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ok thanks both - It was new - and as it only goes in a couple of turns Im worried I'll mess it up - very weird
Very important to have the right bolt pitch. 1.25 and 1.50 will start OK, but mess up thread if you go past the two turns. I believe 1.50 are common in bolt bins....1.25 not so much.

Yea the package says 1.25 , I'm going to go try a Bolt I know is 1.25 and see if somehow they sent me a package with the wrong thread size in it. As I said weird - I seem to be be Thread challenged cos i had similar issues with my risers - oh my

I took the ball to the local homedepot and tried it in the thread size tester and indeed it is a 1.50 thread not 1.25 as the package states - at least im not going crazy like I thought - anyway thought I would update - I have requested an exchange from GPScity

I returned the ball to gpscity and ordered from cheapgps, same packaging but this time the ball fits - must be a ram mount mixup as the packaging was all intact and sealed.
