I have revised the written directions so that they are much easier to follow. They should be very usable for those that don't have a GPS. The directions also have hints and tips about what to see, where to get gas, and where to eat. These directions are in .pdf format.
I have also created GPS files in the following formats:
.gdb version 1,
.gdb version 2, and
Send me a PM with an email address and I will send you a zipped file containing the directions and the GPS files. The file is only 131 KB.
The zip file will not incude the .jpg's of the maps. They can be dragged directly off of the messages above, over to your desktop. From there you can print them.
If you don't have a GPS and only need the written directions, I can still send you the zipped file. You can then disregard the GPS files and just use the directions.