Trouble getting Panels A,B,C,D off

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Hopefully some Yamaha Representatives read this thread, and take the person who designed the fairing mounting system out back of the office and beat him severely, and then shoot the Son ofa Bitch.

The number and types of fasteners used to hold this fairing in place is mind boggling. I especially love the hidden ones in underneath the headlights....

You have to be very creative with your cussing :angry2: . Try stringing several of them together without stopping between em. that'll help some.
You really have to "flex" them to get em out specially the fusebox side. I've had mine off half a dozen times an it's getting easier. Oh there is a tang on rearward section of the front panel an I think another that slides under somewhere near the front.

I got Panel B off. For the record the 05 FJR has a HIDDEN SNAP TAP just inboard of the glove box lock mechanism (Panel B) . I used a thin flat head screwdriver to put downward pressure on part of the hidden snap tab and it eventually worked its way free. You can't free the snap tab from below, because you have to pull down which is impossible from below. No service manual or owner's manual or farkle website shows/tells you this. The snap tab is important for securing the inboard side of the glove box, without it the glovebox inboard side would be floating in air.


Yup, these mounting "tabs" are a pain in the ass, no question. I just finished wrestling with all the connectors on my '05 when I removed the fairing to check the motor mounts.

My favorite is the non-philips center pin connector. You push in, and push in some more, with no tactil feedback, then try to remove the thing from the panel, and it finally pops free.

At least next time, I know what to expect from these things...

Hopefully some Yamaha Representatives read this thread, and take the person who designed the fairing mounting system out back of the office and beat him severely, and then shoot the Son ofa Bitch.The number and types of fasteners used to hold this fairing in place is mind boggling. I especially love the hidden ones in underneath the headlights....
Suggest that at WFO-5 a Yamaha rep be given all the necessary tools, complete manual references, and photos and be asked to remove all four panels in less than 10 minutes or he has to buy all the attendees a beer. That would make the point.

Yet another reason I actually love to work on my '72 XS-2 650 but cringe at the thought of what has to be done to even take a peek under the dreaded black panels. Like going to the middle of the Pentagon.....

Hopefully some Yamaha Representatives read this thread, and take the person who designed the fairing mounting system out back of the office and beat him severely, and then shoot the Son ofa Bitch.

The number and types of fasteners used to hold this fairing in place is mind boggling. I especially love the hidden ones in underneath the headlights....
Suggest that at WFO-5 a Yamaha rep be given all the necessary tools, complete manual references, and photos and be asked to remove all four panels in less than 10 minutes or he has to buy all the attendees a beer. That would make the point.

Yet another reason I actually love to work on my '72 XS-2 650 but cringe at the thought of what has to be done to even take a peek under the dreaded black panels. Like going to the middle of the Pentagon.....
And then he has to help us with all the other things that have seemingly been designed to give us trouble. Heck, why doesn't Yamaha just hold tech clinics throughout WFO-5 where they can show us 'how easy it is' for their 'factory trained technicians' - if they're right it will shut us up, if they're wrong then we can continue with the cursing until they smarten the designers up.

Sounds like a really good idea.... THEN we will take him out back, severely beat him, and shoot the Son ofa Bitch.

I like this Plan better.....

I have an 04 FJR and panels A, B, C, and D are definitely a PIA to remove! I wonder if Yamaha made an improvement on the 06's. Perhaps Fred H. can comment. By now, he probably has disassembled and put back together his 06 FJR.

Yamaha if you are reading this board, how about cutting down on the different kinds of fastners on the fairing, etc. The plastic quarter turn philips heads are a poor choice in my opinion.

Murf....the quarter turn hootuses are an airplane thing...but, they use metal ones.


Yea, except the aircraft ones are called Dzus fasteners. My Skyhawk XP II had lots of em.

I kind of like the rivets (yep, Yamaha calls the rivets!) that work by pushing the center in to release and then pop them out to insert. The quarter turn phillips head ones are a lot less positive acting and are a pain to use. I can't figure out how the engineers determined which ones to use in which places. They seem to be interchangeable, except for that one BIG rivet in the middle of the dash panels.

This thread reminds me of one of my favorite episodes of the old TV show "M.A.S.H." Here's the setup. A bomb has dropped near their unit, but does not explode. They obtain a set of direction on how to de-activate the bomb. Radar O'Reilly loses and is sent out to deactivate the bomb while Hawkeye Pierce reads the directions from afar. Radar opens up the casing, where there are a bunch of wires...

Hawkeye: "cut the xxx (colored) wire"

Radar: Snip

Hawkeye: "but first...."

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I was doing this exact same thing today, after noticing my Powerlet connector was facukled :( . The previous owner installed it just over the top of the little bracket tab on top of the fairing brace, located under panel "D", that appears to connect to nothing. It broke off the Negative tab on the bottom of the connector. Is anyone familiar with this bracket tab, without a picture for reference? I need to bend it over out of the way when I install the new connector. It appears to have no purpose, but I will yield to our experts on this.


I believe that tab is for the ABS Test Coupler. If you bike is non ABS you may cut it off or bend it over.

I bent mine to allow me to put an outlet there. Just zip tie the test coupler off to the side.

Bruce (another Bruce! ;) )

Thanks - I had already bent it over. After all, if ain't nothin' `tached to it...

Even though mine is an ABS bike, if need be, it can be bent back for testing or other purposes once the panels are removed.

I was amazed that this thread came back to life. When I started it a couple months ago I was feeling like a total idiot because I couldn't accomplish what was supposedly a simple procedure.

Since then, I have managed to remove and replace the panels twice. But I never touch those damn things unless I absolutely, positively have to!

I think the ABS 05 may represent the epitome of panel complexity. Hopefully the 06 guys are enjoying an better design.

Eye gess eye jist don' git it. Ah kin git my dash board panels offen thuh byke in about 10 minits (encludin' dis-kinectin' thuh tew power-lets). Laik all uther tech-nickle thangs: practus, practus, practus.

Eye'm thinkin thet FJR dash iz eezier then thuh Connie wuz with thuh cross-over bracket over the karberdaters en feelin lak eye wuz foldin' the dash peeces en half tuh gettem off. after unscrewein' with the screws en both uh them gluvbockses.

We'ens is knot eben gunna dis'-cuss havin' tuh drop thuh lowess part uh thuh ferrings tuh chainge the erl en filter. Eleventeen ferring screws thet never ligned up keerectly un-less I yoosed a drift puncher es en A-linemint tewl.


Eye gess eye jist don' git it. Ah kin git my dash board panels offen thuh byke in about 10 minits (encludin' dis-kinectin' thuh tew power-lets). Laik all uther tech-nickle thangs: practus, practus, practus.
Eye'm thinkin thet FJR dash iz eezier then thuh Connie wuz with thuh cross-over bracket over the karberdaters en feelin lak eye wuz foldin' the dash peeces en half tuh gettem off. after unscrewein' with the screws en both uh them gluvbockses.

We'ens is knot eben gunna dis'-cuss havin' tuh drop thuh lowess part uh thuh ferrings tuh chainge the erl en filter. Eleventeen ferring screws thet never ligned up keerectly un-less I yoosed a drift puncher es en A-linemint tewl.

you know Madmike,

It used to take me 10 min utes to read your posts like this... Now i breeze through them :blink:

Am i getting a reverse edumacashun now?? :haha:
