Tool kit - what should I carry?

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You might want to consider a spark plug wrench and socket extension that fits your front wheel. Or a piece of 3/4" rod coupling. With the spark plug wrench you can do plugs if needed and take off the front wheel.
Err, no. The 3/4 Spark plug socket isn't going to remove spark plugs on the FJR. Especially the newer '08-9 bikes.

I would vote for that same concept though, one of the compact 14/19mm axle tools and a wrench large enough to provide the leverage to remove axle nuts. With a correct socket for the spark plugs and extension. Needle nose pliers. Some extra fuses and generic hose clamps for fuel line. (there aren't any on the stock lines, but they come in handy for field repairs)

Equally important to first aid kits - WATER. I keep three half liter bottles in the saddle bag at all times. I've used them to clean out road rash and hydrate other riders I've come across that were having bad days. Never mind if you break down on a hot day somewhere w/o shade. Speaking of which, do you have a method of making shade on your bike? A cheap space blanket and Duct tape will do, but I carry an emergency shelter as well. Very compact at 5"x7"x 1/2". It lives in the bottom of the tank bag.

Key item: Headlamp. One of those little LED ones, let's you be hands free and you can see (when it is dark). Tools aren't going to do much good if you can't see....

My tool kit was listed out here.

As Eric mentioned, when traveling I also carry a first aid kit and extra water.

I like the headlamp suggestion. FWIW most endurance rallies require two light sources. I carry 4 - AA Mini Mag Light in the tank bag, LED micro light on neck lanyard, (kept in jacket pocket, but around neck during rallies), micro light on key chain clip that's on the tank bag during rallies, (friggin awesome for in the rain use when the last thing you want to do is open up your jacket or tank bag while it's pouring down), and a 3 D cell mag lite clipped to the fuel cell.

The king of all took kit lists HERE.

A pair of small vise grips is another nearly mandatory item. This can double as a replacement clutch, brake or shift lever in a pinch. Really helpful to self recover if something got snapped off in the crash. The pair I carry has jaws designed for nut/bolt hex shaped grabbing. They are a special variant available most places that sell the full line of Vice Grips.

I also carry a shortened T handle allen wrench in 4mm for body fasteners. Tip - 5/32" is 3.968mm, so close enough to work w/o damaging the fasteners. A stubby phillips screwdriver is also handy for the little plastic dzus style fasteners in the fork well.

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Not a tool but don't forget the bug dope if you ride in areas where the bugs are thick. Here in Maine the bugs would eat me alive if I broke down and didn't have some Ben's 100 under the seat!

I took my factory tool kit to sears and replaced 80% of the tools with quality items, that way the kit will still fit under the seat. In addition, I carry a multitool, a tire plugging kit and compressor. Remember, a compressor can not be used without adding the proper wiring and outlet to you FJR. As already stated by others, I consider a cell phone #1 followed by cash and credit cards for overnight trips.

After 50 years of riding I can say 80% of my problems have been tire related. I've never allowed motorcycle maintenance to get far enough behind that I needed to change spark plugs or change oil. I also carry a first aid kit in my tank bag but you asked about what to carry in a tool kit.


Key item: Headlamp. One of those little LED ones, let's you be hands free and you can see (when it is dark). Tools aren't going to do much good if you can't see....

Good catch Colin! I didn't use to carry one on my previous bike... Until I was with a friend who needed one....

Hijack: So what compressor do you guys carry and have you actually used it? {sorry sportsguy}

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I have carried the Slime COMP 04 for a couple of years and used it one time at 5 am and it worked very well. It comes with a small case and various electrical connections. I use a powerlet plug and socket wired through a fuzebloc on the FJR.

If I had a "head light" per Colin's suggestion, I could have found the nail about 15 minutes sooner.


Hijack: So what compressor do you guys carry and have you actually used it? {sorry sportsguy}
I just have one of the cheap $10 WalMart jobs cut out of the case, fan trimmed off and a leather lanyard to hang from the handlebar. I've used it several times to help others and it's still going strong. No pressure gauge, but cheap and effective. Small enough to fit under the fuel cell too.

I always carry a Canyon Dancer bar harness and 2 M/C tie down straps. If the FJR does take a shit I don't want to have to replace the tupperware cause the flatbed truck wasn't prepared for a bike.

Another reason is if I have it I won't need it....right?
