Tortilla Flat Video

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, FL






Howdy guys/gals,

Last Saturday I took Pandora for a leisurely ride to Tortilla Flat, AZ to test my video setup. I also invited my brother-in-Law to ride Samba. He had not riden in a long time so I took it easy on the twisties... until he put the foot down in one turn and ended lowsiding at 20 mph. He asked me to edit it out of the video to protect the inocent, so it doesn't show... I'll make a bloopers version when his ego heals.

Anyhow, The video ended up being a wee-bit too large, and I need edit it and to compress it significantly (Right now is 340MB). If you have the time, patience and bandwidth, then take a look at it

If not, you may wait for the reduced version comming up in the next couple of days.


EDIT: The large file no longer exists. I replaced it with a smaller version:

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Good lord, this is the 'low-res' version and its 340mb!!! :eek:

I used to ride that road every Sunday morning before traffic would get too bad. It was somewhat of my religious moment. I've often thought about making a little video of that road stretch of road, but I still have yet to get a video camera. Well that and after low siding there 3 years ago, I have only been back to that road twice. Just haven't felt the same about it since then.

Good lord, this is the 'low-res' version and its 340mb!!! :eek:
I know, it is a hair over 24 minutes... I will probably remove the straigt road section and compress it to MPEG-1. It will probably end up at a quarter of the current size, or eve less.

Any tips on how to reduce this monster?

Good lord, this is the 'low-res' version and its 340mb!!!  :eek:
I know, it is a hair over 24 minutes... I will probably remove the straigt road section and compress it to MPEG-1. It will probably end up at a quarter of the current size, or eve less.

Any tips on how to reduce this monster?
You need to break it up. I'm learning that if the vid is much over 5 minutes long it won't get viewed.

Break it up to just some of your favorite sections, mix in some stills with transitions and you'll be good to go.

easy meda creator 8 will help you i just installed it and its every thing the dv movie maker needs to cut and edit dv vids

Looks like a fun road! Where does it go?

Video is good. only criticicsm I have (only in the pursuit to help) is that I would prefer if the scenery was more in focus than the speedo. I know what my speedo looks like and I choose not to look at it all that often. The cockpit view is pretty cool, and even better when the speed, or rpm's are active.

Keep em coming Rocha!

Hey Frank, good video!

Loved that landscape and the music B) That road is mesmerizing as it keeps unwinding before you like in a video-game...

I would love to ride there, only I'd almost certainly wind up in jail :unsure: or wrapped around a saguaro... :angry:

...and now I know there are (at least) two Tortilla Flats in the US... :blink:


Keep'em coming compadre...


Thank you for the nice comments and advice.

The paved road (about 15 miles of it) ends in Tortilla Flat and it becomes a gravel trail after that. It is also more twisted on the unpaved section, but it is a lot of fun with an off-road bike.

Well, I finally got a few hours of spare time and was able to reduce the video size. It ended up in 50MB. SHORTER_VIDEO. The old large file no longer exists.

The setup for the camera is a little too short and the speedo always shows in the picture. I need to get that fixed, or at least make it move... :D

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if I'm not mistaken, that is route 88, a great road to run during the mid week, to avoid traffic. Then stop at Tortilla flat and grab an iced tea, and a plate of nachos. That is a great area in Az. I've taken that road all the way over to the bridge, and FJRocha, you are right, there are some pretty hairy parts of that road.

BTW, cell phones don't work out there, so if you should get in trouble out there, start walking, don't ask how I know, but I know, :oops: they must use satellite phones to communicate out there, as a matter of fact, they have a sat phone at the marina not too far from where you stopped FJRocha

Great Vid, Thanks

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