Throttle Response Help?!?

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Has anyone tried advancing the TPS slightly? It helps a buttload on the FI-ed SV-650, I was wondering if anyone's tried it on the FJR. I didn't find anything with a search.
The Throttle Position Sensor sends a voltage to the ECU that changes with the mechanical movement of the throttle plates. The ECU converts the voltage to indicate throttle opening as a percentage. At idle the diAG screen will show 16-17 indicating that the throttle plates are open 16% to 17%, the amount necessary to flow enough air for the engine to idle at 1,100 rpm (give or take a few rpm). When the throttle is pinned open the diAG will read 99-100 indicating that the throttle plates are mechanically 99% to 100% open. The span of the TPS is fixed, you can't adjust the distance between 17% to 100%. The range is adjustable, if you drop the lower number to something like 14% the top reading will drop to 97%. If you raise the lower number to 20% then the top reading will be 103%. If I were to make a pretty sure bet, I would bet that the ECU disregards anything over 100% and simply sees it as 100%. The throttle opening percentage and especially the rate of position change are two important elements in the ECU determining the fuel injection trim. Which is a whole lot of words to say that advancing the TPS slightly probably won't help around idle and may hurt top end performance.
OK... I asked because on the SV it seems to reduce the complete fuel cutoff at idle, and makes the "FI lurch" go away. It was especially irritating following a slow car off a stoplight. I've done the G2 tube and +12 on the Barbarian mod, and that helped a lot.

I keep forgetting that I did the Barbarian Mod too, and you're right, it does help with the lurch. It didn't completely eliminate it, though, and at the #'s where it helped the lurch the most it introduced a mid or high RPM bog.

Let's hope it solves it to your satisfaction and spares you the cost of a power commander.

I have been happy with the throttle spring unwind, adjusting the throttle cable slack and G2 tube.

I keep forgetting that I did the Barbarian Mod too, and you're right, it does help with the lurch. It didn't completely eliminate it, though, and at the #'s where it helped the lurch the most it introduced a mid or high RPM bog.

Let's hope it solves it to your satisfaction and spares you the cost of a power commander.
I'm going to give it a go this week. I'm hoping for the free option :)
