Time for a windshield

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2010
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Decatur, Al
I'm looking at replaceing my stock standerd shield on my 03. With several makes out there, which is the best? I had a Cee Bailey before and liked it but I like the look of the V-Stream,. Give me some info.

I have been very happy with the V-Stream. My goal was to have a quiet ride, i.e. greatly reduced wind noise in the helmet. I can get that with the V-Stream riding with it fully raised. One disadvantage is really hot days when I want more cool air, and I cannot really get that with it lowered all the way. For me though, 99% of the time, I ride with the screen fully raised and just put up with the extra heat on hot days so I can have the relative quiet.

There are a LOT of choices when it comes to windscreens. The problem is that what's good for someone else may not be good for you. I have a CalSci large and it's perfect. Others with a similar height & build to my own have hated it. Short of riding someone else's bike, it's trial & error.

I'm looking at replaceing my stock standerd shield on my 03. With several makes out there, which is the best? I had a Cee Bailey before and liked it but I like the look of the V-Stream,. Give me some info.
I am happy with my Cal-Si It is a Large and made the wife happy also. It seems to have removed the "buffeting" feel we were getting with both the stock shield and the larger stock shield.


Most are happy with their after market screens, so you will get many different answers.

I went with the CalSci. Works great, but I run the stock screen in the summer in order to keep the airflow up.

Def stock screen in the summer and a Vstream in the winter, but I'd sell it for either a heated jacket or the Calsci setup.


Keep the stock screen and add a Laminar Lip. It's ugly,It's cheap and it works better than the the others and I think I tried them all. :yahoo:

You havent really given us enough information to make the recommendation (height, goals, etc).

I went with the vstream because i wanted a quiet ride, that would increase my wind protection (reduce buffeting), while minimizing the amount of distance i would have to raise the screen, while not looking through the screen.

there were a couple of things i was focused on. I found that the higher i raise the screen on an fjr, the more engine heat gets transfered to the rider. Its hot enough in the mid west already, so i wanted to be able to raise the screen a minimal amount to enable me to get the air to flow over my helmut (to keep things quiet). That being said, i also wanted the ability to raise the screen to a position where i was looking through it because i found you can get really really quiet when doing so. I only use that option when traveling long distance on highway type rides.

In the end i wanted all those options. i got those with the vstream. i'm 5'6" inches tall. with the vstream all the way down, i get more than enough air in the summer and look way over the top of the screen (which surprised me given my height). it enables me to raise it slightly to quiet things down, increase my protection,keep heat at bay, and not look through the screen. i also have the option of a "total block" with the screen fully raised, which also increased the protection for the "little missy of the day"...


I recently purchased a Rifle +3 higher and +4 wide and rode with it to WFO. I am 5'10" with a 32" inseam and if buying now would get the +1 height. It is really quiet with the shield up and since the shield is pushed out with the rifle tuning blocks at the bottom, there is good cooling airflow with the screen down. The reason I would opt for the +1 is that I do not like looking thru a shield and the quiet air takes place when I only raise the screen to a point where I am looking over it. It is much quieter at the down position than my stock shield also.

You will have to decide for yourself which screen is the best. This is my first custom shield and I read what others liked about it and decided to give it a try. You might want to do a search and read the comments of riders that have had other custom screens and finally purchased a Rifle.

I forgot to mention that I can ride with my faceshield open with almost no wind noise. Very nice on hot weather rides.

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Most are happy with their after market screens, so you will get many different answers.
I went with the CalSci. Works great, but I run the stock screen in the summer in order to keep the airflow up.

My thoughts exactly. Long trip to South Dakota I ran the Calsci, around locally I run the stock shield (with earplugs) for airflow. On the next long trip I probably won't use a full shield helmet due to the large windshield and then have fresh airflow on the face. Without earplugs I can listen to the ipod and radar detector better. I have thought about using rifle blocks though.

I have tried both the CB flat and the Rifle. I like the Rifle better. My CB is for sale and has only 12 miles on it. Great screen. I'm 6'1" and fully extended there is slight buffeting on my helmet. Otherwise the screen is great.

[ Just went through the same process a month ago. Finally bit the bullet and bought the CalSci medium. I'm 5'10'', 32" inseam, but short on top and longer in the legs. Took it on a good 300 miler and loved it. I can raise it about 1", see over the top easily and get a great sweet spot where I can raise my helmet visor. No buffeting, quiet, nice. Worth every penny. What I like is being able to get some benefit even with it fully down. The down side is less airflow to cool ya, but it was near 100 at one point, and I still got enough air when at speed.

Hope this helps-

I had thought about picking up a 2nd CalSci in a medium. If you don't mind me asking, how tall are you? I'm 6 foot 1 inch and the large is a perfect fit when up but it would be nice to have a little more airflow during the boiling Florida summers.

for us warm weather southerners, I went with a Medium CalSci...love it and so does pillion wifey
lotsa picks in my flickr account...clicky in my sig
I had thought about picking up a 2nd CalSci in a medium. If you don't mind me asking, how tall are you? I'm 6 foot 1 inch and the large is a perfect fit when up but it would be nice to have a little more airflow during the boiling Florida summers.

for us warm weather southerners, I went with a Medium CalSci...love it and so does pillion wifey
lotsa picks in my flickr account...clicky in my sig
5' 10" with 30" inseam

all the way up, I look through it -> just checked, my eyeballs are horizontal at 2" from the top edge of the shield

now that's with my ass on a 32" up from the deck surface...sargeant seat with airhawk airpad on top

I ride a superior Gen I and the best of all years '04 -> no seat adjustment like those wussy '08's

<it IS Friday ya know>

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'

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I've done much research on this subject. When I boil it all down, there are more than a few that tried several different shields and finally found wind nirvana with the Rifle. I'm about to try out the V-Stream loaner with the intention of buying the Rifle after using it. It'll suck if I like the V-Stream better after buying the Rifle so there might be a barely used Rifle on the market in the near future.

I highly suggest if you are on the fence about which size to pick.... Go with the larger of your 2 options (assuming your down to 2 options).

It more of a perfect science issue with bikes that DO NOT have adjustable windscreens. We lucky Feejerers can raise or lower to our hearts content!

I went 1 inch taller than the recommended screen for my height/inseam, without regret since I can control how far up I want the screen.

I had thought about picking up a 2nd CalSci in a medium. If you don't mind me asking, how tall are you? I'm 6 foot 1 inch and the large is a perfect fit when up but it would be nice to have a little more airflow during the boiling Florida summers.

for us warm weather southerners, I went with a Medium CalSci...love it and so does pillion wifey
lotsa picks in my flickr account...clicky in my sig
5' 10" with 30" inseam

all the way up, I look through it -> just checked, my eyeballs are horizontal at 2" from the top edge of the shield

now that's with my ass on a 32" up from the deck surface...sargeant seat with airhawk airpad on top

I ride a superior Gen I and the best of all years '04 -> no seat adjustment like those wussy '08's

<it IS Friday ya know>

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'
Normally I read one of the Gen I superiority threads and think (yet another case of penis envy! :dribble: ), Till A saw it was Mike... So then I just laughed! B)

Maybe Patriot is attempting to mount 2 screens at once?

On the V-Stream... I've had mine for just a week and really, really like it! I've spent about 90% of my time behind it once out of the city with it raised perhaps 75%... Full height begins to distract me optically somewhat, and I feel no real difference in the "bubble" by doing so... Of course these manuevers were all performed at perfectly legal speeds... Choke... Grin...

Everyone else commenting on it has absolutely nailed it IMHO...


- Very nice quiet bubble to available to ride in - NO helmet buffeting during shoulder checks etc...

- Don't bother moving over to avoid the "pleasant buffeting" of passing oncoming Transports on two roads - it just goes away about 90%...truly

- Very nice open airflow in lower position for lower speed riding and open visor appreciation of the cooling airstream - this means sub-freeway speeds - it feels good to be in the open air...

- Ability to get some added cooling air to the chest if you turn your helmet/head for a moment at lower speeds by just sitting up a bit and turning your head - YMMV


- Yes - it's bigger - you DO lose some of the low speed air cooling on really hot days.

- No doubt about it. This week it was like 33C/93F with 90% humidity here. With what is called the Humidex on the Weather Channel, that translates to 40C/104F...

- You will sweat somwhat if you ride "leathered" in the city... ESPECIALLY at the multitude of Stop Lights...

- Being 6' 2" I personally find no difference in anything after 75% raising, however, I do find the sight line "optically distracting" with it "full up" without no perceived change in behaviour...

My only experience is with the V-Stream and the stocker though - so this is just objective info for you...

Others commented to use Stocker and V-Stream over the course of the year...

I frankly can see myself doing that in the future to some degree for all of the reasons in all of the posts..

I'll be doing Canada from West to East to Home for about 8-10 weeks starting next week. I CAN say that I would NOT be without the V-Stream for that great adventure!!!

I DO really, really like IT!!!

Good luck with your choice! I can't imagine anyone being truly unhappy with the V-Stream...

Safe Riding!

