Well, excuse me, but my '04 FJR is definitely NOT crap. I love this bike. It handles great, it's very fast, and it's a beautiful bike. But, remember, the FJR is a sport touring bike. Not a pure sport bike. It's heavier and bigger than a sport bike. Yes, it's a little top heavy, partly because it has a huge six gallon gas tank. It takes a little getting used to, but you just deal with it. It's probably no harder to push around (like moving it around in a garage) than your Electra Glide is.
And I've never had any ticking or ignition malfunctions on my bike. And "stalling"? Give me a break! That's an "operator error", not a problem with the bike.
And the FJR is what it is. It's not a cruiser and it's not a sport bike. I also own a Suzuki Intruder 1400 and a Yamaha Virago 1100. I enjoy these bikes also for what they are: cruisers. And I would like to add a sport bike to my garage some day.
And I love the hard bags and the Givi travel trunk. They are great for long trips and very easy to take off and put on. The Givi trunk just snaps on and comes off with just pushing one button. And it's a great backrest for a passenger.
I'm sure you'll get a lot more positive opinions of the FJR on this site.
Good Luck.