Two things, with a third thrown in for giggles:
1) How does a camera calculate your speed? Multiple exposures with pavement markings to denote distance traveled? If a separate device measured speed (see item #2) how does it tell the camera when to take a photo, and what happens if the "take a photo now" signal is delayed by 500 - 1,000 milliseconds? 45 mph = 66 feet per second, so a delay of ½ second could mean the photo is taken of THE WRONG VEHICLE.
2) Whatever device measured your speed, when was it last calibrated and how accurately?
3) Probably moot, since photo enforcement is in place: How do they prove it was you driving the car? Are they issuing the citation to the owner of the vehicle? So, they have no idea who was driving, eh? And I used to believe you were innocent until proven guilty.
States that use photo enforcement really piss me off because they completely bypass the concept of "innocent until proven guilty". They circumvent that concept by passing legislation that exempts photo-enforced traffic violations from that standard of evidence, and allow citations to be issued against the owner of the vehicle.
Commie *******s.