There is already a national CCW permit. Here's how to get it:
Go down to your local Police Department or Sheriff's Department and join their Reserve Program. You'll go through a weekend academy for 6 months to a year. They'll teach you how to shoot, and you won't even have to pay for ammo. They'll also teach you how to protect your firearm from being taken.
Once done, you will have to put in a few hours per month to stay certified. I've seen from 8 to 24 hours per month.
Along with this, you get a commission card, or whatever your state calls it. With that card, you can carry anywhere in the country. Problem solved.
You will have to maintain your firearms certification by qualifying 2-4 times per year. Again...Free bullets. Many departments will even provide ammo for you to practice with and let you come to classes. This will all help ensure you stay proficient with the gun and actually know how to use it.
Hell, as a side benefit, you will get to know some of your local cops, so the next time you get pulled over, maybe...just maybe they'll recognize you and cut you a break.
Most reserve programs don't even have a Physical conditioning requirement like the full time guys, so there's no push up tests or timed run requirements.
How smart am I??