Three FJR's on Angeles Crest

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Silver Penguin

Silver Penguin
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
Huntington Beach, CA
Was today the day that a certain number of vehicles had to be wrecked in the LA area? We saw them all. It was not pretty. Barry has photos, but thankfully we didn't see anyone get hurt.

The June glooms and Los Angeles traffic made for a dull start to the day. Barry (Barabus) and I rode up the 605 to meet Richard (Fairlaner). We were just riding along gently at a modest....... er 65mph or so........ in the car pool lane when we rounded a sweeping turn and met a car, facing us in our lane. The driver was sitting in the stopped car and the lights were on. (Clarification - the car's lights were on, I can't speak for the driver). There was plenty of room to get the two FJR's around the obstacle, but I dread to think what happened next. Anyone approaching the car, with cellphone/ donut/ coffee/ razor/ lipstick/ newspaper or all of the above, in hand might not fare so well.

Thought that was weird? the next sight was even stranger. On the opposite side of the freeway, we saw a gravel truck parked in the car pool lane. He was about three feet or so from the barrier, with a car on its side trapped between him and the wall. It must have only just happened because there were no emergency vehicles on scene yet.

The rest of the ride to our rendezvous was thankfully uneventful. We met Richard at a gas station, and once again I was grateful to Barry for the valet parking. I can ride a tall bike and I can deal with it on flat ground, but slopes in two planes simultaneously, with tight turns thrown in are not cool. How I wish I had longer legs!

Now to the bit we'd been waiting for. We rode fifty miles each way through the traffic for the chance to ride 100 miles of twisties. What a road! the first part has been repaved and is perfect. Apart from the slowpoke in the SUV, it was motorcycling heaven. Barry and Richard know the road far better than I, so they high tailed it past the crawler. I hung back until I had a perspective that made me more comfortable. Why don't these people use the turn outs?

The road surface deteriorated a little but was still good pavement, as we went up the hill. The turns just kept on coming but there were enough short straights for a fast bike to get past the gravel trucks. We can't complain about these guys lumbering slowly up the road because they're working on the part of the road that is closed. More work = more road to play with. The scenery is awesome, during those brief moments that your eyes can wander from the line. The sky has a million shades of blue, some that could only be captured by an artist or a poet. This is one of those feel-good roads that just rocks your very soul.

In no time at all, we were at the end of the road. We could go no further, so it was time to turn back and find some lunch. We were all hungry and looking forward to a meal at Newcomb's Ranch. We soon fell into the most comfortable riding order with Richard in front, Barry in the middle and me at the back, smelling the roses, savoring the scenery. With Richard probably waiting at the restaurant, Barry and I came upon a flagman, waving us to slow down. We did just that, not knowing why. Around a few more turns, there was a helicopter landed on one of the turnouts. We pulled over and went to investigate. (Cue photo here, Barry). The medics and the pilot were really nice guys so we chatted for a while.

The LA Fire guys told us that two gravel trucks had met in one of the turns. Their unit was the closest available so they were dispatched but thankfully not needed. The two drivers had cuts and bruises only. Their rigs were pretty messed up. (More photos now please). One cab was at 90 degrees to the road, with the engine cowling spread far and wide. Lots of slippery stuff was leaking out. The other rig was intact until the second trailer. One of the wheels looked like a figure eight and the rear axle was probably shot.

These two trucks, plus about a dozen or so waiting in each direction made a pretty big mess of the road. Thankfully, the Sheriff gave us permission to ride very slowly and gently through the wreckage.

After lunch, we headed down the hill without much more excitement, thank goodness. A recent rock fall prompted some swerving action, and I met a driver who liked my side of the road better than his own but no harm, no foul. I was at a pretty conservative speed, so able to loan him some of my road.

Last but not least, on the 605 on the way home, we came upon a traffic back up, where everyone had slowed to stare at the SUV that was pointed in the wrong direction as well as being upside down.

Over a cup of coffee afterwards, we mused on how much we'd enjoyed the ride, and how glad we were to be home safe.


Not often I round a bend in the HOV lane at 80mph and find a car with headlight pointed at me. Must be from living in LA for so long. My pulse didn't raise, but instead just pointed to the car with my left foot as I swerved right. As Jill points out, the story just begins there. WTF. Cagers are out of control around here. Smitty, make room for me- I am moving to Bonne Terre, MO and living with you. Too many rats in a a cage here. I will post pics when I have time.

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Great, now the road is F up for use to ride on..( oil, fuel dirt, rocks and truck parts..) :****:


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So everybody didn't Wang Chow tonight ??

And, you didn't get the slippery shrimp........

That's an alternate route lunch stop joke............ :yahoo:

Great ride report Jill. Time to check out the photos now.



Great ride report Jill. Makes me very jealouse. Very very jealouse......sigh.

We do have some good roads. In Wales Ireland and Scotland mainly. I will do some mileage on them soon and take some pictures.

Great pictures Barabus and video too. Who is the babe in the white leathers?

Great ride report Jill. Makes me very jealouse. Very very jealouse......sigh. We do have some good roads. In Wales Ireland and Scotland mainly. I will do some mileage on them soon and take some pictures.

Great pictures Barabus and video too. Who is the babe in the white leathers?

Great ride report Jill. Makes me very jealouse. Very very jealouse......sigh. We do have some good roads. In Wales Ireland and Scotland mainly. I will do some mileage on them soon and take some pictures.

Great pictures Barabus and video too. Who is the babe in the white leathers?

That's no "babe"- that's my wife! LOL.

Sounds like a good ride. Glad everybody is safe. It sounds like a real weird day. Kind of spooky, when there is wreckage all around.

here are the 4 pictures I took yesterday while waiting for the others.

Jill in the twistys




Banana Barry



Great ride report Jill. Makes me very jealouse. Very very jealouse......sigh. We do have some good roads. In Wales Ireland and Scotland mainly. I will do some mileage on them soon and take some pictures.

Great pictures Barabus and video too. Who is the babe in the white leathers?

That's no "babe"- that's my wife! LOL.

You look like you have some MotoGP lean in that one picture. Way to ride!

Thanks for the compliment. I was a bit wary when we first set out, but slowly started to build my confidence. We have to go back out there soon. My Ninja is jealous that the FJR got to play.

Thank goodness we didn't meet this guy. Hopefully his first ride up the Crest will be his last (as it almost was) until he learns some cornering skills.

Thank goodness we didn't meet this guy. Hopefully his first ride up the Crest will be his last (as it almost was) until he learns some cornering skills.
What an idiot/ :asshat: !

This is exactly the type that local citizens complain about and bring the CHP down on all of us. I'll bet they were all laughing about "the close one". "Heh-heh-heh-heh, race yuh tuh the top!" Whatta a jerk!

We have them in NorCal, too. They like to race up and down Hwy 4. I know because I've met them coming the other way in my lane. It's (invigorating?)! Too bad I'm not in my work truck.... :dribble:

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This is exactly the type that local citizens complain about and bring the CHP down on all of us. I'll bet they were all laughing about "the close one". "Heh-heh-heh-heh, race yuh tuh the top!" Whatta a jerk!
The really sad part is that this idiot probably has no idea what went wrong, or how to avoid it in the future. He'll keep making the same mistake over and over until he is no longer able to ride (which won't be long).

One of my friends was taken out on the Crest, by a guy on a Ducati. He was on his way off the road, using her side of the road to get there. She braked hard, then swerved but he fixated on her and rode into her path. Both were flown to the hospital in the same helicopter. Her bike was totaled. She had some injuries that are now pretty much healed. His bike looked totaled too.

