.
