Trouble down shifting

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
Reaction score
San Antonio, Tx
Yesterday on my way home (via the scenic route), most of the time when i downshifted from 4th to 3rd and on down, I took several tries to make the shift. When I would press on the shifter, there was no resistance, it just went to the bottom of it's swing. 5th to 4th worked fine, 4th and down would take a few tries, once I got it to 3rd, if I let the clutch back out, then tried for second again, it would usually go. Upshifting worked, fine, everything else seemed to running fine.

Background - 2009, 28k miles, about 1k miles past the last oil change.

Anyone have any thoughts?

May just be gummed up shift linkage. It gets dirty and then doesn't ratchet back to reset. The initial good shift from 5th to 4th and trouble after that points to that.

Its a little work to get to, but take the linkage apart as routine maintenance and keep it lubed. Someone will post a link I'm sure...

Start with the obvious stuff first, after making sure it's adjusted to properly fit your foot, check (and lubricate) the shifter linkage pivot points. There are plenty of posts on this forum of people who have solved similar problems as yours with a little grease (elbow and lithium based). You'll have to pull off that lower plate with the shifter/kickstand attached to it to do it correctly, so this work should be done on the centerstand.

Then I'd move on to the clutch hydraulics, make sure it's properly bled.

If that doesn't do it, you'll have to pull out the clutch basket completely to check the ratcheting mechanism on the other side of the shift shaft.

And if THAT doesn't do it....well Streethawk has the latest thread on how to split the motor and fix an internal trans issue if you've the time and inclination.

Are you hearing any loud mechanical noises when you're trying to shift?

Good luck!

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If there is no resistance it is because the shift drum is not returning to the center position. This is almost always caused by a sticking shifter. Next time it doesn't want to down shift, lightly lift up on the shifter to return the shift drum to the center position, then try the downshift again. If it shifts, you need to do some housekeeping. There are two external turnbuckles that you can get to, but that is too easy
You need to clean the shift pivot which is behind the foot peg and the only way to access it is to remove the whole foot peg assembly.

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Nope, it's not making any noises...and as far as fit goes, I've been on the same bike for 8 months, so I would think that sort of issue would have already come up.

I cleaned up the shift linkage on my last FJR, so that's something I know how to do, which is always a plus.


While you're at it also tie up the clutch lever fully engaged and leave it overnight, just in case there's some unwanted air bubbles in the clutch hydraulics.

Nope, it's not making any noises...and as far as fit goes, I've been on the same bike for 8 months, so I would think that sort of issue would have already come up.
Not until it gums up. Mine got that way after 4 years of smooth shifting, then suddenly wouldn't downshift. Was hundreds of miles out of town, knew exactly what it was, and toe-lifted the shifter after every downshift to center the ratchet. When I found a store I got some of that spray white grease which loosened it up enough to get home from the weekend.

This is NOT a clutch issue, it's the shifter. Guaranteed.

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Had the same thing, same symptoms ect.. Toeing it back was my temporary workaround till I hit the first day off. About a week. Then I pulled the widget off the splined shaft and checked it for friction, there was just enough tat the internal springs were unable to center the entire mechanism. I oiled it and worked it for a few minutes. It got much easier after about 5 minutes. The 3in1 type oil that comes in the clear bottle with the built in pull out spout works really well. I did NOT pull the entire mechanism off as it looked to me like it would take the kickstand with it and I have no way to hold the beast up.
