Two questions on YCCS and engine

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donkey rider

Active member
Jul 24, 2010
Reaction score
Hi all!

I have two questions on FJR1300AE

1) Is it normal that when I start accelerating, the bike sometimes starts jerking back-forth, as if the clutch is engaging/disengaging slightly just at the very beginning?

2) The engine is not working too smooth and starts to "stutter" when not under load - when idle, for example, or when I try to coast without accelerating (or decelerating using the engine, without breaking - that's when it's at its worst). Is that normal or should I have it checked?

Thanks for help! :)

absolutely not normal.

Clutch chatter can be cured sometimes by soaking the clutch.

But the other problem sounds more serious.

seems normal for AE's. Mine is pretty much the same. I don't downshift into second until I'm at a near complete stop. I don't shift to first until I am at a complete stop. I have assumed that the "chatter" when starting off is just the computers way of slowly engaging the clutch. However none of this is necessary if you hard it hard. Then it's all smooth. Seems like these symptoms show up when trying to baby it too much.

I have not experienced any of the conditions described by the OP. Granted, I have the G2 Throttle Tamer and Power Commander III installed, but the clutch engagement was smooth without those devices. Something is amiss.


I have 07AE

You shouldn't have any shuttering from the engine, unless you forget to down shift when decelerating then accelerating ( just like any other bike) or take off in 3rd gear from a stop. I usally down shift once the RPMs are around 2K. This seems correspone with the recomended shifting in the owners manual which is in MPH.There are some YCCS checks I can do. You should get the service manual and perform them. In the YCCS section they are:

sh__61 recall YCCS errors

sh__62 erase YCCS errors

sh__63 checks the clutch attuator

sh__64 check the shift accuator.

sh__65 gear postion settting

sh__66 adjust the clutch ingagement

With that said, my shift accuator just went out at 19K miles (at least I think it is, it could be the MCU), waiting to replace the shift accuator and see what happens. After replacing I''ll perform sh--65/66. There is a very long story behind this failure, but I'll save that for another post, once resolved. If there is a problem in the YCCS it came come on quick and you be stranded along the road (like me) or worse. So if you think it is acting funny look into it.

From your post it sounds like performing the sh__66 could fix your problem. The adjustment will change engagment for the clutch in 100rpm incraments. Could be your clutch ingaging at to low of a RPM. If I remeber right mine seems to ingage around 1800 RPM. From a stop the bike starts moving at 1800 RPMs.

Maybe others can report back when thiers does.

Thanks to all for replies!

I've checked with one Yamaha service provider and they said everything seems normal. On the other hand, they didn't seem to have much experience with the FJR1300 AE model (the guy said he needed to check the manuals when I called them to schedule an appointment), so I'll probably go get a "Second opinion" at another place...

I kinda think that the jerking and stuttering are related: the engine slightly stutters, which causes the strength of clutch engagement to vary...

P.S. The forum is broken: email notifications about new posts aren't being sent (or aren't getting through for some reason) :(

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While we're at it: anybody knows a good Yamaha service provider with good FJR1300 AE experience in the NJ/NY - about 30 mile radius around Manhattan? That'd be great if I could have mine looked at by an experienced mechanic.

P.S. The forum is broken: email notifications about new posts aren't being sent (or aren't getting through for some reason) :(
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some forums do it automatically. this one is set to NOT do it without specific user choices. it reduces load on the system by not using the function unless someone wants it.

setting e-mail reminders for PMs isn't the same thing as setting them for replies to public posts. that's done for each thread.

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P.S. The forum is broken: email notifications about new posts aren't being sent (or aren't getting through for some reason) :(
Working here!
some forums do it automatically. this one is set to NOT do it without specific user choices. it reduces load on the system by not using the function unless someone wants it.

setting e-mail reminders for PMs isn't the same thing as setting them for replies to public posts. that's done for each thread.
I have the e-mail notifications turned on for this specific thread, yet I've only received _one_ for the very first reply, and not a single one ever since.

While we're at it: anybody knows a good Yamaha service provider with good FJR1300 AE experience in the NJ/NY - about 30 mile radius around Manhattan? That'd be great if I could have mine looked at by an experienced mechanic.
In the begining of the season when I thought I was having a problem with my fans I called all the dealers around and only the one in Metuchen NJ was able to give me the correct info over the phone the others just blew me off telling me to drop the bike off. Though I've never been there they get my vote, at least worth investigating. Just my $.02.

While we're at it: anybody knows a good Yamaha service provider with good FJR1300 AE experience in the NJ/NY - about 30 mile radius around Manhattan? That'd be great if I could have mine looked at by an experienced mechanic.
In the begining of the season when I thought I was having a problem with my fans I called all the dealers around and only the one in Metuchen NJ was able to give me the correct info over the phone the others just blew me off telling me to drop the bike off. Though I've never been there they get my vote, at least worth investigating. Just my $.02.

Is this the one: ?

My 08 AE has a similar "jerkiness" when pulling off from the line, but not always. It depends on how much throttle I am using. I do not know which one works best, as I haven't paid that much attention to it (thinking it was just the computers and clutch working it out). Perhaps I'll do that now and report back.

As for your second issue...I've only experienced something similar when I have shifted down to first too soon. I usually keep the bike in second until I am pretty much stopped. That seems to have solved the "stutter" when slowing, off-throttle, to a stop.

My 08 AE has a similar "jerkiness" when pulling off from the line, but not always. It depends on how much throttle I am using. I do not know which one works best, as I haven't paid that much attention to it (thinking it was just the computers and clutch working it out). Perhaps I'll do that now and report back.
Yeah, it doesn't always exhibit the issue. Sometimes it's smooth, sometimes it's jerky. Never jerky, though, when accelerating fairly hard.

But like I said, I think the stuttering and jerkiness might be related. I'll have another mechanic have a look at it, to get a second opinion.

My 08 AE has a similar "jerkiness" when pulling off from the line, but not always. It depends on how much throttle I am using. I do not know which one works best, as I haven't paid that much attention to it (thinking it was just the computers and clutch working it out). Perhaps I'll do that now and report back.

I often use the same technique as when starting on a uphill.........keep foot on brake and roll on throttle until I feel power to the rear wheel (around 2k) then ease off the brake and away you go. Very smooth!
I have on 07 AE. Mine was nearly smooth. Then I got a G2 and it was smooth - just right in fact. The idle was set at about 900 RPM, and I believe that the correct setting is 1000 - 1100. I set it at 1000 and STUTTERING! Coming to a stop, downshifting from 2nd to 1st and then slowing down more to a stop and then LURCH! or STUTTER, LURCH, STUTTER! One could actually be at a stop and have what seems like the engine rev just a bit, the clutch grab, the bike lurch, and then grab brakes harder, (I never let off to begin with) and then stop - FINALLY!

I set it to just over 900, just under 1000 and still have the problem, only less so. I will have to set it to 900 I suppose. (Taking off from a start is smooth - read perfect - and all other operation is as good - except for an ocassional lurching at low speed at about 30 - 35 MPH in 3rd or 4th). It seems as though the engagement in mine starts earlier, about 1500 RPM to start and about 1700 to 1800 to fully engage.

I know that the stutter is a never ending thread, and YES, I have read all the threads, but I;d like to know if anyone else is experiencing this. I do not want to alter electronically the clutch engagement RPM. We have rain due here today, so I'll remove all slack to the throttle cable and do the spring one turn unwind and ride after the rain to check. I believe that a PC III or V is unecessary. Perhaps 900 RPM was my FJR's "happy place" and wants to go back! lol....

Any comments? I mean on the clutch engagment issue, not the never ending thread on "jerkiness". Thanks!

I think I maybe having the same issue with my AE. Wont happen all the time but from a stop, not down shifting or anything like that, it seems that the clutch trys to grab and jerks the hell out of the bike. Tech could not get it to happen, but I plan on having a Video camera around to see if I can get it on tape...
