Tire Watch

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Nov 21, 2006
Reaction score
Sebastopol, CA
Hello folks:

I just sent the following Personal Message to Vanco, and when I was done I realized he was in Cyprus and is probably dead asleep. Soooo, can any of you come to my aid? B)


Hey Vanco:

You probably have too much to do but I am having a small hiccup getting my Tire Watch to read right. Apparently, when the dealer installed it he didn't realize he needed to set which tire was which, i.e., the front tire reading displays the rear tire pressure and the rear tire reading displays the front tire pressure (to the exact pound, by the way -- Good Stuff!). I tired switching the assignment in Section E (Allocating Your Wheel Unit Sensors), but I couldn't get anything to change. Of course, that section reads a little Greek, and the more I read it it seems to pertain (only) to changing out to a new sensor unit (as if one had been damaged and it was being replaced). I tried taking out the battery in the receiving unit and putting it back in (hoping it would think it was waking up for the first time and I could do the initial allocation properly), but it woke up with all the previous settings intact (except for the time, which had gone back to zeros).

Any thoughts? Should I just swap front wheel for rear? But wouldn't that make the bike steer a little funny?

Also, the brochure says there's an option in the temperature display for either Centigrade or Farenheit (sp?), but only Centigrade seems available (although, curiously, the symbol for Farenheit flashes just briefly before the Centigrade symbol displays (not always, but sometimes). Trying to toggle back to F doesn't work, and C just stays the option.

Do you know anything about this stuff? Is it simpler to call me? Collect? If you're eating dinner, would you please stop chewing? Some things are important!!

Thanx --


(El Freddy)

[email protected]

(707) 823-8063

Sorry I can't help you, and I don't mean to hi-jack.

I did a google search and didn't really come up with any useful instructions.

I gotta admit I almost fell out of my chair when I saw the price for this $350? US? Holy Cow... and the don't come with a 90 degree valve stem. Ouch.

Sorry I can't help you, and I don't mean to hi-jack.
I did a google search and didn't really come up with any useful instructions.

I gotta admit I almost fell out of my chair when I saw the price for this $350? US? Holy Cow... and the don't come with a 90 degree valve stem. Ouch.

Thanks for the try, Renegade. I, too, did a Google search and nothing helpful came up. Hopefully Vanco will be up and about today and will respond directly. BTW, the Tire Watch was $300 and does come with right-angle stems. The setup is really slick, with easy-to-see-in-bright-daylight accurate-to-the-pound readings. I'm just having a hard time getting the sensor allocation switched (the 'front' readout displays the rear pressure, and the 'rear' readout displays the front). The instructions (I think) are translated French, and could be better. Maybe I'm a little (a lot?) dense... B)
