Three Radar Detectors Tested

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The V-1's combination of directional arrows and ability to indicate multiple sources from multiple bands make it the preferred unit for many long distance riders.

I've neve understood the fascination with the arrows thing, slowing down no matter where it is. I know when the detector goes off & how strong the signal is getting & look around , don't care much which side it is on and know if I'm getting closer by my signal strength & sight (sometimes). If it stays with me I know it is behind....

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I've neve understood the fascination with the arrows thing, slowing down no matter where it is. I know when the detector goes off & how strong the signal is getting & look around , don't care much which side it is on and know if I'm getting closer by my signal strength & sight (sometimes). If it stays with me I know it is behind....
That's just it. I don't slow down all the time based off of the arrow information. If it's a forward facing arrow I'm going I treat it as a bigger threat than a rear facing arrow. The number of forward arrows that turn out to be actual threats are much higher than rear facing arrows. Side arrows prompt one to look around and either find a cop or something industrial/commercial making the signal.

Where a detector at all helps, tone frequency adds more information to the scene, tone pitch adds yet more, and arrows add even more.

Well worth the expense in my experience.

I'm really ambivalent about the use of radar as an effective tool. With LEOS moving to lazers and on/off radar, doesn't that render detectors kind of useless?
It's still a very effective tool......most of the time. In my experience it's still well over 90% that LEO encounters are conventional radar that's either constantly on or instant on that's trying to get somebody in front of me and I get a warning. Only when police officers set up a speed trap and stand stationary are they going to be using laser and in these small number of cases I agree detectors are pretty close to useless. It's the other 90% of the time that they're worth their weight in gold....especially in Oregon where I've never experienced laser. It's been conventional radar (sometimes even old X band) 100% of the time.

Do the arrows give you the signal strength like the X50 does ? That's a big factor on whether I slow or not, only slow if strength goes up enough....

It's my understanding cops are afraid of laser/lidar. Remember the stories about radar making men sterile? Well, the report is laser will burn up the genit........ahhh, never mind.

Most of the laser/lidar stuff is in town I think since you have such a small beam to hit the vehicle with and would be tough to lock in on a bike on hwy...Anyone know for sure ? I haven't came across it on the road...

Most of the laser/lidar stuff is in town I think since you have such a small beam to hit the vehicle with and would be tough to lock in on a bike on hwy...Anyone know for sure ? I haven't came across it on the road...
That's exactly the point and why prior detection of laser is so hard of a nut to crack. Radar broadcasts a wide beam, bounces off objects around corners, etc. You're hoping to detect it before you're in it's beam.

Laser is a very, very narrow beam (maybe 1 foot at 100) and if you're detector picks it up, it's because they are aiming specifically at you. And a bike is plenty big enough for a laser to work. True you don't have a big ol' reflective license plate on the front, but you do have the headlights that do very well at reflecting lasers back.

Do the arrows give you the signal strength like the X50 does ? That's a big factor on whether I slow or not, only slow if strength goes up enough....
If your talking the equivalent of "Expert Mode" in the 7500/8500 series (I don't have an X50) then there isn't that equivalent in the V1. You get your strength indication from the frequency of beeps. My bike gets the V1 and the car gets the 7500. The 7500 in my car and the Expert Mode isn't bad with it's multiple target tracking, but my experience is it's suboptimal to the true direction tracking arrows of the V1.

Most of the laser/lidar stuff is in town I think since you have such a small beam to hit the vehicle with and would be tough to lock in on a bike on hwy...Anyone know for sure ? I haven't came across it on the road...
They use Laser on MA and NH highways. NH uses lasers on highways a lot. One saving thing when NH runs laser enforcement, it uses a lot of resources and that makes them easy to spot. NH usually has a parked car with the gunner standing outside his car. He often has an assistant working with him/her. As cars are targeted and shot the gunner will have his assistant radio the offender's info to one of several chase cars. The chase cars are set up in a way that really discourages running. If you keep your head up you can usually spot the team with enough time to react before you see the gun aiming at YOU.
Laser guns have scope sights much like a conventional rifle. A favorite target is the front license plate.

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I have a couple 8500s and a V1 in my 'go fast car'. I've used the 8500 X50 on the WING with good results.

But, if I had to have just one detector, it'd be the Valentine 1 hands down. It's just the best.

