Tour of Nothing

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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Idaho
I'm heading off today on my solo tour of nothing. I've got a route planned out of about 1400 miles through very desolate country. Going solo. Rained hard all day yesterday--snow on the ground this morning, already melting off. Blue skies forecast ahead.

Will head west to Mountain Home, ID. Then through SW Idaho--an area of Idaho place I've never been (I think the last place in this state I haven't seen). Then riding some seriously lonely roads in Nevada.

New farkles put on over the winter: Wynn foot pad, SPOT, Heated Grips (Yeah!). Will report w/photos upon return.

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Down here we dream of riding in fabulous mountain passes with winding twisting roads and beautiful scenery.

You choose to go out and ride the bland type of riding we have here in vast quantity.

I guess it's true that you do crave what you don't have. Good luck, enjoy the ride and the solitude. Should make for an interesting report.

Two or three years ago I was up that way, and northern NV and southern ID in particular, I remember as being so empty, even the pickup truck drivers waved to me! True. But an interesting ride. One stretch I looked ahead and saw--something--in the road ahead. Ahhh, company. Then as I got closer I realized it was a cow and her calf! They don't bother with a lot of fences up there. Careful, and enjoy.

Two or three years ago I was up that way, and northern NV and southern ID in particular, I remember as being so empty, even the pickup truck drivers waved to me! True. But an interesting ride. One stretch I looked ahead and saw--something--in the road ahead. Ahhh, company. Then as I got closer I realized it was a cow and her calf! They don't bother with a lot of fences up there. Careful, and enjoy.
Yeah, and the cows also leave their poop on the ass fault. Now that could be a hazard.

ya got SPOT ??? give us the login or whatever to track...someone else know where you go and are so you can check in...

<it's the pilot in me :rolleyes: >

I wanted to just post: I got nuthin' :yahoo:

Well, made it back just fine, had a wonderful trip. The riding gods definitely smiled on me as 1500 miles and not a drop of rain, great temperatures, little wind, and no disasters. I'll put a report together once I get back to reality, but here's a little appetizer to whet appetites. :)





How'd the DVD player work out on those long lonesome stretches, and what movies did you bring along?

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Well, made it back just fine, had a wonderful trip. The riding gods definitely smiled on me as 1500 miles and not a drop of rain, great temperatures, little wind, and no disasters. I'll put a report together once I get back to reality, but here's a little appetizer to whet appetites. :)
Spud-tacular!! Glad you had a great tip and welcome back! :)

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Two or three years ago I was up that way, and northern NV and southern ID in particular, I remember as being so empty, even the pickup truck drivers waved to me! True.
A riding buddy told me of riding The E.T. Highway (NV 375) and seeing another rider approaching out in the bfe. They both stopped in the middle of the road, shut-off their engines, and talked 'till they ran out of interesting things to tell...

They said goodbye and continued on their separate ways -- never saw another vehicle... :eek: :rolleyes:

Well, here's the actual report (or what I can finish tonight here..): Left Friday April 23 after work to knock out the 215 miles to get from Idaho Falls to Mountain Home, ID. Took Highway 20 across the desert. Headed straight west into the afternoon sun. Not the funnest plan, but scheduling necessity.

Here's me taking off from home base.


Maybe 30 miles out of town across the desert. Didn't take long to be alone on the road...


EBR-I: The world's first nuclear powerplant when they fired it up December 20, 1951...


Arco, ID H.S. Senior Tradition...


Craters of the Moon Nat'l Monument. WynPro kickstand pad doing its job in the soft lavarock....


Made it to Mountain Home, ID. Hit the Sleep Inn and up and after it in the morning. Plan for Saturday the 24th was to ride through an area of Idaho I've never seen--the SW corner of the State.

Heading out of Mountain Home--a tribute in the local park to the Air Force Base there....


Highway 51 South out of ID turns to HWY 225 in Nevada. 193 miles south to Elko. Got the tank good and topped off even though I thought there may be gas along the way...


A lot of open space out here...traffic's not a problem...


Gas station in downtown Grasmere, Idaho.


Guess I didn't need to worry about gas along the way after all. Filler up! Nah--I don't need premium, she likes the regular just fine :D


Yeah--I made it to Nevada!


Hold up there buddy--this is a toll road and you ain't passin' tll you pay!


We'll take that orange carrot there...


Hey--that's called a SPOT and it wouldn't taste very good, trust me... "OK, you can go..."


So this ride's not going to be entirely flat and straight after all. Super fun set of twisties shows up unexpectedly.


However, this road has lots of SAND from the winter season. So, I take it at a pretty leisurely pace.

Dammit!!! What's that ahead??!!!



Above the dam..


Heading towards Elko...glad I wore my long undies... Greatest new farkle about now, my heated grips just installed (purchased used from a forum member..) keeping my hands toasty warm despite a thin glove.. B)


From Elko, NV, East on I-80 (oh, the horror...), then bye bye world as I cut off on Nevada HWY 229. What a sweet, deserted piece of heaven this part of the ride was!



This was probably the loneliest road I found...


I don't think I passed another vehicle either way for probably 40 miles or more... After sitting out there for a while enjoying the solitude, the voices in my head started telling me..oh, they just told me to shut up before I ruin "our" plan so,,....nevermind. :blink:

Made it to my home for the next 2 nights, Ely, Nevada! Stayed here at the fabulous Hotel Nevada.


Ahh, can't wait for a nice hot shower. A few warnings posted in the bathroom, however...



The FJR parked next to a 2001 Red Triumph Sprint ST. A guy from San Fran I talked to the next morning out on a solo tour of his own...


I'll have to finish in the next few days--I gotta get home or I'm gonna get it! More to follow...

Mr. Spud, you have risen immensely in the dcarver Ride Report hall of fame!

(like that matters to you, eh?)

Incredibly good fotos and narrative too. I'm back to re-read, which is something I don't often do.. :yahoo:

I really liked this this pix - somewhere in abouts 1974 me and a CB750 found the same place. I had completely forgotten this until now. A huge storm was coming in, and I spent the better part of all early morning wet and cold, t-shirt and leathers, in a gas station bathroom. All of 17 or 18, miserable as shit, yet having a great time. I love riding. I love life. Tx for the memories Spud.


One cool thing about riding in Nevada. When it is time for a bathroom stop, you can pull over and walk out to the middle of the road and pee, with no one to see or object. Of course I also did that in downtown Reno once. Didn't go over too well with the gf. I love Nevada. You never know when you will come across a "bunny ranch". The little half dead towns out there have something. Character, or something. Anyway, I have always enjoyed riding in Nevada. Enjoyed your report much. Thanks.
