Thought I had the bike I could ride forever...

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Understand your pain (49 next month). Aspercreme is a huge help. Always apply some (not much) before a long ride. Doesn't help I banged up my left shoulder last July in an accident.
Have also started taking yoga classes. Go to Chiro and massage therapist regular and both bitch at me about stretching. Since starting yoga lower back pain is gone. Also stretch every time we stop for a break or sitting at a stoplight. As said earlier you can pop a lot of things back in place while stretching. Big difference in pain relief, give it a try. Plus can't beat good looking women in tights at class.
65 last November and can agree with all of the comments,after various back operations and a bilateral hip replacement i find that keeping moving is the best option,a 300 + ride does wonders for the stiffness.

I'll be 40 in July. I work at a workbench on little tiny aircraft parts. I wear a x5 visionary help device. and hunch over my work all day.....

My back hurts all the time. Except when I ride! My concours was good. stock pegs but helibars. This Fjr is perfect back therapy for me. Love it.


Just to point out, if you're sitting properly on a motorcycle, you should *not*, in any way, to any degree, be holding yourself up with your arms. You should be able to let go of one side of the bars at any time without moving your torso or changing your "set" on the bike. That's when you know you're sitting properly using your trunk muscles and your legs to position yourself. And that takes a while to condition yourself to do.


Celebrex side effects are serious and life threatening, with reports of death, cardiovascular problems, kidney and liver damages, and ulcers. The Celebrex side effects experienced were the source of criticism by many people that felt the company did its best to minimize the appearance of Celebrex side effects in order to gain an upper hand with competing arthritis drug Vioxx. Within months of its entrance to the U.S. market, Celebrex side effects were reported, accounting for 10 deaths and 11 instances of gastrointestinal hemorrhages. (Click for the webpage)

April 23, 2007 - Five Plaintiffs File Celebrex Lawsuit Seeking Damages

April 2, 2007 - TV Ads For Celebrex to Resume After Side Effects Scare

March 5, 2007 - Celebrex Should Be Last Resort, Heart Experts Say

March 2, 2006 - New Study Reveals Celebrex Increases Heart Attack Risks

February 28, 2006 - First Celebrex lawsuit in the Country Going to Trial

With other pain killers or any drug - be cautious - all have side effects and they may be worse (or non-existent) for you - but please always check for side effects of any drug you take, just google on the drugs name or active ingredient + "side effects"

The side effects can creep up on you - one drug i was put on affected the optic nerves - it was caught by accident when I went for the new glasses I get every year - please check the side effects may not be noticeable.

chiropractors - wouldnt go near one if they paid me just my reaction to them go to a sports physiotherapist - or one that deals with the aging problems.

Soz if this is over the top or off topic :/


but alas I went for a nice ride yesterday after getting my tps recall taken care of and after 30 minutes or so the burning between my shoulderblades starts and only controlled by streching and moving around quite a bit, thought this riding position had it solved but alas no,by the time I was nearing home I couldn't wait to get off the bike.

I had a similar problem when I first got my FJR. It was totally eliminated for me, by the addition of heli-bar risers. Could be worth a try for you.


You are doing an entirely different thing using different muscles groups etc than you do everyday .You should feel sore a bit till these muscle gain strenth and get used to working together.

There are manythings that affect you here are some in no particular order.

bad position

bad fitting clothing

unfitt for distance ridding

bad attitude

lack of water intake ( NOT liquid intake but H2O ) before you ride

lack of strecthing excercises

overall muscle tension

staying still too long

neck muscle not used to wearing a helment , try watching TV on a stool for 2 hours with helment on see how you are .

overheating in plastic lined gear

Sinus headaches

medical problems like low blood sugar ,etc

over gripping controls

mental attitude ( today is a good day )

Sinus headaches
This (along with many of your others) is an EXCELLENT point. I'm allergic to pretty much everything with hair, skin or that grows int he ground. Putting a helmet on with sinus pressure will do everything from exacerbate a headache to bring on nose bleeds and can **** with your chi right quick. good point.

Some thoughts:

- Back pressure from the stock windscreen could cause the shoulder blade pain - my VStream virtually eliminated back pressure

- Releasing the spring tension on the throttle body by one revolution may help - it certainly did in my case

- Set-back risers like the MCL (as already noted)

- Seating position - do a search on the "Yoda Position" - this helps relax the arms and hence the shoulder blades

YMMV, etc....

Well just got back from the Chiro,bunch of popping going on, I was 1/4 inch shorter on the right and stood with my weight that way, with first visit almost straightened me out feels like a weight has been lifted off my back, will go back a couple more times to see if it helps my riding pain as well as I get this sitting at my stool with right hand on the mouse so its not the helmet or wind, well i sold this Chiro's wife a 900.00 vacuum a couple months ago so I will let him get some of the money back :)

Miele? As in the company that builds (built?) printing presses?
Maybe they are a German company into home appliances, vacs, dishwashers, stovetops, range hoods, industrial cloth presses they may do more, I sell all brands not just Miele

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