ThrottleMeister Install?????

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2007
Reaction score
York, PA
ThrottleMeister won't engage so I removed the mounting bolt to the Throttle on my 2005 FJR expecting to just adjust shims. Low and behold, it doesn't bolt to a solid handle bar shaft but some kind of o-ring suction type of gizmo for a shaft. What exactly is this part? How does it function? Shouldn't it mount relatively solid so as not to sping when tightening bar end weigts? I noticed one of the o-rings is cut, could this be the reason why it won't tighten?


It does a sort of friction grip inside the bar. Clean it real well & put it back together. Once its back in you can just tap it in to adjust the exact depth & set point. If not that O-ring may be bad.

I'll start by replacing the o-ring and cleaning it all up. If that don't work, I'll consider the Madco Rider. BTW, what is a Madco Rider?

ThrottleMeister won't engage so I removed the mounting bolt to the Throttle on my 2005 FJR expecting to just adjust shims. Low and behold, it doesn't bolt to a solid handle bar shaft but some kind of o-ring suction type of gizmo for a shaft. What exactly is this part? How does it function? Shouldn't it mount relatively solid so as not to sping when tightening bar end weigts? I noticed one of the o-rings is cut, could this be the reason why it won't tighten?

I had the same issue you are describing. Throttlemeister would keep slipping out when I tightend it. After cleaning the inside of the handlebar thoroughly, try pushing the throttlemeister in all the way (even though the directions say to leave a little gap b/w the throttlemeister and end of handlebar.) Be sure to use locktite on that final screw or the throttlemeister will surely slip out again.

I'll start by replacing the o-ring and cleaning it all up. If that don't work, I'll consider the Madco Rider. BTW, what is a Madco Rider?

I've had the Madco cam-lock on three different bikes including my current FJR. Very satisfied with this product. I've never tried the ThrottleMeister so I can't compare the two.


It seems the o-ring shaft is spinning. I am unable to create enough friction to keep the shaft from spinning as I tighten the bolt. A quick fix was to add some masking tape onto the shaft and 'press the throttleMiester over the shaft with tape on it. This seems to have created a bit more friction and I've been able to torque the end bolt a bit more.

I might try lubing the threads on the end bolt and try installing it again. This may decrease the friction within the threads and allow the bolt to clamp the o-rings even more????

The masking tape is not a bad idea, but remember to clean the inside of the throttle assembly with alcohol before installing. BTW if one of the O-rings is damage, it is most likely to be causing the slipping effect when mounted. Don't forget to use medium Locktite or the bolt is going to get lose with the normal vibration of the bike. Other than that, the mechanism of the TM is Fisher-Price engineering (simple and practical).


It seems the o-ring shaft is spinning. I am unable to create enough friction to keep the shaft from spinning as I tighten the bolt. A quick fix was to add some masking tape onto the shaft and 'press the throttleMiester over the shaft with tape on it. This seems to have created a bit more friction and I've been able to torque the end bolt a bit more.

I might try lubing the threads on the end bolt and try installing it again. This may decrease the friction within the threads and allow the bolt to clamp the o-rings even more????


The #1 thing with a new one is a clean bar inner. If it won't work with everything 100% lube free and clean replace the O-ring.

It seems the o-ring shaft is spinning. I am unable to create enough friction to keep the shaft from spinning as I tighten the bolt. A quick fix was to add some masking tape onto the shaft and 'press the throttleMiester over the shaft with tape on it. This seems to have created a bit more friction and I've been able to torque the end bolt a bit more.

I might try lubing the threads on the end bolt and try installing it again. This may decrease the friction within the threads and allow the bolt to clamp the o-rings even more????

Hmmm, O-ring shaft spinning? That doesn't sound right, neither does the split in the o-ring. Friction is the only thing holding the throttlemiester in the handlebar - so in theory if you pulled on the throttlemeister hard enough it will come off, even after fully installed. Wish I had more advice but try calling/emailing them and see what they say.


Your right! I have been able to pull the bar end weight along with the shaft out of the handle bar housing. I have cleanded it, degreased it and dried it out. I believe the split oring is the culprit. However I have tightened the tolerance witha piece of masking tape and used a little silicone lubricant on the bar end bolt threads (as opposed to locktite). It is now tightening up nicely. I will be looking for orings tomorrow and will repeat the process without tape and a clean and dry product.

Thanks for the insights.

I am having the same issues. I tried fixing it over the w/e but the bolt to take the bar end off it locked in there. And the the bar end and everything just keeps spinning when I try loosing it. Any ideas on how to break the Loc-tite?

I am having the same issues. I tried fixing it over the w/e but the bolt to take the bar end off it locked in there. And the the bar end and everything just keeps spinning when I try loosing it. Any ideas on how to break the Loc-tite?

Usually heat (as in heat gun) should brake loose the loctited part....

Mine came with two adjusters (the left side that does not tighten is the same as the right one that does tighten. You might try switching the adjusters.

Sorry but I got to ask the question .. did you pull out the rubber threaded sleeve that held the original bar end weight? If you didn't then the Miester won't work. Throttle Meister has a simple tool that threads in and levers the sleeve out with the threads in it .. then your Meister will fit in and snug right up.

We tried a slide hammer to get that dam thing out and it would not budge .. but the tool Throttle Meister sent did it a minute. Email them and see .. it's a really simple tool.

