Ticket On Federal Land

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FWIIW, I paid $58 for 64 in a 45 zone in Glacier National Park in 2002. Hopefully, the 35 over doesn't put it in a totally different realm.

- Mark
The last time I was in Montana the posted speed limit on the interstate was 'Reasonable and Prudent'. :D

I imagine with an attitude like that the judge would be pretty lenient with speeding tickets even in the roads that had numeric speed limits. I understand they do have a numeric speed limit on the interstates in Montana these days.
Yes they do, it's 75, and I got a Welcome to Montana Gift Certificate for a 95 in same. About $70 IIRC, 6-7 years ago.
I've had pretty good luck in MT too, even with today's speed limits - many officers are just looking to see that you're not doing anything reckless and supported the "reasonble and prudent" law while it lasted. ID trooper, OTOH, are totally humorless and if you get stopped, you're probably going to get a ticket.

But I doubt this has any bearing on these federal tickets. They're a totally separate system from enforcement through the courts.

Francis' comments above about the BRP really resonate with me. I've driven the BRP several times and while it is a wonderful high-speed road, there are just too many people enjoying the scenery at the typical 45 mph to be really hanging it out. There are other, more remote, roads for that.

I go pretty fast sometimes, but I pick and choose my battles and making high-speed passes at 100+ of minivans doing the limit with the families on board is really offensive and just results in more and more draconian enforcement. You guys doing this stuff are screwing it up for everybody. When you see another car, slow it down, make a nice clean/quiet pass, and then wick it back up.

- Mark

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I've had pretty good luck in MT too, even with today's speed limits - many officers are just looking to see that you're not doing anything reckless and supported the "reasonble and prudent" law while it lasted. ID trooper, OTOH, are totally humorless and if you get stopped, you're probably going to get a ticket.
But I doubt this has any bearing on these federal tickets. They're a totally separate system from enforcement through the courts.

Francis' comments above about the BRP really resonate with me. I've driven the BRP several times and while it is a wonderful high-speed road, there are just too many people enjoying the scenery at the typical 45 mph to be really hanging it out. There are other, more remote, roads for that.

I go pretty fast sometimes, but I pick and choose my battles and making high-speed passes at 100+ of minivans doing the limit with the families on board is really offensive and just results in more and more draconian enforcement. You guys doing this stuff are screwing it up for everybody. When you see another car, slow it down, make a nice clean/quiet pass, and then wick it back up.

- Mark


Mark I couldn't agree more.

In that vein, I'd like to add that my ticket yesterday was on a completely desolate road. Not a car within 5 miles. Except the one with the pretty lights that drilled me with instant on coming over a rise. I might also add that elsewhere in the park, the speed limit is 65mph. The road I was ticketed on would absofuckinlutely support 65mph with no danger to anyone. Yet another reason I'm just a tad peeved.


On a slightly off topic note, I see that the V1 does NOT detect instant on radar. Somewhere, someone, was trying to tell me that the V1 would even detect the instant on units claiming that they radiate slightly (or an argument something like that) when warm. I didn't think so at the time and this seems to support my thoughts on that.

Gleno, sorry to hear about the impending rape of your wallet. Get an attorney. Likely cheaper in the long run.

On a slightly off topic note, I see that the V1 does NOT detect instant on radar.
Absolutely untrue. When he pulled the trigger, my V1 went off like mad. Full tilt on the scale and barkin' KA. It deff works with instant on.

On a slightly off topic note, I see that the V1 does NOT detect instant on radar.
Absolutely untrue. When he pulled the trigger, my V1 went off like mad. Full tilt on the scale and barkin' KA. It deff works with instant on.
Sorry, I mis-stated that. Of course it detected it when he pulled the trigger, but not till then. The aforementioned argument was over whether it could detect that type of radar BEFORE the trigger was pulled. I don't think so.

On a slightly off topic note, I see that the V1 does NOT detect instant on radar.
Absolutely untrue. When he pulled the trigger, my V1 went off like mad. Full tilt on the scale and barkin' KA. It deff works with instant on.
I think he meant pre-hit warm-up. My old Escort also would-could detect a gun in warm-up, but not all of them. Usually, the only warning you get is when he hits someone else. The all lights full blast, then completely off again is the IO indicator. Smart and sneaky cops will wait a couple minutes before lighting 'er off again. A lot of detector full bore racing taught me a lot about IO zones, where cops like to hide. This has worked better for me than any detector, which tends to give one a false sense of security, and tends to make one drop their guard, until BAM, another loss of faith........ :D

I got a ticket in Idaho 2 years ago. 75 in a 45. hwy 12, I think it was in a national forest. Long story short I called the county prosecutor and plea bargained. I still had to pay the fine and take the drivers test online. On my end he didn't put it on my driving record. So my insurance didn't go up, which is all I really wanted. The fine was 225.00


Nv also uses POP3 radar now as well. Not sure of all the dynamics of POP3, but I do know my V1 is due to be sent in for the upgrade.

On a slightly off topic note, I see that the V1 does NOT detect instant on radar.
Absolutely untrue. When he pulled the trigger, my V1 went off like mad. Full tilt on the scale and barkin' KA. It deff works with instant on.
I think he meant pre-hit warm-up. My old Escort also would-could detect a gun in warm-up, but not all of them. Usually, the only warning you get is when he hits someone else. The all lights full blast, then completely off again is the IO indicator. Smart and sneaky cops will wait a couple minutes before lighting 'er off again. A lot of detector full bore racing taught me a lot about IO zones, where cops like to hide. This has worked better for me than any detector, which tends to give one a false sense of security, and tends to make one drop their guard, until BAM, another loss of faith........ :D
Like Rad says.

So some units might detect the I/O radar before the trigger is pulled? Maybe?

Radar detector or no, the only thing that has gotten me in the last 10 years is the I/O radar with the notable exception of a Comal Co. Dept. awarding me with my personal record off a standard Ka radar. I had a detector and was depending on it. Discovered too late that the speaker had failed.

Driving south on US-281:

Son: Dad, there is a cop over there

Me:It's ok; the rada- DOH!! (looking up and seeing the silent light show)

90 ina 65. spendy

I do better just using judgement and 36 years of experience . . . . and mostly never more than 4 over. Mostly.

the Jail threat was real,, you go to Fed District Court ,, it does not get reported to the insurance wheezels ,, and no points to your OL ,,

look at it like this ,, you get busted by the local county guy ,, points ,, driving school,, take your OL ,, habitual offender if you have excessive speeding 3 tickets in 1 year ,, no OL for 3 years,,

on Fed Land you miss out on all that stuff ,, but they want your ass in a sling in regard to fines ,, and jail time ,,

get a lawyer !!!!!!!

On a slightly off topic note, I see that the V1 does NOT detect instant on radar.  Somewhere, someone, was trying to tell me that the V1 would even detect the instant on units claiming that they radiate slightly (or an argument something like that) when warm.  I didn't think so at the time and this seems to support my thoughts on that.Gleno, sorry to hear about the impending rape of your wallet. Get an attorney. Likely cheaper in the long run.
Sure the V1 detects instant-on. As soon as any other detector will... when they pull the trigger. What it used to not detect was POP. They added POP detection to the latest version simply because of user demand.

[note: POP3 is a communications protocol for e-mail servers.]

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