It is unbelievable to me how such a distinct metallic tapping associated with the Ticking never seems to reproduced well when a normal audio recording is made. :angry:
Yet, these two sound clips are about the best I've heard of all the attempts to record this sound.
You must listen to the entire sound clip... 04 FJR Pilot let's it idle for the first half of each clip, then revs the motor a little the second half.
On the first file (Tick1), it is 1:06 seconds in duration, and the ticking sounds between 50 secs through 56 secs are really distinct.
But it is the second sound clip (Tick2) that is the best.... it is 53 seconds in duration, you can hear it pretty well the entire time. At ~ 30 seconds, as 04 FJR Pilot moves the microphone closer to cylinder #1, and the sound is UNMISTAKABLE! It is not as "metallic" sounding as it is in person, but there is no denying the ticking anomaly in this sound clip.
Outstanding work, 04 FJR Pilot!!