Tire Balancing at home

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I've seen those also, let me know how they work!
Here is a bit of history for these set of tires: I mounted and balanced (1 gram on the rear, front was perfect)a new set of Avon's before WFO-5 and after 4000 miles there was a slight vibration comming from the wheels. After another 1200 here recently I needed to do something. It had a noticeable shake at 75, then proceeded to become more unnerving at 85, 95.....

Well, a few issues came up during installation. I have the aftermarket 90 degree valve stems, so the neck of the valve stem was machined too small for the beads to pour in. I ended up having to break the bead on the tire/rim to then pour in the balancing beads. Didn't take very long but a pain none the less.

Yesterday, I took out the FJR and all I can say is WOW! It felt like I just put a new set of tires on. They performed great all the way through the entire range of speed. I'm not sure why no one has tried these in the past. Even at elevated speeds :blink: the bike ran very, very smooth.

After being raped and pillaged this past saturday by my local stealer over mounting 2 tires, I permanently fired their arse and will be looking to getting into the tire changing business myself. The info is much appreciated and could you possibly list the types and costs of your equipment?
I just bought the Harbor Freight Tire Changer. Getting ready to get a balancer. You are welcome to come over to Leeds and use it. It only costs beer and a small contribution to the tire weight fund. NOTE: I haven't used it yet so it is experimental. Offer is open to anyone in my area.

I've been gradually doing more of my own maintenance work since getting my FJR two years ago. I love to farkle and do all that myself. Now I'm wondering if I should add tire changing to the list of things done at home. The cost savings is nice but secondary for me. It would really be about getting it done right and the pride in having done it myself. I'd be doing it for my FJR and also for my K1200S.

Cruising through the posts on the topic it seems the best gear is a nomar changer and a Marc Parnes balancer. I'm a little cramped for garage space and am on the fence about taking the leap.


Thoughts? > If you need a reason to escape to garage, listen to some music, knock off a couple of frostys.

Tire changing s' a good one. Take pride- Tire Changing Kinda Guy- right up there with Piano Mover.

YES! I would order the equipment today!

Thoughts? > If you need a reason to escape to garage, listen to some music, knock off a couple of frostys.Tire changing s' a good one. Take pride- Tire Changing Kinda Guy- right up there with Piano Mover.

YES! I would order the equipment today!

Roger, that.

Ordered today!! Cleaned up the garage and made room. I guess my wife will just have to park her car outside! :evilsmiley03:

Ordered today!! Cleaned up the garage and made room. I guess my wife will just have to park her car outside!
Mogan, Dude! Allow me to offer this solution to your garage floor area concerns.

Rolly Polly Tire Changer Stand - Watch your toes boyz!

Ooooo. A possibility... Many thanks for forwarding!

P.S. I am worried about the toes. I'm the fella that dropped a Handy lift on my foot (and crushed it). 18 months later, it's almost healed. :(

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