Took a while but it finally caught up

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2022
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The wife started trying to share her experience as a new motorcycle rider via YouTube, here is her channel.

For our wedding renewal honeymoon, we took a 3 week trip in June both riding FJRs. Awesome trip and she’s got TB of raw footage to sort through, but she unfortunately dropped her bike twice. She’s not hurt other than pride and some confidence both times was zero speed steep angle turn around related.

However this was supposed to be able my issue. Labor Day I went down on the road for the first time since I was 15-16 years old. Thats a great run and yes I credit God and my guardian angle for the run.

I am healing very well but the quote for repairs came back yesterday and I think the insurance will likely total it now.

So let the haters and expert commentators advise how preventable and what an idiot I was on this crash.
I have had plenty of close calls in marbles I didn't see, none caught me like yours caught you! You drew the short straw.
Salvageable? Yes
Will it look perfect? Money dependent
Can you do some of the work yourself? Huge $$ saver
Are the frame/ forks /swingarm /wheels straight post crash? 99.99% perfectly fine

This repair is all about the balance of time and money. How much of each do you want to spend?
Best wishes, glad you're safe, nice job wearing the proper gear.
Looks like the front tire washed out? Was it both tires that slid? Do you recall your brake application, if any? Not rear, obviously, because your foot came off of the peg.
Did you dab your foot to catch yourself, or did the toe of the boot hit and catch the road?

Edit: Looks like you went from the left side of the lane to the right side when the turn tightened up and the road dropped down. It also appears that you slid the back tire and then it ran out of room to lean, hit hard parts, and it jacked its own front tire up, letting the back end continue around.
I'm just trying to understand what happened so I can learn from it. I appreciate you posting this.

By the way, your wife does a great job with the video.
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