Tricks to stabelize a techmount

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So my bike came with a tech mount when I bought it in June and I just got the bug up my ass to give it a go with my camcorder. Unfortuantly, my camcorder (miniDV) uses tape and the the techmount shook so bad the write head skipped on the tape a bit at higher speed and the video was a bit garbled. The rest of the vid is still shakey but viewable

So what tricks are there is stop the shakes? Thought about finding some thin rubber strips but not sure that would work.

Your problem isn't with the techmount. It's with the flying head in your camera.

Instead of mounting it more securely, you need to mount it so it floats and is isolated from all vibrations. The only type of camera I use now is fully digital - recording onto SD cards.

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Yea, all digital would be the way to go, but it's always great if you can use what you have. If I can't, well, I know what I need to get.

What cam are you using Andre?

Yea, all digital would be the way to go, but it's always great if you can use what you have. If I can't, well, I know what I need to get.
What cam are you using Andre?
Panasonic PV-A100, but it's difficult to mount.

Here's an onbike video if you wanna look. Be aware that there's some genuine Techmount vibration in this vid as opposed to flying head dropout. My Techmount was mounted on the right hand controls of the FJR, so the "arm" was a bit too long to prevent vibes. If I had to do it again, I'd locate the camera more centrally and on a much shorter arm.

FUZZY BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on the digital.

I'd sell ya my digital but.... It came loose and fell victim to the rear tire :dribble:


I vote for the arm length as at least one cause of your vibes. I had always used a 2" Ram arm for my GPS. I switched to a 3" and couldn't read the damn thing. Back to a 2" and all was well.

Damn! I've two solutions but immediately no way to post any picture.

(Kick M$ away the day before yesterday and the penguin still need to feed with my old files and folders.)

For lightweight cameras (flashcard, less 1 lbs) I use a self crafted cam holder with RAM-ball and the shortest available RAM-Mount arm (think 2 inch). With the next longer arm I get more shakes on bad roads and extreme vibrations on higher velocity and rpm. I've tested several DV cameras with tape on it. Less than 1.2 lbs it works but sometimes got shakes. No head/tape problems. More than 1.2 lbs (eg. 3CCD camera or with extended battery/lens) got more shakes in normal condition and some effects of vibrating/floating head on tape.

So I use for that type of recording now a massive tilthead by Manfrotto (MA 234RC) with quick release. First I mount it directly with a barholder on the superbike bar. As the result I got problems with vibrating/floating head on tape. To keep vibrations away from the camera I modified the mounting. A longer mountingscrew and two rubber plates - one small with a shim between the screwhead and the barholder and one bigger (1 x 0.3 inch) with two matched shims between the head and the barholder. No more problems. :)

Seen on other FJR: massive Manfrotto ballhead (MA 486RC2) with quick release on original Yamaha GPS mount for Garmin26xx/27xx/28xx. At users statement it works properly.

Thanks for the info guys. Troy, I'll have to check some of that out. BTW, which flavor of linux are you running?

Joker - you're too much :p

Andre - Thanks for the info, I just might check into one of those cams.

Hi Calimus,

I'm back. :) I play around with different distrubutions of Ubuntu Linux (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Medibuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Mythbuntu). Not sure wich one to take and install fix. Today I boot my XP and will gave you some additional information. I'm not sure to provide many photos directly to the threat. So see the PDF in the link below.

PDF - Video & GPS mount on FJR1300

Video - taken with the low budget cam / light video holder (RAM mount) on a local inofficial speedway

Video - taken with the 3CCD cam on the light video holder (RAM mount) in northern italy

Video - My buddys video mount, technical explain (german language) and his video of my ride (the same route like in my video, other direction) taken with digicam

Hope you find some helpful information.
