I'm all for jokes, you all know that, but this one left a hollow feeling for me...
You sick bastards...
sorry Wheatie...of course that was not my intention
and I know the same feeling...when the title says "????? crashed today and is in the hospital" (Brodie last time???)
without a sub that "he's OK...nothing life threatening"
and the trepidation of opening the thread
I think I hoped the "unexpected" sub title would mean "sarcasm" but maybe not
so...like my sarcasm in other forums when I forget smilies or am just in a "mood"
I will remember to add the label "<tongue in cheek>" and/or post in the jokes section
thanx for the reminder and apology offered to Wheatie and Jer
as my wife says: "incurably warped and God broke the mold",
Mike in Nawlins'